The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1290 The Success of the Principal of Tianshe Academy

Although the ‘Green Sun Galaxy’ was blocked by the Star Alliance’s top leaders, Liang Ji is now a top leader of the Star Alliance. Even the fact that the principal of the Tianshe Academy’s ‘Creation and Development’ experiment was about to be completed was all learned by Liang Ji from the Star Alliance’s Ministry of Education’s official website intranet and the ‘Star Summit’ circle.

Therefore, he and Peng Yue ended their journey and returned to the ‘Tian Yao Star Region’ and came directly to the ‘Green Sun Galaxy’.

It can be said that after mastering some of the rights of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Zhen Tu’ in advance and becoming a top leader of the Star Alliance, he was able to know most of the information in the Star Alliance at the first time, far more than others.

Naturally, the Star Alliance’s blockade of the ‘Green Sun Galaxy’ was useless to him. After revealing his identity, Liang Ji took Peng Yue directly into the blockade circle and came to the ‘Green Sun Galaxy’ to observe the ‘Creation and Development’ experiment that the principal of the Tianshe Academy was about to complete.

But at this time, the 'Green Sun Galaxy' in the blockade has changed a lot. Except for the star in the center of the galaxy, which is still a 'Green Sun', the star layout and galaxy formation of the entire galaxy are no longer the same as what Liang Ji created and arranged.

At this time, the overall layout of the stars and galaxies in the 'New Green Sun Galaxy' looks like a huge void sky snake coiled in the void. The 'Green Sun' is the inner elixir swallowed and spit out by the void sky snake transformed by this galaxy!

Seeing this, Liang Ji saw at a glance that the galaxy layout and the galaxy formation arranged in it were all the inheritance of the 'Sky Snake Saint', and there was obviously a shadow of the 'Sky Snake Breathing Array' in it!

Therefore, with just a change of mind, he had already reacted. At this time, the layout of the 'New Green Sun Galaxy' must be exactly the same as the natal galaxy refining and array of the principal of the Sky Snake Academy!

The "Creation and Development" created by the principal of the Tianshe Academy must be simulated and practiced before impacting the eighth-level star master. In order to simulate and practice realistically, she naturally needs to create and transform the "Green Sun Galaxy" used in the practice into the same as her natal star system.

Even the stars used in the "Creation and Development" must be very similar to her natal star system!

Only in this way can we get as accurate data and experience as possible in the simulation and practice experiments, which will help to impact the eighth-level star master later.

Therefore, it is natural for the principal of the Tianshe Academy to transform the "Green Sun Galaxy" into the "New Green Sun Galaxy" that is the same as her natal star system in this "Creation and Development" experiment!

As for why this star system retains a "Green Sun".

According to Liang Ji's estimation, it is probably because the principal of the Tianshe Academy has now created and transformed the star in her natal star system into a "Green Sun".

After all, since the Star Alliance opened up the ‘Tian Yao Star Region’ and developed the benefits of the ‘Light of the Creation Star’, most of the Star Lords in the Star Alliance have tasted the sweetness and are willing to transform their own star systems into ‘Creation Stars’, so as to create their own star systems and star systems and gain many benefits.

Among them, people like Liang Ji, who have sufficient understanding and mastery of the ‘Way of Creation Stars’, can naturally fuse the star systems of their own star systems with thirty-six colors, and finally form a complete ‘Creation Star’, and even arrange the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ at one time.

However, in fact, only a few Star Lords in the Star Alliance can fully master the fusion of thirty-six colors of the ‘Creation Star’ into one color, and most of them cannot complete the creation of fusion of thirty-six colors into one color.

Therefore, most of them only choose to create one color or several colors, and try to create and fuse more colors after their cultivation and strength are improved.

Especially for many veteran seventh-level star masters who have already completed the refining of their natal star system and the formation, their natal star system has already been finalized. They can make some minor adjustments, but it is difficult to make large-scale transformations. Otherwise, if the natal star system collapses, the natal star is damaged or even destroyed, it will be really not worth the loss.

Therefore, many veteran seventh-level star masters, like the principal of the Tianshe Academy, usually only choose to create and transform the stars of their natal star system with one color, and do not choose multi-color creation or multi-color fusion.

In this way, they can make minor adjustments to their natal star system and enjoy the benefits of the "power of creating stars", and avoid the turbulence or even collapse of the natal star system caused by too much transformation, avoiding not worth the loss.

And what we see now is that the principal of the Tianshe Academy obviously chose to create and transform the stars of his natal star system into "Green Sun".

At this time, on this transformed and reshaped ‘New Green Sun Galaxy’, the headmaster of the Tianshe Academy closed his eyes slightly, as if he was half asleep, and his aura and starlight had already been connected and integrated with the life stars in the ‘New Green Sun Galaxy’ below.

Liang Ji looked at it, as if he had an illusion that the headmaster of the Tianshe Academy was now one with the life star, she was the life star, and the life star was her!

“He Dao!”

Seeing this, Liang Ji’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw that the current state of the headmaster of the Tianshe Academy was indeed almost exactly the same as the He Dao state of the eighth-level star master.

However, under normal circumstances, when the seventh-level star master impacts the He Dao state of the eighth-level star master, the star master and the natal star are completely integrated, instead of like now, the headmaster of the Tianshe Academy is still sitting outside the galaxy, only partially integrated with the life stars in the ‘New Green Sun Galaxy’.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a problem with the eighth-level star master's Dao, because the star master and the natal star are completely in harmony, even if he wants to retreat, he cannot retreat. Once there is a problem, it will be a failure. Once it fails, the Dao incarnation will die, and there is no room for survival.

Therefore, the seventh-level star master's impact on the eighth-level star master is called a matter of life and death!

And now, the principal of the Tianshe Academy is only partially in harmony with the life stars in the 'New Green Sun Galaxy'. Once there is a problem, he is outside the stars and the galaxy, so he can naturally withdraw directly.

At most, the part of the life star that is in harmony with the Dao will be abandoned, and the star master himself will lose some of his origin. These lost origins can be repaired and restored later.

And this is the biggest advantage of the 'Creation and Development Dao', which can accumulate experience through trial and error! Instead of having to fully integrate the Dao and gamble life and death!

Obviously, with the performance of the principal of the Tianshe Academy in front of him, the experiment of the 'Creation and Development Dao' has been successful for the most part.

Next, it depends on whether the principal of the Tianshe Academy can successfully withdraw and bring the research and experiment of the 'Creation and Development Dao' to a perfect conclusion.

At this moment, the principal of the Tianshe Academy, who was sitting cross-legged on the 'New Green Sun Galaxy', suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there seemed to be a star with all kinds of vicissitudes of life and the changes of all things in nature. His Dao rhyme, breath, and power have been greatly improved.

Obviously, the principal of the Tianshe Academy not only successfully escaped unscathed, but also gained a lot of benefits from the harmony of the life star.

At this time, as the principal of the Tianshe Academy opened his eyes and escaped unscathed, the life star in the "New Green Sun Galaxy" below suddenly shook, and an extremely bright and brilliant starlight suddenly shot out from it, directly sinking into the body of the principal of the Tianshe Academy, making his Dao rhyme, aura, and power rise to another level on the basis of a significant improvement, and he actually already had some of the power of the eighth level!

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