The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1278 The seventh-level star master is ranked within the top 1,000 in the history of the Star

Through the explanation of the principal of Taihao Star Palace and the ninth-level star master 'Tianhao Immortal Lord', Liang Ji had a detailed understanding of the matter of obtaining the authority to take charge of part of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' in advance. .

According to what 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' said, among the Star Alliance, there has always been a tradition that eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters are in charge of part of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

This is not only to control the control authority of the innate spiritual treasure of the Star Alliance, the Zhoutian Star Array, in the hands of a few people at the top and strongest of the Star Alliance, so as to prevent the power of the Zhoutian Star Array from being Abuse, or damage.

Another important reason is that, as an innate spiritual treasure, the ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ is at the same level, and it can be considered to be an existence exceeding the ninth level.

Therefore, even if you want to control some of the powers of the innate spiritual treasure, it is impossible without sufficient cultivation and strength.

According to the experience accumulated by the Star Alliance for hundreds of thousands of years, only those who have reached at least the eighth-level star master level have enough cultivation and strength to refine and control part of the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" to inspire , using part of the power of the innate spiritual treasure.

Otherwise, if one's cultivation and strength are not enough, forcibly refining, controlling, and using part of the authority and power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' will only be like a child dancing with a sledgehammer, hurting himself before he can hurt others. .

Therefore, the Star Alliance has always had eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters who control and operate some of the authority and power of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

At the lower seventh-level Star Lord level, only those whose strength reaches a certain level, are recognized by many eighth-level Star Lords and ninth-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance, and are considered to be able to 'dance the sledgehammer' in advance, can they be refined, controlled, and operated. Opportunity for partial permission of the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

But it is just an opportunity. Whether he can really take charge of part of the "Sky Star Array" authority in advance at the seventh-level star master stage depends on the star master himself.

That is to say, as 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' said, use your spiritual sense to explore into the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu', from the stars to the galaxies, and then to the star field, and climb the stairs layer by layer. Only when you reach the star field level can you obtain it. The most basic permissions.

Of course, if the star masters participating in the test are really strong enough, they will not only control the entire star field in the test of the 'Zhoutian Star Hub', but can also continue to expand outward and control more stars in the thirty-four star fields of the Star Alliance. Domain, the higher the permissions of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' that it can control will naturally be higher and more!

However, there are very few people who can actually do this.

According to the data provided by ‘Tianhao Immortal Lord’, in the Star Alliance’s hundreds of thousands of years of history, there are not even 10,000 but 8,000 star masters who have had the opportunity to obtain permissions in advance during the seventh-level star master stage.

However, in the end, the number of seventh-level star masters who actually completed the test and obtained partial permissions of the "Zhoutian Star Array" in advance was less than a thousand!

Nearly a thousand, which seems like a lot.

But considering the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Star Alliance, among the countless Star Lords, it is difficult to pick one out in hundreds of years, and it is difficult to pick one out of thousands of miles!

As for the seventh-level star masters who were able to pass the test in advance and obtain the authority of the 'Celestial Star Array', more than 70% of them successfully advanced to the eighth-level star masters, and more than 40% of them successfully advanced to the ninth-level star masters. Two Successfully ascend to sainthood!

This shows how powerful these people are!

Now, whether Liang Ji can become one of the few in the Star Alliance's hundreds of thousands of years of history depends on whether he can pass the next test.

"Star Master Liang Ji, do you understand what to do?"

At the end of the sentence, the principal of Taihao Star Palace, ‘Tianhao Immortal Lord’, looked at him and asked.

"Yes, I understand how to do it!" Liang Ji nodded and thanked him with a bow: "Thank you, Immortal Lord."

Immortal Lord Tianhao nodded slightly, then looked at the several eighth-level star masters standing aside as spectators and witnesses, and said, "What do you think? Do you have any questions?"

"If there are no problems, let's start the test."

When the eighth-level star masters on the side heard this, they immediately nodded and said with a smile: "No problem!"

"let's start!"

"We witnessed that there were no problems throughout the entire process..."

After everything was confirmed to be correct, 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' turned to Liang Ji again and said: "Okay, Star Master Liang Ji, you can start the test."

"Yes, thank you so much, Immortal Lord!" Liang Ji said, and then bowed to all the eighth-level star masters who were witnessing and thanked them all.

Then, according to what the 'Immortal Lord Tianhao' said, he came to the central area of ​​the 'Void Sea of ​​Stars' world, right under the huge 'Zhoutian Xingshu'.

The spiritual consciousness poked out from the sea of ​​consciousness and directly penetrated into the huge "Zhou Tian Xing Shu" above. For a moment, it felt as if the spiritual consciousness had penetrated into a vast sea of ​​stars, unable to reach the head or detect the edge.

But at the next moment, his spiritual consciousness sensed a familiar connection, and he quickly moved towards that familiar connection.

It seemed that he had crossed several star fields and countless galaxies, and the last familiar galaxy with nine stars was reflected in his spiritual consciousness.

Jiuyang Galaxy!

Dragon Soul Star!

Liang Ji's spiritual consciousness followed this connection and landed directly on the most familiar natal star.

The next moment, he felt that the world around him seemed to have changed. He seemed to be on top of his natal stars. When he looked up, there was this high level of steps above, which was composed of nine stars and a large number of stars. There was no doubt that It is the natal galaxy 'Nine Yang Galaxy' where he refined the void and formed the formation.

However, at this time, he and the steps of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' seemed to be on the ground and the other in the sky, there was a huge difference between heaven and earth!

And what he had to do was to jump from this ‘ground’ to the ‘sky’, like a fish leaping over a dragon’s gate, and climb the steps of the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ high in the sky.

Without hesitation, Liang Ji jumped up directly, and a steady stream of starlight power rushed out from his natal star below, supporting his leap, and rushed towards the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ in the sky!

However, the more he rushed up, the greater the pressure he was under. When the steps of the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ were already in front of him, his soul power and the power of his natal star were almost exhausted, making it difficult for him to climb the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ that was so close.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood that most of the seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance who were not born in the Star Palace could only do this step, and could not even climb the steps of the ‘natal Galaxy’.

Or, even if some people with special opportunities and strength could climb the steps of the ‘natal Galaxy’, they had probably already used up all their strength, and it was impossible for them to continue to climb the steps of the star field behind.

Therefore, the Star Alliance has always had few seventh-level star masters who can accept the test in advance and take charge of some of the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

However, for Liang Ji, the threshold of the "Nine Suns Galaxy" in front of him is nothing.

When his soul and the power of his natal star were about to be exhausted, the "List of Conferred Gods" emerged from his natal star, and a large amount of divine light rushed in, and immediately sent him to the first step, the step transformed by his natal star system "Nine Suns Galaxy".

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