The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 128 Evil Spirit Holy Spirit (Please subscribe)

As Liang Ji's team of half-dragons from the Familia clan continued to go upstream to kill Wuji, they encountered more and more star master candidates from various star regions. There were also more and more star master students who directly led their clan members to chase after them. Behind him, rush and fight with him.

The half-dragon warriors who are domineering and have no taboos rush in and block the attacks of various natural disaster zombies. These Star Lord Familia who follow behind no longer have to worry about being restrained by various natural disaster zombies. Like the Ice Soul Snake Man, they can Show off your own methods and attacks to your heart's content.

All kinds of arrows, flying spears, boulders, wind, fire, thunder, ice, poison and other attack methods were like heavy rain, blasting into the tide of zombies coming from all directions.

Ice, fire, wind, thunderstorm, boulder bombardment, explosion impact...etc., various powerful attack methods broke out in these zombie waves.

Facts have proved that none of these 'prodigies' who were killed from the stars of the Star Alliance are weak. Their families also have various means of powerful attacks and huge lethality.

After solving the various problems of restraining them from the siege of zombie waves, these star master students of various star regions are able to unleash combat power and lethality far beyond expectations.

So much so that at the back, Liang Ji's half-dragon warriors charged forward, and they didn't even need to fight with various zombies. They only needed to block their various natural disaster attacks.

There were not many zombies that could attack the half-dragon warriors, and they were destroyed and killed by various huge destructive attacks from the families of the star master students behind them from a distance.

In this way, Liang Ji's half-dragon team's attack became smoother and faster, and more and more students and dependents from various star masters gathered behind him, growing bigger and bigger like a snowball. , The combat power is also becoming more and more terrifying.

Later, the various natural disaster zombies that rushed in from all around could not even keep up with their killings, so that a large attack often engulfed a small group of zombies, killing them all to pieces.

Above these Familia, the starlight manifested one Star Master student after another. They also greeted Liang Ji and thanked his Familia for charging forward and blocking the natural disaster attacks of various zombies for their Familia.

In this way, Liang Ji also got to know some talented students from various star regions.

Pu Jinshui from the Lingao Star Region, Zhao Ge from the Golden Hook Star Region, Zhuang Yintian from the Buzhou Star Region, Wu Yunxiu from the Biluo Star Region, etc. Liang Ji even met Huang Mengyue from the Serpentine Star Region.

Everyone greeted each other and got to know each other.

At this time, Huang Mengyue suddenly pointed to the black sun in the sky and said, "Look at this black sun, is it constantly falling and getting closer to us?"

Everyone looked and found that the black sun seemed to be much larger than before, as if it was falling from the sky and getting closer and closer to them.

Wu Yunxiu from the Blue Fall Star Territory also nodded at this time and said: "I discovered that the black sun seems to be falling as we kill more and more zombies."

"Do you think this black sun is the 'divine crystal' we want to seize?"

A star master student suddenly raised his voice.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly fell silent and looked at the black sun shining in all directions in the sky. The dark sunlight shrouded the entire 'Pseudo God Realm', driving the zombies and suppressing the Star Master's students and dependents.

It seems to be really in line with the "divine crystal" theory that opened up this "pseudo-god realm".

For a moment, everyone looked at the falling black sun with different expressions.

At this time, the team of dependents below had already rushed upstream and reached the center of this 'pseudo-god territory', where a high mountain stood.

There is a black palace standing on the top of the mountain. Around the mountain and at the foot of the mountain, there are still a large number of various natural disaster zombies, surrounding the mountain, constantly kowtowing to the black palace on the top of the mountain, as if they are performing sacrifices and performing rituals. pray.

When the family members of Liang Ji and others came to kill, these natural disaster zombies gathered around the mountain and kowtowed to the palace on the mountain, like angry mad dogs, they stood up one after another, launched various natural disaster-like attacks, and killed all the family members. .

I don't know whether it's because of the mountain palace here or the black sun gradually falling in the sky. The natural disaster zombies here set off various natural disaster-like attacks, which were far more powerful than the various zombies that had been attacked and killed before.

The speed of Liang Ji's half-dragon family had to slow down gradually.

Moreover, the more zombies were killed, the darker the sun fell from the sky, and the closer they were to the mountains and palaces, the more powerful and lethal the natural disaster zombies they killed around them became.

Liang Ji has clearly discovered that attacks with various natural disaster attributes are gradually approaching the defense limit of his half-dragon family's "hegemonic body".

Fortunately, at this time, teams of various Star Lord students and dependents were also coming from other directions.

These are the other 'prodigy' students from various star regions who have entered the 'Pseudo God Realm'. They all gathered together and used various methods to deal with the various natural disaster attacks of zombies, gradually killing them.

Liang Ji also saw a team of more than ten star masters led by Yan Feicheng of the 'Yunxiao Star Realm'. They indeed had a way to find this place and break into this 'Pseudo God Realm'.

However, most of the dependents of these Star Lord students do not have the "hegemonic body" of the Liangji half-dragons, and they are obviously much slower to kill in the center of the "pseudo god domain" and the high mountain palace.

But no matter what, when these Star Lord students' Familia teams came to kill, they also attracted a large number of natural disaster zombies, which greatly eased the pressure on the Liang Ji Half-Dragon Familia.

Fighting and killing continued and broke out around this mountain.

The fighting here is also attracting more and more Star Master students, leading their families to fight.

Gradually, the number of family members of each star master's students who surrounded and killed them even exceeded the number of various natural disaster zombies around the mountain.

The battle slowly turned into a one-sided massacre.

Liang Ji's team of half-dragons were still charging at the front, and had even reached halfway up the mountain. When they looked up, they could see the tall, black palace on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the black sun in the sky had completely fallen onto the mountain and was suspended above the black palace.


Suddenly, a roar came from the black palace on the top of the mountain.

Around the mountain, all kinds of natural disaster zombies who were fighting with a large number of Star Lord students' families suddenly froze, and the next moment they exploded.

Roaring and exploding, various natural disasters, shattered flesh and blood of alien zombies, and the impact of the explosion swept across all directions, immediately causing large turmoil and casualties among the families of many Star Lord students.

At the same time, among these self-destructing zombies, wisps of spiritual light like the ghostly light of the black sun flew out one after another, converging towards the black palace on the top of the mountain.

A huge figure broke through the black palace and came out. Countless lights converged on it, and the falling black sun shrouded it behind it, making it look full of an evil and sacred feeling.

Like an evil spirit, like the Holy Spirit!

There are only four updates today! I still owe a chapter of Haute Couture and an update, which will be posted later.

The five updates of 10,000 words for several consecutive days exhausted all my manuscripts, and the writing was too hasty and urgent, and many plots had no time to sort out.

Today I will finish the normal 4 updates and 8,000 words. Let me take a break!

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