The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1282: The authority and power of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Array’

The Star Alliance has a history of more than 300,000 years. There are countless star masters who can complete the basic test in advance at the seventh-level star master stage and master some basic authority of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’. Although there are not many star masters, there are still hundreds.

However, there are only three who can complete the further test at the seventh-level star master stage and master the power and authority of two star fields in the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, and Liang Ji is now the fourth!

The three who passed the test before are all well-known in the history of the Star Alliance, and two of them successfully ascended to become saints. Although the other one failed to ascend successfully in the end, he also practiced and grew to the level of ninth-level star master!

Moreover, whether it is the two who successfully ascended to become saints or the ninth-level star master who failed to ascend, they have made great contributions to the Star Alliance. They are key figures who have brought about leapfrog growth and progress in the hundreds of thousands of years of development history of the Star Alliance.

And now, Liang Ji has become the fourth person to pass the further test in advance and master the power of two star fields in the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’!

The expectations of Liang Ji from the senior leaders of the Star Alliance present suddenly increased many times!

Regardless of whether Liang Ji will succeed in ascending to become a saint in the end, everyone present basically believes that he can become a ninth-level star master.

Moreover, the Star Alliance is now on the eve of a huge upgrade and transformation. With the appearance of Liang Ji, it seems to indicate that he can lead the Star Alliance to successfully complete this huge upgrade and transformation like the previous three beings?

The thoughts of the star masters present turned around, and their faces were different, but they all looked at Liang Ji with the same look, with shock, curiosity, and expectation!

"Star Master Liang Ji!" At this time, the principal of Taihao Star Palace, the ninth-level star master 'Tianhao Immortal Lord' looked at Liang Ji with a look of expectation and asked: "Do you want to continue the challenge?"

Liang Ji shook his head immediately after hearing this and said: "No! At this point, I have tried my best, but I don't have the strength to challenge more star fields."

Tianhao Immortal Lord nodded slightly after hearing this. Although he was a little regretful, this was also expected.

Liang Ji was only a seventh-level star master after all. It was already amazing that he could complete the challenges of two star fields in advance. He could be ranked in the top four in the history of the Star Alliance. However, it was estimated that it was unlikely that he could complete the challenges of more star fields at the seventh-level star master stage!

There has never been such an existence in the history of the Star Alliance!

Liang Ji's attention at this time was not here for the time being, but on his own natal star and his natal star system, the 'Nine Sun Star System'.

In order to successfully complete the test and control the 'Golden Horn Star System', he almost consumed the power of his natal star and the power of his natal star system, the 'Nine Sun Star System', below the warning line.

At this time, backlash began to appear in his natal star, and natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods began to erupt, and his natal star system, the 'Nine Sun Star System', also began to suffer backlash, and the nine stars in it began to dim, as if they were going to go out.

A large number of stars in the star system began to turbulent and shake, and there was a faint tendency to fall. The entire 'Nine Sun Star System' showed signs of falling into chaos and collapse.

However, Liang Ji was not too worried about this at this time.

As early as when he completed the basic test of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ and took control of the power and authority of the ‘Manggu Star Domain’, Liang Ji had already learned from the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ what basic authority he had.

Among them, there were ways to deal with the backlash of his natal star and natal star system at this time.

As his mind moved, he activated the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ he had obtained. Suddenly, his natal star and his natal star system ‘Jiuyang Star System’ began to change.

First, the light and shadow of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ appeared on his natal star system ‘Jiuyang Star System’, covering and suppressing the entire ‘Jiuyang Star System’.

However, the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ that appeared on his natal star system was not complete. There were only two star domains’ ‘Star Formation Maps’, that is, the ‘Manggu Star Domain’ and the ‘Golden Horn Star Domain’, for which he had obtained authority.

But for Liang Ji, just the ‘Star Formation Maps’ of these two star domains were enough.

Under the suppression of the ‘Star Array Map’, all the vibrations, shaking, and collapses in his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ were suppressed and did not continue to deteriorate.

Then, as the ‘Star Array Map’ of the two star fields rotated, a large amount of ‘Three Lights of Heavenly Dew’ fell from the ‘Star Array Map’ and fell into his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ and his natal star.

Under the nourishment of these ‘Three Lights of Heavenly Dew’, the source and power consumed in Liang Ji’s natal star and his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ were quickly restored.

Various natural disasters and anomalies in the natal star disappeared quickly, and the nine stars in the natal star system began to become blazing and shining again. The galaxy also became stable again, and many stars continued to operate stably, maintaining the entire ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’.

These are the permissions of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ that he now possesses. Because he passed the test of two star fields in the test, he can now mobilize the power of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ of two star fields at most.

But this was enough for him. Whether inside or outside the Star Alliance, the power of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Diagram’ formed by these two star fields was strong enough for him to use temporarily.

Let alone other things, even this ‘San Guang Tian Lu’, Liang Ji had to spend a lot of merit to exchange for it before, unless he was performing some special operations and obtained permission from the Star Alliance’s top leaders, he could use it without restrictions.

But now, as he also controls part of the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", he can use the "Sanguang Tianlu" without restriction without using merit or obtaining permission from the Star Alliance's top leaders.

In fact, not only can he use the "Sanguang Tianlu" without restriction, but he can also grant others the same unrestricted use of the "Sanguang Tianlu" with his own authority.

However, Liang Ji now only controls the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" authority of the Manggu Star Field and the Jinjiao Star Field, so he can only allow the two people's natal stars and natal star systems to use the "Sanguang Tianlu" without restriction.

One star field corresponds to one person, which is equivalent to using the power of the three lights of the sun, moon and stars in one star field to synthesize the unlimited supply and use of the "Sanguang Tianlu"!

Naturally, Liang Ji did not hesitate at all. In addition to himself, the other authority was directly given to his wife Peng Yue.

This is also something that only the star master who has completed further tests can do.

Otherwise, if he only completed the basic test and mastered the authority of the "Manggu Star Domain", then at most he could only allow his own natal star and natal star system to use the "Three Lights Heavenly Dew" without restriction, but it would be impossible to allow Peng Yue to use it without restriction.

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