The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1277 Authority test under public witness

Taihao Star Palace, in the center of the city on campus, in front of the tallest building.

Star Master Zhou An took Liang Ji and Peng Yue on an aerial car and flew directly to the tallest building in the center and got off the car, leading the two directly into the building.

Then the three of them took an elevator in the building and went to the upper floors.

However, soon after the elevator passed some floors, Liang Ji suddenly sensed that the space around him seemed to have changed, and he couldn't help but look around.

Star Master Zhou An saw this and smiled and said, "Did Star Master Liang Ji notice it?"

"The tall building we are in now looks quite ordinary from the outside, but in fact, the top ten floors, each floor has its own world!"

"We are taking the elevator now, just passing through layer after layer of space!"

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this, and he was not surprised by this.

This is just like his natal immortal weapon, the '33-layer Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower', which has 33 floors. As he practiced, sacrificed, and grew up, each floor of the 33-layer pagoda now has its own space.

The 33-story tower, the lower ten floors correspond to the Nine Springs Underworld and reincarnation, the middle ten floors correspond to the Ten Veins Clan and the power of elements, and the upper ten floors correspond to the Nine Heavens and the residence of the Emperor of Heaven.

The last three floors have not been completely opened up.

The interior of the pagoda with the lower thirty floors that have been opened up and evolved is basically a heaven and earth on each floor, and the interior forms a space of its own.

Both are the same principle!

However, the inner world of the ten floors on the high building of Taihao Star Palace must be many times more vast, complete, and powerful than the space opened up inside the floors of Liang Ji's natal pagoda.

And each layer of the inner world probably has its own use.

Just like the "Snake Bloodline Research Base" of the Tianshe Academy and the "Heaven of Gods" of Kunlun Star Palace, they all have their own uses.

However, Star Lord Zhou An did not intend to lead Liang Ji and Peng Yue to stay and watch these floors and worlds. Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally did not ask casually, but just followed the other party to take the "elevator" that not only passed through the floors and worlds, but also went all the way to the top floor and world.

Finally, the elevator stopped at the top floor, and the elevator door opened, showing the internal world of the top floor in front of Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

At first glance, the outside was a void, and various stars could be seen rotating in the distance, which made the two of them slightly stunned, thinking that they had returned to the void battlefield around the Star Alliance.

However, soon, the two of them were attracted by the central area of ​​the world scene of this "void star sea", a huge "Zhoutian Xingshu" that seemed to be formed by countless stars!

Under the guidance of Star Lord Zhou An, the two walked out of the "elevator" and entered this "void star sea", but their eyes never left the huge "Zhoutian Xingshu".

Obviously, this huge "Zhoutian Xingshu" in the center of the "void star sea", which seemed to be the core and cornerstone of the entire world, was the "Zhoutian Xingshu" enshrined by Taihao Star Palace, which could sort out, operate, and control the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map"!

At this time, in this ‘void star sea’, under the huge ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’, there were several star masters standing, waiting for them.

When they got closer, Star Master Zhou An first bowed to the star master standing in the front and said: “Principal, I have welcomed Star Master Liang Ji.”

Liang Ji and Peng Yue heard this and immediately looked at the people under the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’.

The leader was the principal of ‘Taihao Xinggong’, the ninth-level star master ‘Tianhao Xianjun’.

At this time, Tianhao Xianjun looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue and nodded, saying: “Okay.”

“Star Master Liang Ji, Star Master Peng Yue.” At this time, Star Master Zhou An also introduced the people waiting here to Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Among them, in addition to the leading principal of Taihao Xinggong, the ninth-level star master ‘Tianhao Xianjun’, there are several eighth-level star masters, who are also high-level officials occupying important positions in the Star Alliance.

Such as members of the Star Alliance Senate, leaders of the Star Alliance Security Department, marshals of the military, leaders of the Star Alliance Intelligence Department, executive officers of the Star Alliance Administrative Department, etc.

Liang Ji even saw a familiar person among them, who was the vice president of Kunlun Star Palace and the eighth-level star master Hun Tian Star Master.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also hurriedly greeted and greeted several people according to the introduction of Zhou An Star Master.

Everyone present, whether in terms of cultivation, strength, or status, is much better than Liang Ji and Peng Yue. They are the predecessors and elders they need to respect, so naturally they need to greet and greet them seriously.

At the same time, several people in the field were also quite kind to Liang Ji and Peng Yue. They basically responded with a smile, and even had a few words with Liang Ji. The atmosphere in the field was peaceful and relaxed.

This also made Liang Ji and Peng Yue secretly relieved.

While everyone was introducing each other, the principal of Taihao Xinggong, the ninth-level star master ‘Tianhao Xianjun’ came forward and looked at Liang Ji and said: “Liang Ji, Zhou An should have told you the reason why he asked you to come this time, right?”

“Yes!” Liang Ji immediately bowed and said respectfully: “It is my honor to be recognized by you all and let me take charge of some rights of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map’ in advance!”

“I will continue to work hard and serve the Star Alliance in the future!”

“Haha…Okay!” The principal of Taihao Xinggong, the ninth-level star master ‘Tianhao Xianjun’ smiled and nodded when he heard this: “Since we already know the purpose, let’s not delay any longer.”

"Because of the importance of the authority to control the 'Zhoutian Star Array', every time someone obtains authority, some people from various departments need to be sent to serve as both a supervisor and a witness."

"I won't waste everyone's time at this time."

With that said, he looked at Liang Ji and said: "Liang Ji, now you go directly to the bottom of the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu', and then use your spiritual sense to explore into the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu'."

"Because this 'Zhoutian Xingshu' is the hub and key to the operation of the entire 'Zhoutian Star Array', and is directly connected to the entire 'Zhoutian Star Array'."

"And your natal stars and natal galaxies are also in the 'Celestial Star Array'."

"So, after your spiritual consciousness enters the 'Zhoutian Xingshu', it will directly fall on your natal star through the connection of the 'Zhoutian Xingshu'."

"The next thing you need to do is to use your spiritual consciousness to expand outward from your natal star, using the 'Zhoutian Xingxu' as a step, expand outward and ascend upward."

"From stars to galaxies, from galaxies to star fields!"

"Your spiritual consciousness must expand and reach the level of the star field in the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' before you can leave an imprint in this 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' and gain partial authority to operate the 'Zhou Tian Star Array'. "

"This can be considered a test for the Star Master to obtain authority!"

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