The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 129 War of Attrition (Please subscribe)

On the top of the mountain, above the palace, the huge figure shrouded in black sun and gathering dim light looked down at the Star Master students and numerous dependents who were coming from all directions.

A faint light flashed on his body, he raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "Kunlun Star Palace, you are going too far!"

"You actually want to use these child soldiers to kill me?"

"Today, I will make you pay for this arrogance!"

Before the roaring sound subsided, the black sun shrouded behind it began to rotate, and suddenly floods, magma, storms, thunder, poison, hail, and other natural and earthly disasters emerged and gathered around it.

There was a roaring sound, and the high mountain it stood on began to violently shake and collapse. Countless boulders rolled down, slamming into the dependents of the Star Lord's students in the surroundings.

There were even earthquakes, ground cracks, and cracks and abyss emerging, swallowing up the dependents of the Star Lord students.

Suddenly, around the collapsing mountains, the star masters and student families of all parties, who were originally well-organized and fighting against various natural disaster zombies, were first swept away by the zombies' self-destructions and disrupted their formations. Then they were hit by landslides, ground cracks, and... The impact of earthquakes and falling rocks instantly caused the entire battlefield to become chaotic.

All Star Master students are busy gathering their respective Familia teams, adjusting their formations, trying to avoid these attacks of landslides and earth-shattering. The only ones who can attack the evil spirits on the mountains are those stars with wings and flying in the air. Main student.

Yan Feicheng, who was in the Yunxiao Star Region, led a group of various dependents flying in the air, led by the Zhu-winged Birdman's Familia, and charged directly towards the evil spirit from the air.

All kinds of arrows, flying spears, and stone throws were like dark clouds hitting the ghostly evil spirit.

However, the dark sun behind the evil spirit turned, and with a wave of his hand, the storms and natural disasters gathered around him immediately roared up, sweeping in all directions, like a strong wind sweeping away the dark clouds in the sky, and all the arrows, flying spears, throwing stones, etc. that were attacking him Wait, they were all swept away by the roaring storm.

boom! Click...

At the same time, thunder roared and exploded, and the thunderstorm natural disasters gathered around the evil spirits erupted at this time, turning into thunder beams, blasting into the many Star Lord student family members flying from the air, and suddenly exploded.

All of a sudden, all kinds of Familia clans attacked from the air from all directions, such as red-winged birdmen, feathered snakemen, winged bearmen, double-winged batmen, flying-finned fishmen, etc., were blasted to pieces one after another, sweeping away a large amount of flesh and blood. Bones and corpses of family members fell like rain.

Halfway up the mountain, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members, relying on their hegemonic power to run rampant, could be said to be charging at the forefront of the star master student family members, and also attracted the largest number of various natural disaster zombies to attack.

Therefore, when the natural disaster zombies exploded, as well as the subsequent attacks from landslides, ground cracks, and boulders rolling down, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members were the first to bear the brunt, and suffered the most and the largest number of impacts and attacks.

Even with the combat power and defense of the half-dragon warriors, who used their giant hammers as shields to block zombie self-destructions, boulder impacts, and smashed the surrounding mountains that shook and collapsed, they would still inevitably suffer heavy losses in this continuous attack.

There were thousands of half-dragon warriors on the spot, dying from various attacks.

By the time the warrior leader Chi 24th reorganized his team, there were only about 180,000 half-dragon warriors left.

Looking back at the battlefield at this time, the mountain has collapsed, and the evil spirit is hanging in the sky with the sun behind it. It is constantly blasting out all kinds of thunder, storms, floods, ground fire, and ice explosions, sweeping away the lives of many Star Master students in the sky. Feitian Familia.

Countless family members were attacked by various natural disasters caused by evil spirits, and their bodies were shattered into pieces, with flesh, blood, and corpses scattered like rain.

This battle and killing has moved from the ground to the air.

Liang Ji's half-dragon family members, as well as the majority of the other star master student family members, were on the ground. They could only use arrow rain, flying spears, stone throwing and other means to attack from a distance and support the battle in the sky.

But very few of these arrows, flying spears and other attacks could hit the evil spirit.

Evil spirits are surrounded by various natural disasters, and most of the family members' long-range attacks cannot even defeat these surrounding natural disasters.

Seeing this, Liang Ji became more and more certain that when the Familia advanced to the second level later, he would definitely give the Familia the ability to fly in the sky. Otherwise, as long as future battles were moved to the air, the combat power of his half-dragon warriors would be greatly affected. Big restrictions.

The battle in the air, or rather the massacre, lasted for nearly half an hour. Seeing the Star Lords' dependents flying in the sky, the casualties became more and more severe, but they were unable to cause much damage to the evil spirit.

Finally, one of the Star Master students couldn't hold on any longer and dropped his heavily injured family members from the air to the ground to avoid various natural disaster attacks controlled by evil spirits.

When one leaf falls, all the leaves follow!

The other Star Lords of the Feitian Familia who also suffered heavy losses also followed suit, and the Familia flew down one after another to avoid the attack of the evil spirits.

But in the blink of an eye, there were no flying dependents in the sky, only the evil spirits shrouded in the black sun, occupying the sky alone.

But this evil spirit has no intention of letting go of the Star Lord students and their families.

Seeing that there were no enemies in the air, they also swept all kinds of natural disasters and rushed towards the Star Lord Familia on the ground.

"Familiar clan with strong defense rushed forward, surrounded him, and blocked his attack!"

"Others will use whatever means they can to kill us. Star Alliance and Star Palace are watching us!"

Some Star Lord students shouted loudly, trying to lead and organize the battle.

However, the Star Master students present were all 'prodigy' students who had broken out from various star fields. Needless to say, they all took action at this time.

Liang Ji's half-dragon warrior had swallowed the pill at this time, raised his giant hammer again, and charged towards the evil spirit rushing down first.

In other directions, there are giant elephant half-demon, bull-headed half-demon, giant bear half-demon, giant whale half-demon, etc., all kinds of tall and strong warriors with strong defense, holding battle axes, giant hammers, broadswords, Giant shields, maces, etc. also rushed out.

These warriors of the clan, who are strong and strong in defense, endured the impact of all kinds of thunder, storms, flames, hail, and poisonous natural disasters. At their feet, there were attacks that shook the earth and cracked the ground.

It can be said that the impact of every step is accompanied by the clan members being bombarded, devoured, and charging forward on the corpses of their own clansmen.

And behind these strong family members who were on the front line of the attack, family members from all sides gathered and followed, still raining arrows, flying spears, and throwing stones to attack the evil spirit.

Although, most of these attacks were blocked and blasted away by the various natural disasters surrounding the evil spirits, causing almost zero damage to them.

However, soon some Star Master students discovered the problem and shouted: "The black sun behind him is shrinking and getting darker!"

"The spiritual veins of this star can no longer support the opponent's 'divine crystal''s wanton extraction of power!"

"Everyone continues to attack and consume the power of his 'divine crystal'."

After hearing this, all the Star Lord students saw the changes in the black sun behind the evil spirit, and they all became energetic.

This at least shows that this evil spirit is not invincible.

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