The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1291 Liang Ji's Recommendation

The principal of Tian She Academy's 'creation of creation' was undoubtedly successful. She successfully conducted a simulation of Hedao. Although this simulation may only be two or three points of the real Hedao, as long as it can increase the success of Hedao by two to three, The rate is undoubtedly a huge success!

Therefore, the Star Alliance may be able to usher in a small explosion of eighth-level star masters, which will greatly enhance the strength and combat power of the Star Alliance.

Here in the 'New Green Sun Galaxy', the star owners who were watching and witnessing immediately came forward to congratulate it.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally came forward to congratulate him.

The principal of Tian She Academy was obviously very happy at this time, and he thanked everyone for their congratulations with excitement on his face.

When they met Liang Ji and Peng Yue, they were also particularly surprised. After thanking them for coming to witness and congratulate them, the other party handed Liang Ji a copy of the complete version of the 'Good Fortune Evolution' on the spot in accordance with the original transaction commitment.

Although, with Liang Ji's current authority and status in the Star Alliance, he will definitely be able to directly check it after the principal of Tian Serpent Academy hands over the 'Tao of Creation' to the Star Alliance.

But getting the complete version directly from the other party still made him overjoyed.

Looking at the principal of Tian Serpent Academy whose aura and power seemed to reach the eighth level, Liang Ji thoughtfully started a topic in the chat room of 'Top of Stars': "The principal of Tian Serpent Academy created the 'Good Fortune Evolution' Inheritance is of great help to the seventh-level star masters in their fight against the eighth-level star masters, and it is a great contribution to the Star Alliance!”

"Furthermore, I can see that she has gained a lot of benefits in the process of 'creating the path of creation', and she should have some combat power that can reach the eighth level."

"In addition, he has served as the principal of Tian Serpentis Academy over the years, and has accumulated many merits for cultivating many star masters for the Star Alliance!"

"I suggest that before he retreats to attack the eighth-level star master, he can be invited to take the test of the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' and try to master the basic permissions of the 'Zhou Tian Star Array' in advance."

At the same time, Liang Ji also sent the image of the principal of the Tian Serpent Academy in the 'New Green Sun Galaxy' to the 'Star Top' chat room to highlight his situation.

"Agree!" At this time, in the 'Star Summit' chat room, an eighth-level Star Lord who was a military commander directly agreed: "Xie Lingxu Star Lord has participated in four wars organized by our military. He has A lot of meritorious deeds! In the action of opening up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', he also made a lot of meritorious deeds!"

The principal of Tian Snake Academy is called Xie Lingxu.

"Our Ministry of Education also agrees!" At this time, an eighth-level star master who serves as the Minister of Education also directly agreed: "Principal Xie Lingxu has made outstanding contributions as the principal of Tian She Academy!"

As the Education Star Master said, he also uploaded a piece of information in the 'Top of Stars' circle, which recorded the achievements and merits of Star Master Xie Lingxu during his tenure as the principal of Tian She Academy.

Naturally, all the Star Lords in the ‘Star Top’ have the authority and ability to retrieve and view these materials from the Ministry of Education, but it is not as easy and comprehensive as the current Minister of Education uploading them directly.

At this time, the eighth-level star master of the military saw this and uploaded a piece of information in the 'Star Top' circle, which recorded the various military exploits and achievements that star master Xie Lingxu had accumulated.

There are more than a hundred Star Lords in 'Star Top', less than half of whom are online at this time. They are checking these information one after another, and they all have their own channels to learn more about Star Lord Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tian Serpent Academy, and his achievements, etc. Condition.

Many star owners on the spot expressed their agreement in the chat room.

Even several ninth-level star masters agreed.

And when more than half of the eleven ninth-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance agreed, it meant that Liang Ji's proposal was passed.

After Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tianshe Academy, handed over the results of the 'Good Fortune Evolution' to the Star Alliance, the Taihao Star Palace would send an invitation to her to accept the test of the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' in advance and try to master the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' in advance. The basic permissions of Tianxingchen Array Diagram.

The reason why Liang Ji made such a suggestion was that, on the one hand, he could see that the strength and merits of the principal of Tian She Academy had indeed reached the point where he could be tested in advance.

On the other hand, after completing the test and mastering some of the permissions of the 'Zhou Tianxing Array' in advance, Liang Ji clearly knew that the power of the permissions that he had mastered in advance could not only improve his security and combat power, but also improve his safety and combat effectiveness. It is helpful for the seventh-level star master to attack the eighth-level star master and the life and death barrier in the Hedao realm!

Mastering some of the permissions of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' in advance and being protected by the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' can at least increase the success rate of the seventh-level star master in attacking the eighth-level star master and the realm of harmony by 20 to 30%!

Mastering the authority of one star field in advance can increase the success rate by 20%. Mastering the authority of two star fields can increase the success rate by 40%!

This is also a major reason why in the history of the Star Alliance, seventh-level star masters who are able to complete the test in advance and master some of the permissions of the 'Celestial Star Array' in advance can basically successfully advance to the eighth-level star master.

Not only because of their stronger strength and means, but also because of the protective effect of the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

Xie Lingxu Star Master, the principal of Tian Serpent Academy, has completed the experiment of 'creating the way of creation'. She is at least 20 to 30% sure of hitting the eighth level star master and the realm of Hedao. If she can complete the 'Zhoutian Xingshu' 'The test, master the basic authority of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' in advance, even if it is only protected by the power of a star field.

Then, it is at least 40 to 50% sure of reaching the eighth-level star master and the realm of Hedao. If there are other means to help, the possibility of successfully advancing to the eighth-level star master and the realm of Hedao will undoubtedly be greater. increase!

In this case, Liang Ji was naturally willing to lend a helping hand and proposed that he accept the test of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Shu’ in advance.

Not only because of the friendship between the two sides for many years, but also for the Star Alliance to add another eighth-level star master.

The Star Alliance high-level, eighth-level and ninth-level star masters in the ‘Star Summit’ naturally saw the situation of the Star Master Xie Lingxu, the principal of the Tianshe Academy. In addition, his strength and merits were indeed up to standard, so they agreed and were willing to help him one step further.

It was not only to establish a good relationship, but also to enhance the strength of the Star Alliance.

In the Tianyao Star Region, ‘New Green Sun Galaxy’, after accepting everyone’s congratulations, the Star Master Xie Lingxu, the principal of the Tianshe Academy, logged into the Star Network and submitted the experimental results of the ‘Creation and Development Dao’ she created to the Star Alliance in exchange for merits.

This is also the usual practice in the Star Alliance. When star masters and monks create a useful inheritance, they often hand it over to the Star Alliance in exchange for merits. After all, this merit can be exchanged for more and better inheritances, treasures, etc. in the Star Alliance.

Moreover, the principal of the Tianshe Academy, Xie Lingxu, was also very clear about the importance of the inheritance of the "Creation and Development" she created to the Star Alliance, and the Star Alliance could not give it up.

Shortly after she uploaded the inheritance, Xie Lingxu showed a look of surprise on his face.

Liang Duanyu knew that this meant that she had received an invitation from the "Taihao Star Palace".

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