The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1293 Returning to the Void Sea battlefield, teacher and student reunited

This is not the first time Liang Ji has been here at the Void Sea battlefield where the Star Alliance and the God Realm are fighting.

But the last time he came here, he was just a little fourth-level star master, following Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to help her with her graduation assessment.

At that time, on the battlefield of the Void Sea, the fourth-level star masters and gods were considered to be the lowest level of existence. They were full of dangers on the battlefield. It was also the first time that Liang Ji witnessed the brutal battle between super civilizations in the starry sky universe.

But now, Liang Ji has come to the Void Sea battlefield again, but it is no longer what it used to be. Not only has he advanced to the seventh-level Star Lord, but his combat power is almost as good as that of the eighth-level Star Lord. He is the leader of this Void Sea battlefield. An existence that can rule the roost.

From being a cannon fodder to becoming the hero today, Liang Ji's journey has been arduous and glorious.

Here at the Void Sea Battlefield, the battle formation on the Star Alliance side is mainly composed of the military and forces from the Kunlun Star Palace.

Normally, there will be an eighth-level star master sent by the Star Alliance military and an eighth-level star master sent by the Kunlun Star Palace. A total of two eighth-level star masters will sit in the Star Alliance battle formation to direct the battle and guard against gods. world attack.

This time Liang Ji applied to come to the Void Sea battlefield to earn merit. Although he is only a seventh-level star master, in terms of combat power, authority, and status, he can be regarded as equal to the eighth-level star master in the Star Alliance. flat.

Therefore, he came here this time to replace the eighth-level star master stationed here in Kunlun Star Palace.

Moreover, this eighth-level star master Liang Ji is very familiar with him. He is his mentor in the Kunlun Star Palace, the red jade mentor!

There are already many eighth-level star masters in the Star Alliance, and there are even fewer eighth-level star masters assigned to Kunlun Star Palace. Liang Ji is naturally familiar with them all. It's just that in comparison, I am more familiar with Instructor Akama and Vice Principal Huntian.

And it is precisely because there are many eighth-level star masters in Kunlun Star Palace, and the Void Sea Battlefield is inseparable from the eighth-level star masters in Kunlun Star Palace, so there are several eighth-level star masters in the star palace who always take turns to sit here.

As the newly promoted eighth-level star master of Kunlun Star Palace, Master Akadema has the least qualifications. In addition, the newly promoted eighth-level star master needs to be sharpened, so in recent hundreds of years, it has been his turn to represent Kunlun Star Palace. Come here to take charge of the Void Sea battlefield.

Liang Ji's application to sit here helped, to a certain extent, free Master Chiyu from the constraints of the Void Sea battlefield in advance.

Therefore, when he arrived at the Void Sea Battlefield and the Star Alliance camp, Master Chiyu and Master Jingjian, the eighth-level star master stationed here by the military, held a banquet to entertain him. Master Chiyu smiled and said to Liang Ji: "I want to thank you. , Let me get out of here early and go back to do my own research. "

Liang Ji naturally responded with a smile: "Teacher, you are very polite. It is also an honor for me to be able to help the tutor."

The eighth-level star master Jingjian Star Master of the military on the side also looked at the two people with half envy and half ridicule: "Friend Akadema, I really envy you. With such a powerful student taking over, you are liberated now, but I am I have to stay here for a hundred years, alas!”

When Liang Ji heard this, he also smiled and said: "It's all taught well by the instructor."

Listening to Liang Ji's compliment, the red jade instructor smiled and waved his hand: "Liang Ji, I am very proud to have you as my student. After all, even the instructor of the Star Palace has taught many star masters, but he can really break through and grow to the eighth level. Star Lord’s is also very limited.”

"What's more, if you are in the seventh-level star master stage, you can cross the level to reach the eighth-level star master's combat power. You can also complete the test of 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' in advance and master the authority of 'Zhou Tian Star Array' in advance. It can be ranked at the forefront in the entire history of the Star Alliance!”

"You are not only the pride of Kunlun Star Palace, but also my pride!"

"However, if you want to say that I taught you well, you are insulting me."

Instructor Akama said, shaking his head helplessly: "Not long after you entered the school, I entered the retreat to attack the eighth-level star master. As a result, this retreat lasted for hundreds of years. By the time I came out of the retreat, you had already graduated from the star palace. "

"How many days have I been teaching you?"

"It can be said that your achievements today are entirely due to your own talent, hard work and opportunities. However, I dare not take credit for this."

"Teacher's words are serious." Liang Ji said quickly: "Although my mentor was busy breaking through to the eighth-level star master before, after he came out of seclusion, he gave me many important teachings and guidance, which greatly influenced my practice and The growth in strength is of great help!”

"Moreover, it was only with the help of my mentor that I was able to easily complete the postgraduate examinations of the Wanxiang Star Palace and the Taiyi Star Palace, and I was able to practice the inheritance of the Three Star Palaces with my fellow practitioners!"

"And these fellow disciples of the Three Star Palace inheritance are the foundation for the rise of my strength as a student, so it is absolutely correct to say that it is all the result of the teacher's teachings."

Liang Ji and Instructor Chiyu, one was constantly praising and the other was humble, and they recommended each other.

Seeing this, the eighth-level star master Jingjian Star Master from the military side said with a smile: "Both of you, master and apprentice, are outstanding people. You are both at the top of the Star Alliance. Now it is a good story in the Star Alliance!"

"You guys should stop pushing and shoving here. It makes me jealous..."

After listening to the other party's words, Master Chiyu immediately laughed and stopped arguing with Liang Ji about these matters. He turned to Star Master Jingjian and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Jingjian, you don't have to be too envious. You have been on this Void Sea battlefield all these years." Many successors have been cultivated here.”

"I think Lord Fang Yun and Star Lord Thunder Moon are both good! I'm afraid they will both take over from you and let you be liberated in advance..."

Instructor Akadema said, looking at the two seventh-level star masters at the banquet.

The two eighth-level star masters Chiyu and Jingjian hosted a banquet to entertain Liang Ji. Naturally, it was impossible for only the three of them to attend. Some seventh-level star masters who belonged to the military or Kunlun Star Palace and participated in the battle and stationed in this Void Sea battlefield were also called to accompany the banquet.

The two star masters Fang Yun and Lei Tingyue were the two seventh-level star masters belonging to the military. They were also the two seventh-level star masters that Jingjian Star Master intentionally cultivated in this Void Sea battlefield. Although they were not in the name of teacher and student, they were in fact teacher and student. Naturally, they were also called to participate in the banquet at this time.

When the two star masters saw that the topic was brought to themselves, they also stood up with their glasses. First, they toasted to Chiyu mentor to thank him for his praise, and then toasted to Jingjian star master to thank him for his training and care over the years. Finally, they toasted to Liang Ji at the same time to welcome him to the Void Sea battlefield.

"With Fellow Daoist Liang Ji in charge, we will surely be able to kill more gods in the God Realm, gain more victories, and create greater glory on this battlefield of the Void Sea!"

"When the time comes, please take good care of us, Fellow Daoist Liang Ji..."

Although they are all seventh-level star masters, Fang Yun and Lei Tingyue are very self-aware and have no intention of provoking or doubting Liang Ji. Instead, they flatter him and treat him as an eighth-level star master.

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