The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1286 The world is just a huge makeshift team

"Welcome the newcomer!"

"Welcome Star Lord Liang Ji!"

"Great, there is another rank 7 Star Lord who has joined the circle in advance..."

At this time, in the chat room of "Star Summit", many people also discovered the newcomer Liang Ji, and many people immediately expressed their welcome.

In the chat room of "Star Summit", the total number of rank 9 Star Lords plus rank 8 Star Lords, plus a few rank 7 Star Lords who have mastered the authority in advance, is less than 130.

At this time, the number of people online is even smaller, less than 30, and most people are not online!

But these people who are online basically expressed their welcome.

Looking at these welcome words, Liang Ji also hurriedly appeared to thank everyone, introduced himself, and asked the seniors to take care of him in the future.

It feels like he joined the company in his previous life and joined the company's work group.

But think about it, the chat room of "Star Summit" he joined now seems to be essentially no different from joining a new work group.

However, the "job" he just joined was to manage the entire Star Alliance, which was related to the survival, cultivation, life and death of the thirty-four star fields, numerous star systems, and countless cultivators!

The star masters in this "work group" were also the real high-level personnel of the Star Alliance. They decided the major affairs and direction of the entire Star Alliance.

In the past, Liang Ji often participated in some Star Alliance actions and received various orders from the high-level of the Star Alliance. Many orders were reached in this "Star Summit" circle and then issued.

Now, he has finally joined this circle and become a member of the real high-level existence in the Star Alliance.

In the future, he can also use this circle to give some "high-level tasks" to some star masters, cultivators, and organizational teams in the Star Alliance.

Similarly, this "Star Summit" circle also represents the highest-level network circle of the entire Star Alliance.

When Liang Ji passed the test and took over part of the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", he realized that this was an opportunity to get through the top of the Star Alliance and greatly improve his network.

Now, the existence of this ‘Star Summit’ circle is undoubtedly the best place to get through the top-level connections of the Star Alliance.

In the chat room of ‘Star Summit’, after the welcome ceremony for Liang Ji ended, the top-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance online began to communicate about other matters.

Liang Ji looked at the communication messages and felt that this chat room looked more and more like a ‘work group’.

Among them, there was the eighth-level Star Lord principal of the Star Domain Academy, who asked to increase the allocation of ‘Fortune Star Light’ in his academy in this group; there were military eighth-level Star Lords who proposed to find some dangerous places and invite more eighth-level Star Lords to explore together.

There were also eighth-level Star Lords sitting in the Void Sea Battlefield and the Chaos Sea Battlefield who made requests for rotation.

There were even eighth-level Star Lords who showed several precious and rare eighth-level treasures to the crowd and asked if there was any exchange.

He became more and more speechless, and his past fantasies about the top leaders of the Star Alliance were shattered at this time.

"Sure enough, the world is just a huge makeshift team!"

After a while, Liang Ji closed the chat room of "Star Summit" in silence. For him, most of the messages and content in this chat room were not very useful, just to broaden his horizons.

Really useful messages and intelligence, etc., were paid special attention to, and they would naturally remind him when they appeared.

However, before closing and leaving the chat room, Liang Ji specifically looked at the existence of the seventh-level star master in the group.

In the current Star Alliance, in addition to him, there are two seventh-level star masters who have mastered some of the rights of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in advance.

However, these two people are not online, and Liang Ji can only look at the basic information. One is the seventh-level star master of Taihao Star Palace, and the other is the seventh-level star master of Lingbao Star Palace.

In the more than 300,000 years of history of the Star Alliance, there are less than a thousand people who can complete the test in advance at the seventh-level star master stage and master some of the rights of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map"!

In other words, it is basically difficult to produce one in hundreds of years!

In this generation, including Liang Ji, there are already three seventh-level star masters who have passed the test and mastered some of the rights of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in advance.

Such a situation is considered a prosperous era in the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Star Alliance!

Moreover, Liang Ji can predict that with the emergence of favorable conditions such as the fusion of Star Palace inheritance, the light of the Creation Star, and the expansion of the Zhoutian Star Array Map, the number of seventh-level star masters who can complete the test and master some of the rights of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in advance will probably continue to increase!

After all, the Star Alliance and the star masters in the Star Alliance are getting stronger and stronger with the development of time!

Today is better than the past!

It's a pity that the other two seventh-level star masters are not online, otherwise Liang Ji would be interested in getting to know and communicate with them.

Having experienced the test of the "Zhoutian Star Hub", Liang Ji is well aware of the difficulty of being able to complete the test in advance at the seventh-level star master stage and master some of the rights of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

He relied on the inheritance of the Three Gates Star Palace and the power of his natal star system, the Nine Suns Star System. He was quite curious about the power of the other two.

If possible, he also wanted Peng Yue to learn from him and see if he could complete the test and master some of the permissions of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in advance.

Having enjoyed the benefits of the permissions of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, Liang Ji naturally wanted his wife Peng Yue to enjoy such benefits as well.

It is a pity that the power of the ‘Star-Linking Contract’ cannot be used in the test of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’, otherwise with his help, Peng Yue would be able to complete the most basic test and master the rights of a star field.

At that time, Peng Yue’s strength and safety will surely increase greatly!

“One of them is from Taihao Xinggong and the other is from Lingbao Xinggong. They probably rely on the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ and Lingbao!”

Liang Ji thought about the situation of the two seventh-level star masters and made inferences in his heart.

At this time, he had basically checked the rights and benefits obtained by mastering the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ in advance, and had a clear idea of ​​it.

And now he and his wife Peng Yue, under the hospitality of Star Lord Zhou An, are traveling in the ‘Taihao Xinggong’, enjoying the scenery in various places in the ‘Taihao Xinggong’; and visiting some experiments hosted by the ‘Taihao Xinggong’.

Basically, they are all experiments on the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’, which are various research, testing, and expansion experiments on the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’.

Among them is the experiment of "simulating Zhoutian star array" that Liang Ji and Peng Yue are most familiar with.

It can be said that this is a major experiment that "Taihao Star Palace" has been conducting for hundreds of thousands of years. It has achieved a lot, but it is undoubtedly still a huge gap from the real "Zhoutian star array".

Liang Ji and Peng Yue visited the latest "simulating Zhoutian star array" experimental research of "Taihao Star Palace", but found that in the latest "simulating Zhoutian star array" experiment of "Taihao Star Palace", they have begun to try to arrange the "Nine Yang Galaxy" in the galaxy of "simulating Zhoutian star array".

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