The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1292: Choice of Earning Merit

As Star Master Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tian Serpent Academy, received the invitation from the 'Taihao Star Palace' and went to the 'Taihao Star Palace', the bustle here in the 'New Green Sun Galaxy' also dissipated, and the star masters gathered from all parties gathered one after another. Leave.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also returned to the 'Dragon and Snake Star'.

Liang Ji had no intention of going to witness the 'Zhou Tianxing Shu' assessment conducted by Star Master Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tian She Academy.

Although he now has the authority equivalent to an eighth-level star master, he is one of the senior leaders of the Star Alliance's "Star Top" and has the right to witness and supervise.

But since he had already received the favor of recommendation, it would be better to hand over the favor of witness to other high-level officials of the Star Alliance.

After all, everyone can see that Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tianshe Academy, has a high success rate in attacking the eighth-level star master and the realm of Hedao. Naturally, many people are willing to make friends with him in advance.

But he couldn't let Liang Ji take all the good things.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to the 'Dragon Snake Star' to deal with some matters such as the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' and took time to get together with their parents and family members.

Liang Ji was already thinking about how to earn merit.

The demon elixir that can impact the perfection of the seventh-level star master is enough, and the complete version of the inheritance of 'Chenhua Yi Dao' is also in hand, as well as the two star domain authority guards of the 'Celestial Star Array' that has been mastered in advance.

He is now far away from reaching the eighth-level star master and the realm of Hedao. The only thing he needs is enough meritorious service to exchange for enough spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, treasures, inheritance and other resources.

Therefore, for the current Liang Ji, the biggest problem is the lack of meritorious service.

For Liang Ji, who is now one of the top leaders of the Star Alliance, there are still many ways to earn merit.

If you serve in various departments of the Star Alliance, you can regularly gain a lot of merit; you can also exchange for a lot of merit by exploring the outer star sea and searching for treasures such as life stars; even the Star Alliance is in urgent need of enough "created stars" "Power of Creation", considering that he has mastered the essence of "Power of Creation of Stars", whether it is through the natal galaxy Jiuyang Galaxy or through the "Dragon Ball", he can create "Power of Creation of Stars" in exchange for merit...etc. .

However, Liang Ji did not rush to make a decision, but slowly learned about various information inside and outside the Star Alliance, looking for a better way to accumulate merit that was more suitable for his current situation.

And while Liang Ji was learning about all aspects of information and looking for a better way to accumulate merit, Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tianshe Academy, also successfully completed the early test of the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' and mastered the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' in advance. Partial authority of the Star Array'.

However, the other party has only completed the test in one star field, so he only has basic authority.

But this is enough. Star Master Xie Lingxu has become the fourth seventh-level Star Master among the current Star Alliance to master part of the "Sky Star Array" in advance, and has become one of the top leaders of the Star Alliance.

When Star Master Xie Lingxu joined the chat room of ‘Star Top’, Liang Ji and others immediately welcomed him.

Seeing Liang Ji here, the other party was not too surprised. It was obvious that she had already known about it, and even knew that it was Liang Ji who recommended her to participate in the "Zhou Tian Xingshu" assessment in advance.

Since it was a favor, it was natural for the other party to know about the favor. Although Liang Ji did not go to witness it, there was naturally someone who explained the situation to Star Master Xie Lingxu so that Liang Ji could implement the favor.

In the chat room of the ‘Top of Stars’, everyone welcomed Star Master Xie Lingxu just like they welcomed Liang Ji.

Xie Lingxu also thanked everyone, contacted Liang Ji individually to express his gratitude, and even invited Liang Ji and Peng Yue to get together.

Naturally, Liang Ji had no intention of refusing. These relationships and connections were all born out of friendship. They already had a lot of friendship with Star Master Xie Lingxu, and now they were able to go one step further and deepen their friendship.

In the following months, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also went back to Serpentis to meet with Lord Xie Lingxu, the principal of Serpentis Academy. At the same time, they witnessed the other party stepping down as the principal of Serpentis Academy and handing over the position of principal. ceremony.

The other party has already reached the level of seventh-level star master. Now he has completed the experiment of 'Creation Evolution', completed the test of 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu', mastered the basic permissions of 'Zhou Tian Star Array' in advance, etc. It can be said that he has already Be prepared to attack the eighth-level star master.

Now, the purpose of stepping down as the principal of Tian She Academy is to better conduct retreat and attack the eighth-level star master.

After this retreat, no matter whether the opponent succeeds in attacking the eighth-level star master or the realm of Hedao, he is no longer suitable to continue to serve as the principal of Tian She Academy, so the position of principal needs to be handed over before the retreat.

Although Star Master Xie Lingxu may now have a success rate of nearly 50% to attack the eighth-level Star Master, no one dares to say that he is completely sure of passing the life and death test of Hedao.

Not to mention a success rate close to 50%, even if it is an 80% or 90% success rate, once the Hedao fails, there is only one way to die.

Therefore, Star Master Xie Lingxu must make all arrangements before retreating to attack the eighth-level star master, so that he can concentrate all his mind and strength to enter the retreat and attack the realm of the eighth-level star master!

This is the life and death test for every Star Master who intends to reach the peak. No one is not fully prepared before retreating.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue stayed on the Serpent Star for several months and witnessed the ceremony of Xie Lingxu handing over the principal of the Serpent Academy, and also witnessed the other party entering seclusion to attack the eighth-level star master.

Then, the two stayed in Dragon Snake Star and returned to their hometown, Xiu Snake City, to live for a while, sightseeing and visiting relatives and friends in their hometown.

When everything was dealt with, the two left the Dragon Snake Star, and Liang Ji had already decided on his next project to earn merit:

Go to the Void Sea Battlefield, the battlefield between the Star Alliance and the God Realm, and the Chaos Sea Battlefield, the battlefield between the Star Alliance and the spirit world, and sit there to earn merit.

In the Void Sea Battlefield between the Star Alliance and the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Chaos Sea Battlefield, the main forces of both warring parties are usually of the seventh level, and a large number of fifth and sixth levels.

In fact, there are not many battles that reach the eighth level. After all, whether it is the Star Alliance, the God Realm, or the spirit world, there are countless eighth-level star masters, gods, elemental spirits, etc., and their ability to enter the battlefield is limited. of.

Therefore, they often sit on the battlefield and do not necessarily fight against each other once every few years.

As for the existence of the ninth level, it is the foundation of the super civilization of all parties. On conventional battlefields such as the Void Sea Battlefield and the Chaos Sea Battlefield, a battle of the ninth level may not be seen for hundreds of years.

Although Liang Ji is only a seventh-order star master now, in terms of combat power and authority, he can already be regarded as an eighth-order star master.

Therefore, he can completely serve as the eighth-level Star Lord representative of the Star Alliance and go to these two battlefields to earn merit!

This kind of sitting task is simple and easy but can earn a lot of merit without delaying one's own practice. This is the best way that Liang Ji has been looking for.

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