The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1285 Circle: The Peak of the Stars The number of ninth-level star masters in the Star Allian

Eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters are already the top group of people in the Star Alliance. If they enter, they can master the top power in the Star Alliance and control the life and death of thirty-four star fields, thousands of star systems, countless star masters, monks, and civilians.

If they leave, they can occupy a unique position in the Star Alliance. Even if they do not hold an official position or hold power, the Star Alliance will give them the rights and information they should enjoy!

Liang Ji completed the assessment in advance and controlled the authority of two star fields in the "Zhoutian Star Array Map". Although he himself has not yet broken through the realm of eighth-level star masters, in terms of authority and status in the Star Alliance, he is already equal to the eighth-level star master.

Therefore, the rights and information rights that the eighth-level star master should enjoy, naturally, he also has a share.

The right to know and the priority exchange right of treasures in the treasury are the same.

Similarly, the internal and external intelligence of the Star Alliance, as well as the latest intelligence on battlefields such as the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, will also be sent to him regularly, so that he can timely and accurately understand the situation inside and outside the Star Alliance and on the battlefield, so as to make accurate judgments and actions in some actions.

Just like this, Liang Ji checked the latest internal and external intelligence, war reports, etc. passed to him by the Star Alliance.

It can be learned from it that after the previous battle of the Star Alliance to expand the "Zhoutian Star Array", the attacking gods of the God Realm and the elemental spirits of the Spirit Realm were severely damaged on the battlefields in the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance, and even a ninth-level main god was killed.

This has the most direct impact on the internal and external situation of the Star Alliance, as well as the battlefields with the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

In the Star Alliance and the surrounding areas, with the deterrence of the previous war, all kinds of forces that were ready to move and wanted to take advantage of the chaos suddenly stopped and stopped.

On the battlefields between the Star Alliance and the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, enemies such as gods and elemental spirits also began to shrink their forces one after another, without the previous aggressive momentum!

It can be said that at this time, whether inside or outside, or on several battlefields, the Star Alliance is the most stable and peaceful since the "Tian Yao Star Domain" pioneering war.

This is undoubtedly a very good situation for the Star Alliance. What the Star Alliance needs most now is this kind of peaceful and stable environment, so that the Star Alliance's star masters, earth immortals and other forces can grow better and strengthen the power of the Star Alliance.

However, Liang Ji sighed slightly when he looked at this information.

After seeing the many treasures and resources in the treasury, Liang Ji felt that what he lacked most now was merit.

If the Star Alliance could still be as turbulent as before, with a large number of enemies attacking, he could take the opportunity to earn a lot of merit and exchange it from the treasury for the spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance and other resources and treasures that he and Peng Yue needed.

Now such a peaceful and stable internal and external environment is not conducive to him and Peng Yue earning merit.

However, Liang Ji just sighed slightly and suppressed this regret and thought. Peace and stability inside and outside the Star Alliance is what the Star Alliance needs, and it is also the victory and environment that the Star Alliance has finally won after fighting in the surrounding areas, killing and sacrificing many star masters and earth immortals.

Liang Ji naturally couldn't destroy such a hard-won environment and opportunity for his own benefit.

"As for the opportunity to earn merit, there are still many..."

Shaking his head, Liang Ji looked at the last message sent by the Star Alliance.

This message was also a transmission link. After Liang Ji clicked it, he immediately entered a chat room similar to "Star News".

However, he could see that this "chat room" was not from "Star News", but a "chat room" specially developed in the star network transformed by the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", for internal contact and communication.

Liang Ji first glanced at the name of the "chat room": Star Peak!

Looking at the members in the "chat room", they were indeed the eighth-level star masters and ninth-level star masters in the Star Alliance. A few seventh-level star masters were also star masters who, like Liang Ji, completed the test in advance and mastered some of the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in advance!

At this moment, Liang Ji immediately understood the origin of the name of this "chat room".

The pinnacle of the star undoubtedly refers to the pinnacle of the Star Alliance. The members in this ‘chat room’ can indeed be called the pinnacle of the Star Alliance.

“Eleven ninth-level star masters… this number is lower than I expected!”

Liang Ji first took a look at the number of ninth-level star masters in the ‘chat room’, and there were only eleven of them.

The nine star palaces of the Star Alliance, in theory, should each have a ninth-level star master principal. In other words, in addition to the principals of the nine star palaces, the military, the Senate, the Executive Yuan and other high-level departments of the Star Alliance only have two ninth-level star masters!

This number is indeed unexpectedly small for Liang Ji!

He also somewhat understood why the nine star palaces can have such a status in the Star Alliance. They are often more powerful and stronger than many high-level departments of the Star Alliance. Just by looking at the number of ninth-level star masters, one can see one or two.

At the same time, he also understood why the Star Alliance began to become unstable as soon as the ‘Tianhe Saint’ ascended.

The demonic invasion of the 'Temple of Ten Thousand Demons', the gods of the divine world and the spirits of the spiritual world showing their might on the battlefield, and even the subsequent attacks on the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance by various parties.

There are various reasons for this, including the leakage of the 'sky demon energy', the large number of immortals in the Star Alliance turning to the earthly immortal tradition, and many star masters retreating to accelerate their cultivation, etc.

But one of the important reasons is undoubtedly the ascension of the 'Tianhe Saint', which caused the Star Alliance to lose a ninth-level star master in a short period of time.

Originally, with the presence of the ‘Sage of Tianhe’, the Star Alliance had twelve ninth-level star masters in charge of various places, which might not be enough, but it had already become a habit.

After the ‘Sage of Tianhe’ ascended, the Star Alliance only had eleven ninth-level star masters in charge. It seemed that only one ninth-level star master was missing, but at this top level of combat power, a gap in combat power could often lead to the collapse of the situation, not to mention that it only caused some turmoil and unrest inside and outside the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji reviewed the history of the Star Alliance that he had learned. It seemed that every time a ninth-level star master successfully ascended, the Star Alliance would usher in a period of turmoil that was longer or shorter.

However, most of the turbulent periods recorded in historical records were not as strong as this time.

This was naturally due to the effects of other factors. The influence of the Heavenly Demon Qi, the Earthly Immortal Dao, the Light of the Creation Star, and other factors jointly caused this greater and more lasting turmoil.

"One hundred and two eighth-level star masters!"

This number was also somewhat beyond Liang Ji's expectations. He did not expect that the number of eighth-level star masters in the Star Alliance would exceed one hundred.

The eighth-level star lords are not as elusive as the ninth-level star lords. When the Star Alliance first developed the "Demon Star Region", Liang Ji also met many eighth-level star lords and interacted with them.

According to his estimate at the time, the number of eighth-level star lords in the Star Alliance should be less than 100!

The current number is somewhat beyond his expectations.

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