The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1276 Taihao Star Palace takes control of some of the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array M

The Star Alliance now has thirty-four star fields, and the Taihao Star Field is in the center. It is the first star field of the Star Alliance, the starting point for the rise of the Star Alliance, and the most important innate spiritual treasure of the Star Alliance, the Zhoutian Star Array. 'The core lies.

The Star Alliance has nine star palaces, eight of which are located in the Star Alliance's border areas and guard the Star Alliance's border areas. Only the Taihao Star Region is within the Star Alliance and is the Taihao Star Region in the central area. , and is in charge of the adjustment, sorting, and operation of the Xiantian Lingbao's "Zhoutian Star Array"!

These undoubtedly do not explain the special nature of Taihao Star Territory and Taihao Star Palace.

When Liang Ji participated in the war in the area around the Guardian Star Alliance, he had received an invitation from Zhou An, the eighth-level star master of the Taihao Star Palace, asking him to go to the Taihao Star Territory's Taihao Star Palace after the war. '.

Although he still didn't know the reason for being invited, Liang Ji became very interested in it after seeing the expansion of the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' hosted by Taihao Star Palace.

Therefore, at this time, after the war was over, and the post-war transactions and personal connections were also over, Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to the Star Alliance and did not directly return to the 'Tianyao Star Territory', but chose to go to the Taihao Star Territory 'Taihao' first. Star Palace' look.

Taihao Star Territory is the first star territory of the Star Alliance and is at the center of the Star Alliance. It is naturally very famous among the Star Alliance. It is the first choice for many people in the Star Alliance to praise star territory tourism.

Just like in his previous life, people always liked to visit the national capital when traveling.

This Taihao Star Territory has the advantage of attracting a large number of Star Alliance monks and Star Lords every year. When Liang Ji and Peng Yue visited the Star Alliance several times, they also visited the Taihao Star Territory.

Therefore, he is not unfamiliar with the Taihao Star Territory.

However, Liang Ji and Peng Yue originally visited the Taihao Star Territory mainly for fun and viewing. They went to some famous scenic spots in the Taihao Star Territory or some places with historical significance.

Just like the battlefield of the Taihao Star Territory unification battle, there is also the birthplace of the first Star Lord monk, and the battlefield headquarters where the first expansion and expansion were made, etc.

As for the most important "Taihao Star Territory" in the Taihao Star Territory, I have never gone in to see it.

This is because Taihao Star Palace is closed. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without invitation, and tourists are not allowed to visit or visit.

This should be related to the responsibility of the 'Taihao Star Palace' to organize, operate and maintain the 'Celestial Star Array'. Such a place is related to the foundation of the Star Alliance, and the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' is naturally Outsiders are not allowed to get involved easily.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens to the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Formation’, it will undoubtedly be a huge and devastating blow to the entire Star Alliance.

After all, even within the Star Alliance, there is no guarantee that there will not be hidden enemies among the monks, Star Lords, etc. who come to play, such as the followers of the 'Pantheon', the demon cultivators of the 'Tenance of Demons', and the evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon'. Believers, etc., or puppets controlled by gods in the divine world and elemental spirits in the spiritual world, etc.!

In the hundreds of thousands of years of development history of the Star Alliance, the enemy's attacks on the Taihao Star Palace and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" have not never happened, but there have been many times.

Therefore, Taihao Star Palace is closed internally and externally, and does not accept outsiders or tourists.

Only monks, star masters, etc. who have accepted the invitation from Taihao Star Palace and have been verified can enter the 'Taihao Star Palace'.

This time, Liang Ji and Peng Yue accepted the invitation. Naturally, they could enter the 'Taihao Star Palace' when they came to the 'Taihao Star Territory'.

However, before entering the 'Taihao Star Palace', the two of them still went through some inspections and verifications before being released, which shows that the 'Taihao Star Palace' is closely guarded.

Those from the Star Alliance only visited star palaces. Liang Ji had also entered several star palaces and had an understanding of the internal appearance of each star palace.

The Kunlun Star Palace is a sacred mountain, the Vientiane Star Palace is a large island, the Creation Star Palace is a forest landform, and the Taiyi Star Palace is a wilderness.

Now that I entered the Taihao Star Palace again, I found that the situation inside the Taihao Star Palace seemed to be the most normal, but at the same time it seemed to be the most abnormal.

Because there is no special landform inside Taihao Star Palace, just various high-rise buildings and crisscrossing roads, etc. It looks like the inside of an ordinary school.

It's just that the area inside this 'school' is too large, and it looks like a super city.

"Perhaps this is the situation in the earliest schools of the Star Alliance?"

Liang Ji looked at the internal layout of Taihao Star Palace, and a thought passed through his mind.

But at this time, inside the Taihao Star Palace, the eighth-level star master Zhou An, who invited them to come, was already waiting for them, and he immediately greeted them when he saw them.

"Welcome to Taihao Star Palace!" Lord Zhou An greeted Liang Ji and Peng Yue with a smile and asked them, "What's your impression of our 'Taihao Star Palace'?"

Liang Ji said bluntly: "It's a bit unexpected."

"Haha..." Star Master Zhou An smiled upon hearing this and said, "Many people who come to our Taihao Star Palace for the first time will have similar feelings."

"I think our 'Taihao Star Palace' seems too ordinary!"

Liang Ji shook his head and said: "This is the starting point for the rise of the Star Alliance, and it has also trained a large number of talents for the Star Alliance to sort out, maintain, and operate the 'Celestial Star Array'. How can it be ordinary!"

"What's more, the core of the Star Alliance's most important innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Formation, is here. Taihao Star Palace will always be the center of the Star Alliance, and it will never be ordinary!"

"Haha..." Listening to Liang Ji's praise, Star Master Zhou An's laughter became more hearty, and he said with a smile: "You newcomers are still good at talking..."

"How about it, do you want me to take you around the 'Taihao Star Palace'?"

Star Lord Zhou An asked with a smile.

Liang Ji nodded, shook his head and said: "When you come to the starting point of the Star Alliance, the most glorious 'Taihao Star Palace', you must visit and appreciate it."

"But!" Liang Ji said, changing the subject, looking at Star Master Zhou An and asking: "Senior Zhou, I want to know more now, is there any reason why Taihao Star Palace invited me here this time?"

"Haha..." Star Master Zhou An smiled when he heard this, shook his head and said: "If you don't explain clearly, you probably don't want to play anymore."

"I've said it before, it's a good thing!"

As he spoke, he summoned a flying car, led the two of them into the car, and flew towards the highest building in the central area of ​​the Taihao Star Palace, where the Taihao Star Palace also enshrines the Zhou Tian Xingshu. The place.

Lord Zhou Anxing continued:

"In the Star Alliance, usually only eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters can obtain some special permissions in the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array', and can control and operate some special 'Zhoutian Star Array' The power and effect.”

"But there are some seventh-level star masters who can obtain the approval of the eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters from the senior members of the Star Alliance, and they can also gain advance or partial special permissions for the 'Celestial Star Array'!"

"Congratulations to Star Master Liang Ji. You have now been recognized and can take charge of some of the authority of the 'Celestial Star Array' in advance."

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