The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1284 National Treasury Official Website The problem of cultivating demon pills is solved

After the test, Liang Ji also initially became familiar with the power of the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, and the main purpose of his invitation to Taihao Star Palace this time was achieved.

After talking with the eight-level star masters who came to witness his test, exchanging contact information, accepting their congratulations, and agreeing on some opportunities for cooperation, gatherings, exchanges, transactions, etc. in the future, most of the eight-level star masters who served as witnesses left.

Among them, the eighth-level star master who also came to witness, Kunlun Star Palace Vice President Hun Tian, ​​told Liang Ji that he could return to Kunlun Star Palace after leaving Taihao Star Palace before leaving.

Now that he has completed the test and is in charge of part of the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, he is equivalent to an eighth-level star master in terms of status and power.

Naturally, Kunlun Star Palace, where he was born and has the status of an honorary mentor, will also give him many improvements in authority, treatment, welfare, etc., all of which require him to go to Kunlun Star Palace to handle.

Even more than Kunlun Star Palace, Taiyi Star Palace and Wanxiang Star Palace, where he also serves as an honorary mentor, will definitely invite him to come and congratulate him, as well as improve his treatment, benefits, rights, etc.

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue followed Star Lord Zhou An out of the secret world where the "Zhoutian Star Hub" was located and came to the campus of Taihao Star Palace, he heard a lot of prompt sounds from the "Star Mirror".

Liang Ji opened the "Star Mirror" and watched the many messages sent from it in a short period of time.

Among them were some messages pushed by the official Star Alliance, which basically informed him of the many permissions he now had in the Star Alliance, and pushed some special URLs to him.

Liang Ji clicked on these URLs and entered the internal networks of many key departments of the Star Alliance, such as the Star Alliance Senate, the Star Alliance Administrative Center, the Security Department, the Military Department, the Intelligence Department, the Education Bureau, the Agricultural Bureau, and many other important departments that command and control the entire Star Alliance.

Liang Ji now has the authority to enter and understands many internal information and policies.

Even if Liang Ji is willing, he can directly work in these central departments and hold some important leadership positions.

However, Liang Ji is not interested in these positions and has no intention of taking them.

But even if he does not take the position, just because he can now access the internal network of these departments and learn many important secret information within the Star Alliance, there are many benefits.

Let alone other things, by using the information gap caused by these secret information, he can let his "Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce" occupy many first-mover advantages, thereby obtaining a lot of benefits and interests, so that the "Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce" can develop and grow rapidly and become one of the largest companies and forces in the Star Alliance.

This is also a major reason why those top companies and forces in the Star Alliance that are ranked high and have quickly expanded to more than half of the Star Alliance can grow to such a level. Behind them, there is basically an eighth-level star master or even a ninth-level star master!

Relying on the authority and information gap they have, they can easily develop their companies and forces to the top level of the Star Alliance.

Moreover, after entering this circle of power, he met and befriended the top eighth-level and ninth-level star masters in the Star Alliance, who were all senior officials holding important positions in the Star Alliance, and had the best connections.

As long as he could make use of these top connections, it would be enough for his "Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce" to develop rapidly.

However, whether it was the information gap in the internal network of the central departments of the Star Alliance or the connections in the top circles, these could be managed and handled slowly in the future.

Therefore, Liang Ji only took a quick look and put them down.

At this time, he was more concerned about the last three of the many messages pushed to him by the Star Alliance official.

The first one was the "National Treasury Website" of the Star Alliance. After clicking it, he could directly enter the "National Treasury" of the Star Alliance and view the many treasures, inheritances, spirit stones, spirit seeds, spirit roots, etc. collected there.

Liang Ji clicked in and saw a dazzling array of treasures, which dazzled him.

With a slight movement in his heart, he began to search for the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill, the seventh-level Void Green Snake Demon Pill, and various seventh-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that he and Peng Yue needed in the ‘National Treasury Website’, and they were all quickly searched out.

Among them, whether it is the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill or the seventh-level Void Green Snake Demon Pill, there are hundreds of them in stock in the national treasury!

Liang Ji's eyes lit up when he saw this!

As the authority holder of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, his status in the Star Alliance is now equivalent to that of the eighth-level star master. There are not many people in the Star Alliance with higher status and power than him.

In this case, he naturally has the right to exchange the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill and the seventh-level Void Green Snake Demon Pill collected in the national treasury first.

Of course, Liang Ji only has the priority, but he cannot take it out directly, but must use merit to exchange it.

At most, with his current authority and status, the merit paid can be reduced when exchanging.

But even so, it was enough to solve the problem of the seventh-level demon pills needed for his and Peng Yue's cultivation in the seventh-level star master stage.

What Liang Ji needed to consider now was whether he and Peng Yue had enough merits!

After all, although he and Peng Yuecai earned a lot of merit in the previous war to protect the "Earth Immortal Paradise" in the surrounding area of ​​the Star Alliance; in addition, they also accumulated a lot of merit in their previous actions in the spiritual world and the divine world; even he After refining the void and forming the Nine Suns Galaxy, he provided the Star Alliance with a lot of information about the Nine Suns Galaxy, and also received bad merit rewards!

Seriously speaking, the amount of merit he and Peng Yue have accumulated at this time is not low!

However, the good things Liang Ji found in the 'treasury' were not just the seventh-level demon pills they needed.

In fact, it can be said that these seventh-level demon elixirs are only the lowest requirements. There are many other treasures they need, rare seventh-level spiritual seeds, seventh-level spiritual roots, seventh-level inheritance, and even some rare treasures, immortal weapons, and good fortunes. Treasures and so on.

It can be said that Liang Ji wanted to redeem everything after seeing it!

After all, the merits he and Peng Yue had accumulated seemed to be a lot, but they were completely insufficient.

"Maybe in the future, we need to find ways to earn more merit with Peng Yue!"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind. After exchanging a batch of seventh-order Void Green Bull Demon Pills and seventh-order Void Green Snake Demon Pills on the 'Treasury Official Website', he reluctantly closed the 'Treasury Official Website'.

Continue to the next message.

This information reports information on the current relationship and status of the Star Alliance with enemies such as the divine world and the spiritual world.

This includes the reaction of the God Realm and the Spirit Realm after their defeat, internal intelligence, etc. after the previous battle around the area surrounding the Star Alliance. It also includes information on the Star Alliance’s current battles with the God Realm and the Spirit Realm on the Void Sea Battlefield and Chaos Sea Battlefield.

Through these intelligence messages, Liang Ji suddenly had a clearer and clearer understanding of the current situation of the Star Alliance.

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