The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 131 Entrance ticket to Kunlun Star Palace (please subscribe)

"This is……"

Liang Ji couldn't help but be stunned by the change of protrusion and sudden disappearance.

Immediately he realized that the meteor shower was probably the final blow of the evil spirit that shattered the 'divine crystal', in order to attack the natal stars of the Star Master students who were besieging each other.

After all, the evil spirit also knows very well that no matter how many families he kills here, it will not hurt the fundamentals of these Star Lord students.

Only by attacking the natal stars of Star Master students can we truly threaten or even kill Star Master students.

When the evil spirit first appeared, it had roared to the sky to make the Kunlun Star Palace and the Star Alliance pay the price for this arrogant siege. This should be the opponent's method and purpose.

But now it seems that Kunlun Star Palace, or the Star Alliance, has been prepared for a long time. The innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation' has been prepared for a long time, and it can directly block the blow from the opponent's broken 'divine crystal'. Digestion.

The 'Divine Crystal' may be a very mysterious and amazing treasure, and the blow from the evil spirit that breaks it may be very powerful and terrifying, but compared with the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the 'Celestial Star Array', it is undoubtedly There is no comparison at all.

Liang Ji's thoughts were changing here, and the situation on the battlefield below was also changing.

As the evil spirit fell and the ‘divine crystal’ shattered, all the families on the battlefield directly competed for the fragments of the ‘divine crystal’.

Liang Ji's half-dragon family was on the front line of killing evil spirits and was closest to the broken 'divine crystal', so they naturally had the upper hand at this time.

The warrior leader ‘Chi 24th’ took action directly and grabbed the largest piece from the broken ‘divine crystal’ fragments.

However, before he and the surrounding half-dragon family members reached out to grab more, the broken 'divine crystal' fragments erupted and flew in all directions.

The dependents of the Star Lord students from all directions and the sky gathered around. At this time, they all took action to snatch the flying 'divine crystal' fragments, and even directly faced each other with swords and started to use their hands.

The battlefield that had just calmed down suddenly became chaotic again, and a chaotic battle broke out.

Even Liang Ji's Familia half-dragons were besieged by several Star Lord students, asking them to hand over the 'divine crystal' fragments they had grabbed.

Among them were many Star Lord students who had just hid their Familia behind the Half-Dragon Familia, relied on the Half-Dragon warriors to resist the attacks of evil spirits, and launched long-distance attacks from behind.

Although, for all the Star Master students, the function of this ‘divine crystal’ fragment is not yet clear.

However, in the battle just now, he extracted the power of the star spiritual veins, allowing the evil spirits to control various natural disaster attacks, suppressing the entire field and unable to raise their heads.

In the end, the final victory was achieved by sacrificing millions of warriors from each side's clans, slowly consuming the opponent's energy with their lives, exhausting the power of the star's spiritual veins, and exhausting the power of the 'divine crystal'.

From this we can see how powerful and precious this ‘divine crystal’ is.

What's more, the additional information received in the "Star Book" requires everyone to seize the "Divine Crystal".

At this time, naturally no one is willing to give up.

"Blood Burning Technique!"

"The rainbow penetrates the sun!"

The warrior leader of the half-dragon clan, Chi 24th, did not hesitate at this time, and directly burned the essence and blood, and launched desperate measures.

In order to consume and deal with evil spirits, Liang Ji's dragon family members charged at the front line in a fierce battle. The number of casualties exceeded 20,000, and now there are still about 150,000 warriors left.

Even these 150,000 warriors, who had consumed most of their bloodline energy in the fierce battle just now, can still maintain the bloodline magical power and combat power of 'big and small Ruyi', no matter how long they continue to fight.

Therefore, at this time, faced with several star master student families and half-dragon warriors who were attacking from all sides, under the leadership of 'Chi 24th', they did not hesitate to use the method of sharing the fate of each other.

Then, one by one, like rampaging mountains, they crashed into several Star Lord student families attacking from all around.

This time, it was the turn of the dependents of these Star Lord students to feel the domineering and unscrupulous power of the half-dragon warrior's "Hegemony".

Let their families launch various attacks, such as long-range attacks, close combat, sharp swords, fire, ice, poison, storms, etc. However, the attacks on the half-dragon warriors are basically destroyed by the half-dragon warriors. The 'Hegemony' is defensive and immune, so it is difficult to cause much harm to the half-dragon family members.

Instead, the rampaging half-dragon warriors held a giant hammer in their hands, and under the sweeping force, the dependents of these Star Lord students were smashed, broken, and killed one by one.

Although they were besieged and attacked by several times the number of enemies, on the battlefield at this time, Liang Ji's half-dragon warriors were overwhelmingly victorious and slaughtered.

