The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1280 A higher level of test: Golden Horn Star Region

"Congratulations, Liang Ji!"

"Successfully complete the test and gain control of the basic authority of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' in advance!"

At this time, Liang Ji heard a voice of congratulations. It was the voice of the principal of Taihao Star Palace, the ninth-level star master ‘Tianhao Immortal Lord’.

He looked up and could see the figure of 'Immortal Lord Tianhao' appearing above, but it was even more majestic, vast, and possessing infinite power.

However, Liang Ji knew that as the principal of Taihao Star Palace, 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' must have the highest authority in the Star Alliance regarding the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' and the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tian Star Formation'. one of existence.

So at this time, in the "Zhoutian Xingshu", the opponent's manifested form seemed to fill the entire heaven, earth and sea of ​​stars, making it appear more majestic, vast and powerful.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

Liang Ji thanked the other party.

'Tianhao Immortal Lord' nodded slightly, and then continued to ask: "Now that you have completed the basic test, you can withdraw from the test, or you can continue to accept higher-level tests!"

"If you complete a higher level test, you will be able to enjoy more and higher permissions in the 'Zhoutian Star Array'."

"And if you fail the test, it will not affect the basic permissions you have obtained now!"

"Please make your choice!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. In fact, for him, this test of climbing the steps of the 'Manggu Star Territory' was far from reaching his limit.

Just the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces has helped him ascend to the ninth heaven.

In the end, his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy, only exerted a little force and sent him to the steps of the Manggu Star Territory, completing the basic test.

It can be said that the power of the natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy" is far from being fully exerted.

Therefore, Liang Ji is still quite interested in continuing the challenge and has some confidence.

What's more, 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' also said that even if he fails to continue the challenge, it will not affect the basic test he has completed, nor will it affect the basic authority of the 'Zhou Tianxing Array' he has obtained.

In this way, he has no worries, so why should he hesitate?

Liang Ji also wanted to see where his limit was!

Therefore, he did not hesitate and saluted directly: "Immortal Lord, I am willing to continue to accept higher-level challenges!"

"Okay!" 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' nodded in praise, then waved his hand around, and saw the surrounding environment change, and they seemed to have come to the vast void star sea again.

Looking down, he could see the natal star, the Nine Suns Galaxy, and the Manggu Star Territory that he had climbed onto.

Looking around, you can see star fields emerging from far and near, slowly rotating. Counting them carefully, including the Manggu Star Field where he is located, there are exactly thirty-four!

That is the thirty-four star fields that the Star Alliance currently occupies!

"The next test!" 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' pointed to the void around the Manggu Star Territory and several star fields at similar distances, and said: "It is based on your own strength, with the Manggu Star Territory as the center. Spreading outward, at least spreading and covering the second star field, is the test completed!"

"And the more your power can spread and cover the star field, the higher the test you will pass, and the higher the authority of the 'Celestial Star Array' that you can master in advance!"

"So, it depends on your performance next!"

'Immortal Lord Tianhao' said, looking at Liang Ji.

"Yes, Immortal Lord!" Liang Ji nodded in agreement, then looked to the left and right.

He seemed to have returned to the 'Manggu Star Territory' at this time. Without the perspective of standing high in the sky, overlooking the entire thirty-four star fields of the Star Alliance, he naturally could not see other areas around the 'Manggu Star Territory'. The existence of star field.

From his current perspective, he could only see endless void and chaos when he looked around. Occasionally, he could see some scattered stars, meteorites, and the looming starlight in the far distance.

Therefore, if you want to complete the next test, the first step is to choose a direction in this endless void and chaos, and determine where the nearest star field is to the 'Manggu Star Field', so that the power can be spread and enveloped. !

Otherwise, if he randomly spreads towards the vast void and chaos around the 'Manggu Star Territory', no matter how strong and sufficient his power is, such aimless and random spread will only be wasted in the boundless void around him. , in the chaos, it may not even be able to touch a nearby star field, let alone complete further tests.

At this time, Liang Ji was recalling the distribution of the thirty-four star fields of the entire Star Alliance from a high altitude in the short period of time, recalling the distribution of the star fields near the 'Manggu Star Field', and chose what to do next. The direction in which power spreads and spreads.

That short period of high-altitude bird's-eye view was one of the abilities he gained after completing the basic test and initially mastering the basic authority of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

It's a pity that when he accepted the new test, he couldn't use it. He could only make a choice based on the impression he got from overlooking it in a short period of time.

"Generally speaking, the Manggu Star Territory is located on the southeastern border of the Star Alliance. If you continue to the east and south, it is not within the Star Gate, but to the outer territory outside the Star Alliance!"

Therefore, if he expands and spreads his power to the east and south, he will only expand outside the Star Alliance. No matter how strong and majestic his power is, he will no longer be able to touch any star field of the Star Alliance, and naturally he will not be able to complete it. A new test.

"The closest star field should be the Golden Horn Star Field in the north!"

Based on his previous impression of the positions of the thirty-four star fields of the entire Star Alliance with the help of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Array Map’, as well as the knowledge he learned in the Star Alliance, Liang Ji quickly determined the direction of the expansion and spread of power.

He used his natal star system ‘Jiu Yang Galaxy’ to quickly lock the direction of the north in this vast and boundless void universe.

The next step is to use the power of himself, his natal star, the inheritance of the three gates of the star palace, and the power of his natal star system ‘Jiu Yang Galaxy’ to spread and spread towards the selected north direction.

The magnificent starlight, which blends the power of divine light, elemental light, blood light, etc., rapidly expands and spreads towards the north in the boundless void and chaos.

All you can see is endless void and chaos, with no direction or target at all!

At this time, not only does the void and chaos form a huge resistance; more importantly, advancing without direction or target is a great test of the Star Lord’s mind and spirit.

If you cannot hold on to yourself in this boundless void and chaos, and get lost or sink into it, or can't hold on halfway and give up halfway, you will fail the test directly!

In the history of the Star Alliance, although there are few Star Lords who have taken on further tests, there are still hundreds of them!

Among the failures, most of them are unable to hold on in this boundless void and chaos, and get lost or sink into it directly, so as to give up halfway.

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