The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1281 Control of the ‘Golden Horn Star Region’, the fourth in history

Star Alliance, in the vast void and chaos between the Manggu Star Territory and the Golden Horn Star Territory, Liang Ji's power is advancing rapidly and firmly, spreading towards the Golden Horn Star Territory.

With his current cultivation and strength, the speed at which this power advances and spreads is naturally very rapid.

However, compared to the distance between the Manggu Star Territory and the Golden Horn Star Territory, as well as the void and chaotic environment, it is still not enough.

If you want to make a metaphor, he is no less than paddling a canoe, starting from one continent and crossing the ocean covered by huge waves, storms, natural disasters, giant beasts, etc., to another continent!

Among them, the test of distance and time is the simplest. The more difficult test is persistence on this journey and the identification of direction.

As for the tests such as giant waves, storms, natural disasters, and giant beasts, given his current strength, he can ignore most of them and just go through them forcefully.

What's more, Liang Ji is now being tested in the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu', and he is also protected by the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu', which can help him withstand some difficult disasters and enemies.

After all, this is just a test about the authority of the 'Zhou Tianxing Array', and it has its upper limit.

But even so, Liang Ji tried his best to bridge the distance between the two star fields.

His own power, the power of his natal stars, the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces, the power of his natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy", etc., are all inspired and operated to support his progress!

That is to say, in such an assessment, the power of the 'Contract of Connected Stars' is not allowed, otherwise he would definitely have to borrow the power of Peng Yue's natal stars and natal galaxies.

In this all-out advancement, Liang Ji didn't know how much time he spent or how long he persisted. In this boundless void and chaos, he seemed to have no concept of time.

Finally, on this day, he suddenly noticed that there was a large starlight shining in front of him, appearing in the boundless void and chaos, like a "thousands of lights" suddenly appearing in the endless darkness. It was so exciting and exciting. Heartwarming!

As Liang Ji continued to move forward, the starlight like "thousands of lights" in front gradually became clearer, and the overall distribution was like a huge sharp angle, hanging in the void and chaos!

"It's the Golden Horn Star Territory!"

From the unique distribution shape of this star field, Liang Ji recognized at a glance that this was his target 'Golden Horn Star Field'!

And after confirming this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief!

Although he had been constantly moving forward in the void and chaos before, Liang Ji had always believed that he was heading in the right direction, and he also believed that he could reach the 'Golden Horn Star Field' and expand his power to the second star field!

However, Liang Ji couldn't rest assured without actually seeing the 'Golden Horn Star Territory' appear in front of him.

Now that he has really seen the figure of the 'Golden Horn Star Territory', there is no possibility of making mistakes anymore, and Liang Ji is also relieved!

There are no problems with the direction and location. The next step is to see if his power can support his expansion into the 'Golden Horn Star Field' that is almost within easy reach.

After all, in this vast sea of ​​​​stars, even if the 'Golden Horn Star Field' has appeared in his field of vision, it seems to be close at hand, but when it is really implemented in the void and chaos, it is still extremely far away. distance.

In particular, Liang Ji started from the 'Manggu Star Territory' and headed all the way to the 'Golden Horn Star Territory'. The endless void and chaos that he passed through on the way had already consumed most of his strength!

People often say that "one step fails" because the last "one step" is often more difficult and easier to fail than the previous ninety-nine steps.

So at this time, Liang Ji slowed down his progress, began to recover and adjust his own strength, and used all his strength in detail, without having to move forward as quickly as possible in the boundless void and chaos. No wasteful consumption is considered.

At this time, you need to save every ounce of strength as much as possible to ensure that you complete the last distance!

After all, the 'Golden Horn Star Territory' is already in front of him, and victory is already in sight. He has already passed the test of the boundless void and chaos in front of him. If he falls in front of the 'Golden Horn Star Territory', it will be absolutely difficult for Liang Ji to accept it.

Fortunately, although the power of himself, his natal star, and the three-door star palace inheritance have been exhausted, the power of his natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy" has only been consumed by more than half, and the remaining half of the power is being continuously gathered. , to help him move forward towards the 'Golden Horn Star Territory'.

Let him approach step by step and finally board the 'Golden Horn Star Territory'!

But at this time, Liang Ji frowned, because his successful arrival at the 'Golden Horn Star Territory' was only half of the success. He had to spread his power and cover the entire 'Golden Horn Star Territory' before he could be considered successful. The real test of completion!

At this time, more than 80% of the power in his native galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy, has been consumed, and the remaining 10% of power cannot support him to encompass and control the entire Golden Horn Galaxy!

"At this time, we can only give it a try!"

A thought passed through Liang Ji's mind and he made a decision.


The next moment, a dragon roar sounded, and the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star flew up, straight into the natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy", carrying the nine stars in the galaxy on his back, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out dragon beads. The light of creation blooms in the galaxy, as if it has turned into the tenth star!

Suddenly, the power of Liang Ji's natal star system made another breakthrough and quickly gathered, supporting his power to quickly expand to the entire 'Golden Horn Star Region'!

Finally, with a dragon roar, Liang Ji's spreading power successfully enveloped the entire 'Golden Horn Star Region', completing this additional test.


In Taihao Star Palace, under the Zhoutian Star Hub, Liang Ji opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

This time, he tried his best to complete the coverage and control of the 'Golden Horn Star Region', and even the power of the 'Dragon Soul' and 'Dragon Ball' was fully stimulated, and only then did he complete this.

For him, it was also extremely difficult.

At this time, when he opened his eyes, he could feel the fatigue of his body and soul, as well as the lack of power in his natal star and natal star system, and even felt the weakness of the dragon soul and dragon ball.


At this time, the principal of Taihao Star Palace, the ninth-level star master 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' looked at him and praised loudly:

"You can complete further tests in advance at the seventh-level star master stage and control the authority of two star fields in the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map'. You are the fourth among the countless star masters in the Star Alliance's more than 30 years of history!"

Everyone present looked at Liang Ji with different expressions at this time.

Originally, they were just optimistic about a strong junior, but now they pay more attention to him.

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