The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1283: Safety and Strength Improvement

Passing the test of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’, mastering the authority of the two star fields of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’, and the unlimited ‘Sanguang Tianlu’ are only the most basic benefits and rights.

More authority and benefits also lie in the fact that Liang Ji can borrow and mobilize the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ of these two star fields for his own use.

Whether in the Star Alliance or outside the Star Alliance!

Within the Star Alliance, of course, it goes without saying that directly mobilizing the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ of the two star fields of ‘Manggu Star Field’ and ‘Jinjiao Star Field’ is the strongest power, whether it is to suppress or protect one’s own natal star and natal star system!

With the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ of the two star fields to suppress, Liang Ji’s natal star system ‘Jiuyang Galaxy’, which had just suffered backlash and shock, stabilized directly, which can be seen from this.

As for protection, it goes without saying that within the Star Alliance, the power of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ is undoubtedly the strongest.

With the protection of the power of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ in two star fields, let alone the existence of the eighth level, even the ninth level enemy would find it difficult to break through the protection, attack, and destroy his natal star system and star system.

This will greatly enhance the security of his natal star system and star system, and even greatly enhance his own security.

After all, for Liang Ji, he has already cultivated the star art of ‘star immortality’. As long as the natal star system is not destroyed, even if he himself and the body of the star spirit are killed by the enemy, he can be reincarnated and reborn in the natal star system and return again.

With the protection of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ in two star fields, it is difficult for his natal star system to be destroyed, which naturally guarantees his way back to rebirth!

This is also a major protection measure of the Star Alliance for the eighth-level star master and even the ninth-level star master.

After all, as long as the Star Lords in the Star Alliance advance to the eighth level, they can basically pass the most basic test of the "Zhoutian Xingshu", or even further tests, and obtain the most basic or further permissions in the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map".

Thus, they can obtain the power of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map" of at least one star field to protect their own natal stars, thereby greatly improving their safety.

Even as their cultivation and strength improve, they can further complete the test and obtain the power of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map" in more star fields to protect their own safety.

This is also a major reason why the seventh-level Star Lords often fall completely in various wars in the Star Alliance, but the eighth-level and ninth-level Star Lords rarely fall completely.

Now, Liang Ji has completed the test ahead of time at the seventh-level Star Lord stage, but has also obtained such protection, which makes his own defense and safety comparable to many eighth-level Star Lords, which is naturally of great benefit.

This is just the effect of protection, and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map" also has a huge attack and suppression effect.

If Liang Ji encounters an enemy that is difficult to deal with in the Star Alliance, he can directly mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in the two star fields of "Manggu Star Field" and "Jinjiao Star Field" to suppress the enemy.

Unlike before, he does not need to apply to the Star Alliance high-level and get the permission and approval of the eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters who have the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in the Star Alliance high-level to lead the suppression and attack of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

The time saved, the initiative to take action, the strength of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" and the attack effect, etc., are undoubtedly quite different.

It can be said that now in the Star Alliance, Liang Ji is really not inferior to many eighth-level star masters in terms of his own protection and combat power!

In many aspects, the Star Alliance can even treat him directly as an eighth-level star master.

As for the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance,

Liang Ji had mastered the authority of the two star fields of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in advance, which also brought many benefits.

The most important point is the mobilization of the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

In the past, if you want to mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance to fight and suppress the enemy, you need to occupy at least one star system, arrange the "Star Map Array" in the star system, and connect this "Star Map Array" with the Star Alliance's "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

In this way, you can use the "Star Map Array" of that star system as a basis to attract the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", either to protect yourself, or to suppress and attack the enemy.

But now, Liang Ji has mastered certain authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map". He wants to mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance, so he no longer needs to occupy the star system and arrange the "Star Map Array" to attract.

Instead, he can directly use himself as the base to mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array" of the two star fields of "Manggu Star Field" and "Jinjiao Star Field" to where he is, whether it is to protect himself, suppress the enemy, or attack the enemy!

This will undoubtedly greatly improve his safety and combat power in the outer star sea!

As a large amount of "Three Lights of Heaven Dew" falls on his natal star and natal star system, Liang Ji feels the stability and changes of his natal star and natal star system, while realizing the authority and power of these "Zhoutian Star Array", and feels that there is a lot to be done!

If at this time, he meets the eighth-level god who fought on the battlefield in the surrounding area of ​​the Star Alliance, Liang Ji will definitely have more confidence to fight with the opponent, or even defeat the opponent!

As for completely defeating the opponent, Liang Ji does not expect it.

After all, the eighth-level star lords of the Star Alliance are all protected by the power of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’. How could the eighth-level gods of the God Realm, who also belong to the super civilization, not have trump cards and foundations to protect them?

That is, the eighth-level star lord Zhou An, who was also eighth-level, used the ‘Imitation Zhoutian Star Array Map’ arranged in advance to help him completely defeat the opponent, but in the end he failed to completely kill the opponent, and only took away half of the eighth-level divine crystal.

The eighth-level god will continue to be reborn and recover in the God Realm.

But even so, this is enough to greatly enhance Liang Ji’s confidence.

In the future, whether in the outer star sea, or in the battlefield of the Void Sea, the battlefield of the Chaos Sea, etc., Liang Ji will be completely fearless of the eighth-level enemies.

I am afraid that only the ninth-level enemies, who are a minority in the entire star sea, can make him truly feel the threat of death and fall.

And these are only the main functions of the authority of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map". There are many additional functions, such as the increase of his authority on the Star Alliance's "Star Network", the increase of his rights and status in many policies and systems of the Star Alliance, and even the care for his family and relatives, etc., which need not be elaborated.

Let's not talk about other things. If his relatives and friends need help, they can apply to the Star Alliance's senior management to guide the power of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map". Liang Ji is now one of the people who have the authority of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map", so he can naturally give some care in the review and approval.

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