The expressions of the several Star Master students who chose to besiege the Liang Ji Familia clan suddenly changed at this time. While directing the Familia clan to siege and fight, they raised their voices to greet other Star Master students and more Familia clans to join the battle.

It's just that the battlefield at this time was in chaos. There were dozens of 'divine crystal' fragments flying in all directions, and melee broke out at almost every 'divine crystal' fragment.

Star masters, students and dependents from all sides all have their own goals, but no one pays attention to their calls.

What's more, even if someone hears their call, they will be relieved when they see Liang Ji's half-dragon warriors running rampant on the battlefield, not afraid of any attack.

After all, there are dozens of 'divine crystal' fragments, and grabbing any one of them is not a grab, so why have to fight and fight with these half-dragon warriors who can't be steamed, boiled, or broken?

In the previous battles with natural disaster zombies and evil spirits, the strength of the half-dragon warriors had undoubtedly impressed many Star Master students.

boom! Rumble...

The melee is still going on, the star spiritual veins are still roaring in pain, and the entire star is shaking, vibrating, and cracking.

As for the students and dependents of the Star Lords from all sides, the ‘pseudo-god realm’ where they are currently is also shattering and collapsing at an accelerated rate due to the shattering of the ‘divine crystal’.

The sky collapsed, the earth subsided, underground fire and magma erupted and flowed, underground water broke in and raged like a torrent, and various natural disasters broke out, making this chaotic battle for the fragments of the 'divine crystal' become more and more chaotic.

"Everyone, stop arguing. This place is going to collapse. Let's get out first!"

Some Star Master students raised their voices and shouted, but few listened and paid attention.

At this time, in the battlefield of Liang Ji's half-dragons, a large number of ice and fire talisman arrows suddenly shot out, hitting the family members who were besieging the half-dragon people. The collision and explosion of ice and fire immediately caused a huge explosion among the besieging family members. A way forward was opened.

Liang Ji looked and saw that it was Peng Yue's Ice Soul Snake Man.

"This place is going to collapse. Hurry, rush out first."

Peng Yue looked at Liang Ji and said.

"Thank you." Liang Ji thanked him. The half-dragon warriors below, with the support of the Ice Soul Snake people, rushed out from the siege of several Star Lord student family members, joined the Ice Soul Snake people, and headed towards the collapse. Rush outside the 'Pseudo God Realm'.

Behind them, when the Star Master students and dependents who had besieged the half-dragons saw this, most of them hesitated and gave up the pursuit of Liang Ji's dependents, and also found a way to rush out of the 'Pseudo God Realm'.

"Peng Yue, have you grabbed the 'divine crystal' fragments?"

Seeing that there were not many attacking family members chasing after him, Liang Ji was slightly relieved and couldn't help but ask Peng Yue.

Peng Yue smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "There were too many people snatching the fragments of the 'God Crystal'. I tried to join a battlefield and tried to snatch a piece, but I failed."

Liang Ji looked around at the chaotic battlefield robbing the 'divine crystal' fragments, and asked, "Do you want my help?"

Peng Yue's face was obviously filled with emotion, but he just looked at the 'pseudo-god realm' that was accelerating in collapse and destruction around him, and said, "Let's rush out of here first."

"Okay!" Liang Ji nodded and said, "After we go out, we will see who has the 'divine crystal' fragments in hand, and we can help you grab one."

boom! Rumble...

Behind him, the collapse and destruction of the 'Pseudo God Realm' became faster and faster, and even began to engulf some of the Star Lord's students' dependents.

Seeing this, all the Star Master students and dependents had to temporarily put down their fight for the fragments of the 'divine crystal' and began to run away from the collapsed 'pseudo-god domain'.

When a group of Star Master students and Familia finally escaped from the collapsed and destroyed 'Pseudo God Realm' and returned to the star ground, they saw that there were still a small group of Familia who were left behind forever to collapse and be destroyed. In the 'Pseudo God Realm'.

However, not many people cared about this. Instead, the Star Master students and dependents began to stare at those Star Master students and dependents who had grabbed the fragments of the 'divine crystal'.

Even Liang Ji's half-dragon family was also targeted again.

Of course, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also focused on the 'divine crystal' fragments in the hands of other Star Lord students and dependents.

The atmosphere in the venue became a little solid for a while.

Just when all parties saw that the war was about to resume, stars suddenly fell from the sky, and a starlight giant appeared above everyone. He looked down at the Star Lord students and dependents and raised his voice:

"I am the admissions teacher of Kunlun Star Palace, and I would like to announce that the college entrance examination is over!"

"All the Star Master students who grab the 'divine crystal' fragments can enter my Kunlun Star Palace!"

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