The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1279 Climbing the steps of the ‘Manggu Star Region’ and completing the basic test

With the help of the power of the ‘God List’, Liang Ji easily climbed the ladder of the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’.

This is not a difficult thing. Basically, most of the seventh-level star masters from the Star Palace in the Star Alliance can do this.

However, if you want to take charge of part of the authority and power of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in advance at the seventh-level star master stage, you must at least climb the ladder of the third-level star field level.

This is also very difficult for many seventh-level star masters from the Star Palace in the Star Alliance to accomplish.

If not, there would not be less than a thousand people who could successfully complete the countless star masters in the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Star Alliance.

At this time, Liang Ji stood on the steps transformed by the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ and looked up at the steps transformed by the ‘Manggu Star Field’ above the star field, which is where his natal star is located.

If it is said that the gap between his natal star and the steps of the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ is just the gap between jumping from the ground to the sky.

At this time, Liang Ji looked up at the height of the steps transformed by the ‘Manggu Star Field’ and felt that the difficulty had increased by more than ten times. This is no longer the gap between the earth and the sky of the first heaven, but a leap from the earth to the tenth heaven!

“No wonder there are so few seventh-level star masters who can pass the test and control part of the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in advance!”

Liang Ji couldn’t help but sigh, but he was not afraid, but more eager to try!

He has far more capital than other seventh-level star masters.

Ordinary seventh-level star masters from the Star Palace can only master one Star Palace inheritance, but he has mastered three Star Palace inheritances, and the power after the fusion of the three Star Palace inheritances is stronger.

Moreover, the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ he refined and arranged is also far beyond the natal star systems of other seventh-level star masters who refined and arranged the formation, and even broke the limit in the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Star Alliance, reaching the number of ‘Nine Suns’!

All these favorable conditions gave him strong confidence, and he believed that he would be able to successfully jump onto the steps of the ‘Manggu Star Domain’, complete the test, and master some of the rights of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in advance.

After all, whether it is the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ or the integration of the Three Gates Star Palace inheritance, they are all existences that have broken the limits and records of predecessors. There is no reason why there are hundreds of people who have successfully completed the test, but he, who has broken the limit, cannot complete it.

Perhaps, this is also one of the important reasons why the Star Alliance leaders such as ‘Tianhao Immortal Lord’ decided to invite him to participate in the test and try to master some of the rights of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in advance.

Without hesitation, Liang Ji jumped directly from the steps of the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ and jumped towards the steps of the ‘Manggu Star Domain’ outside the ‘Tenth Heaven’.

This time, he felt a stronger and greater obstacle than the previous jump from his natal star to the ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’. Countless stars were suppressing him around him, as if the entire ‘Manggu Star Domain’ was suppressing him, trying to suppress him and prevent him from jumping onto the steps of the ‘Manggu Star Domain’.

After all, whether it is his natal star or his natal star system, the 'Nine Sun Star System', they are all under Liang Ji's control and are one with him.

Therefore, when he jumped from his natal star to the 'Nine Sun Star System', although there were obstacles and difficulties, there was no obstruction or suppression from the 'Nine Sun Star System', and it was even welcomed!

However, this 'Manggu Star Region' was not controlled by Liang Ji, and had no close connection with him. When he jumped from the 'Nine Sun Star System' to the 'Manggu Star Region', he was naturally suppressed and blocked by the 'Manggu Star Region', and the resistance and difficulty increased by more than ten times!

Liang Ji didn't care, and used all his strength to operate the power of himself and his natal star, and rushed towards the steps of the 'Manggu Star Region'.

Soon he reached the limit and began to sacrifice the power of the 'Investiture of the Gods', and this time it was no longer a simple mobilization of the power of the 'Investiture of the Gods', but directly based on the 'Investiture of the Gods' to activate the astrological power of 'Guardian of the Gods'.

Countless divine commands that seemed like illusions appeared around him, manifesting the figures of many gods, guarding him and assisting him to charge towards the steps of the ‘Manggu Star Domain’.

After jumping over the ‘two heavens’, it was difficult to continue to move up with the power of the ‘List of Conferred Gods’ alone.

Liang Ji knew that this was probably the limit that most of the veteran seventh-level star masters from the Star Palace in the Star Alliance could reach. They jumped over the ‘two heavens’, but it was difficult to reach the third heaven.

Perhaps some outstanding and powerful veteran seventh-level star masters could go further and rush through the third heaven or even the fourth heaven, but it was undoubtedly an impossible task to reach the tenth heaven and the steps of the star domain in one step.

Feeling that it was difficult to continue to charge upward, Liang Ji did not hesitate to activate the power of the ‘Furnace of All Laws’ in his natal star.

The brilliant elemental light merged into the ‘Guardian of the Gods’, blessing his strength.

So, feeling the loosening of the pressure above, Liang Ji continued to charge upward without hesitation.

The third heaven, the fourth heaven, the fifth heaven!

The fusion power of the two Star Palace inheritances allowed him to successfully break through the third heaven again and reach the fifth heaven.

This is the limit that a few powerful and well-known veteran seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance can reach, but it is still far from Liang Ji's sign.

He did not hesitate and immediately activated the power of the "Bloodline Atlas" in his natal star.

The majestic blood light merged, and the high-level star art "Bloodline Origin Body" started to operate, and his figure suddenly became taller, stronger, and more powerful.

At the same time, the 'Guardians of the Gods' guarding the surroundings, the countless 'gods' of all sizes, were all collected and all merged into his body, and merged with the 'bloodline origin body', and integrated into every inch of his 'bloodline origin body', with 'gods' stationed in, not only greatly enhancing their own protection, but also helping to operate every bit of the 'bloodline origin body', making the 'bloodline origin body' burst out with stronger power and combat power.

Liang Ji was slightly surprised, this was a method of using the Three Gates Star Palace inheritance and high-level astrology that he had never tried before.

But at this time, in this 'Zhoutian Xingshu' test, as if under the pressure of the 'Manggu Star Domain', or under the influence of the power of the 'Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map', it was that these powers in his body naturally transformed and improved.

Starlight, divine light, elemental light, and blood light, all flowed in Liang Ji's 'bloodline origin body' at the same time, and continued to merge and change as he rushed upward and jumped over the layers of heaven.

Finally, four circles of light condensed behind him, which were formed by starlight, divine light, elemental light, and blood light!

At this time, he had already rushed to the ninth heaven, and was close to the steps of the 'Manggu Star Domain' above the tenth heaven.

But at this point, his natal star and the power of the fusion of the three gates of the star palace inheritance had been exhausted.

However, Liang Ji was not disappointed, but smiled.

Because he not only had the power of his natal star, but also the power of his natal star system, the 'Nine Yang Galaxy'.

The 'Nine Yang Galaxy' below rotated, and the majestic galaxy power gathered, easily helping him to climb the steps of the 'Manggu Star Domain' above the tenth heaven!

So far, he has completed the initial test and can master some basic permissions of the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map' in advance!

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