The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 130 The Evil Spirit Dies and the Divine Crystal is Broken (please subscribe)

In the battlefield, a thunder struck.

"Lianshan Shield!"

‘Chi 24th’ raised his voice and commanded the battle. The half-dragon warrior using the magical power of ‘Big and Small Ruyi’ bloodline used a giant hammer as a shield to withstand the thunder bombardment.

These giant hammers were already covered in scars and many were mutilated. Thunderbolts broke through the resistance of the giant hammers and struck the half-dragon warriors in the rear, blasting through their armor and tearing apart their skin and flesh.

The evil spirit used the 'divine crystal' to extract the power of the star's spiritual veins, and the power of various natural disaster attacks almost reached the limit of the first level, which was the defensive power of Liang Ji's half-dragon family's 'overlord body' , coupled with the blessing of the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', it is difficult to resist them all.

There are always natural disaster attacks such as thunder, fire, ice, poison, etc., blasting through their defenses, tearing their flesh and blood, and attacking into their bodies.

Fortunately, the half-dragon's 'Hegemonic Body' defense, with the blessing of the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi', is almost approaching the limit of the first level. Although these attacks from evil spirits can break through their defense and tear their flesh and blood, However, the damage caused is limited, and it is difficult to damage the muscles and bones.

Half-dragon warriors can persist longer with the support of elixirs that heal wounds and replenish blood.

boom! Click...

At this time, there was another roar and crack, the ground on the battlefield shook, the earth cracked, and abyssal cracks engulfed the team of half-dragon warriors.


The leader of the warriors, Chi 24th, once again raised his voice and ordered. Teams of half-dragon warriors raised their giant hammers and smashed them down. The violent concussion force hit the earth, directly smashing the shaking earth. , smashing the cracks in the earth that split and swallowed up.

But even so, from time to time, half-dragon warriors were swallowed up by cracks in the earth, or swallowed up by the accumulating injuries, and died on the spot.

In the center of the battlefield, the black sun behind the evil spirit has shrunk to less than half its original size, and the dark light it emits has also dimmed to the extreme, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

All Star Lord students know that as long as they continue to attack and consume, they can exhaust the energy in the evil black sun and win the final victory.

However, this war of attrition consumes all the dependents of Star Master students.

At this time, on the battlefield, there were only three defensive family members who were still charging forward to resist the attacks of various natural disasters from the evil spirits, and even the evil spirits were unable to surround them.

One is the half-dragon family of Liang Ji, the other is the giant whale and half-demon family of a star master student in the Yinghai Star Region, and the other is the giant elephant and half-demon family of a star master student in the Manggu Star Region.

They are all Familia with strong bodies and strong defense.

As for the rest, some of the bull-headed half-demon clansmen, giant bear clans, etc. who had rushed out with them before and charged on the front line were already under various natural disaster attacks by evil spirits. They could no longer support and consume them and had to withdraw. On the frontline battlefield, hide behind and launch various long-range attacks in order to consume the energy of evil spirits and 'divine crystals'.

This war of attrition lasted for an unknown amount of time, but the number of family members who had sacrificed their lives numbered hundreds of thousands to millions. The entire battlefield was almost covered with flesh, blood, and corpses.

Roar! Rumble...

Finally, the spiritual veins in this world were consumed beyond the limit, and there seemed to be a roaring roar coming from the depths of the earth.

The next moment, the entire 'Pseudo God Realm' and even the entire stars seemed to be violently shaking and breaking.

This first-order star, which was on the verge of doom, completely entered its doom and destruction due to the battles and torments of the evil spirits of the gods and a group of Star Alliance Star Master students.

And in the center of the battlefield, the evil spirit that had been relying on its own efforts to suppress the talented students of the star masters in each star region of the Star Alliance had reached its limit at this time.

The black sun shrouding behind it has shrunk to less than one-tenth of its original size; the dim sunlight shining out has been extinguished.

Liang Ji and other Star Master students were even able to see the true face of the black sun.

It was a black faceted crystal full of cracks and even incomplete parts.

Divine Crystal!

With just one glance, everyone recognized that it was the target of the additional test: the divine crystal!

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up.

The various attacks from the Familia below suddenly became more ferocious and numerous. There were even Familia from the Star Lord's students bursting out, rushing past the half-dragon, giant whale, half-demon, and giant elephant half-demon that had been blocking the way. The family members launched a fierce attack on the evil spirits, trying to kill the evil spirits in one fell swoop and seize the 'divine crystal'.

"The lion is in trouble, and you hyenas dare to rush out and bark!"

In the center of the battlefield, the dim light on the evil spirit's body has also been extinguished, revealing the image of a man with a pale complexion, sunken eye sockets, and green hair and dark pupils.

He looked at the Familia rushing around, anger appearing on his pale face, and a faint light flickering in his eyes.

At this time, all kinds of natural disasters that had almost dissipated suddenly broke out around him as the spiritual veins of the stars shattered and the black sun went out.

Thunder bombardments, storm sweeps, torrential waves, ground fire burning, hail strikes, etc., all blasted into the families who rushed up from all sides, and immediately swept away a large number of families, adding a large number of families to this battlefield filled with flesh and blood and corpses. Corpses.

The sudden explosion frightened the clan warriors who were attacking from all sides. The evil spirits took this opportunity to fly into the sky under the cover of the 'divine crystal' behind them, trying to escape.


"The evil spirit is gone!"

"Don't let him get away!"

All the Star Master students also reacted at this time and shouted.

The Feitian Familia from all sides who had been severely injured and swept away before were now in high spirits and soared into the sky again to kill the evil spirits flying into the air.

Take advantage of this to seize the fruits of victory.

Faced with the rush and attacks of the Feitian Familia, the evil spirit was at the end of its rope. It no longer had the force that it had before when it swept through the air and rained down the corpses of countless Feitian Familia.

After just a few rounds of attacks, the evil spirit had to fall from the sky and fall back into the battlefield, surrounded by the Star Lord's family members.



The families from all sides saw the evil spirit's weakness more and more, and immediately swarmed towards it and killed it.

Liang Ji's half-dragon family members were also charging forward at this time. Their domineering "Hegemony" defense was strong enough to withstand the last remaining remnants of the evil spirit and the various natural disaster attacks that broke out, and were the first to hit the evil spirit.



With a command, giant hammers were raised high, and with violent concussion force, they all hit down together, blasting away the last force of natural disaster entangled around the evil spirit and bombarding it.

At this last moment of life and death, the evil spirit did not look at the giant hammer coming or the half-dragon warrior who launched the attack. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the star masters manifested by the starlight in the sky with deep eyes. , and seemed to be looking deeper.

Finally, when a giant hammer struck his body, the violent concussion force directly tore and shattered his body.

There seemed to be a sneer on the evil spirit's face.

Click... bang!

There was a shattering sound, and the 'divine crystal' that had been floating behind the evil spirit's head suddenly exploded, with streaks of light rushing out from it, and quickly disappeared into the star masters' figures in the sky.


Liang Ji's natal star, the dragon soul wrapped around it seemed to sense something, suddenly raised its head and let out a dragon roar, and looked up at the starry sky above the natal star.

In the starry sky, a meteor shower suddenly appeared, falling towards his natal star.

But before the dragon soul could open its mouth and devour these falling meteor showers, the sun, moon and stars in the natal starry sky appeared. The sun, moon, and stars rotated around, as if a great formation was moving, and they immediately swallowed up the falling meteor showers.

It didn't have any impact on his natal star.

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