The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 132 Million Rewards (Please subscribe)

Upon hearing the Starlight Giant's words, all the Star Master students present couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

Some Star Master students even raised their voices: "Protest! Before the exam, you didn't say you could enter the Kunlun Star Palace by grabbing the 'divine crystal' fragments!"

At the same time, there are Star Master students and dependents who are quite ready to take action. They seem to want to continue to snatch the 'divine crystal' fragments from other people's hands.

However, after thinking about it for a while, I didn’t take action.

The admissions teacher of Kunlun Star Palace, the Starlight Giant, has announced that the college entrance examination is over. Star Lord students with fragments of the ‘divine crystal’ can enter Kunlun Star Palace.

It can be said that Liang Ji and other Star Master students who have fragments of the ‘divine crystal’ are already considered preparatory students of the Kunlun Star Palace.

If other people and the Familia want to take action at this time, not to mention what kind of impression it will give to the Star Alliance and the major star palaces, I am afraid that the Starlight Giant manifested in the sky will directly raise their hands to suppress or even punish them.

In the education of the Star Alliance, it is emphasized to respect the strong.

Liang Ji did not expect that there would be such a sudden change, but he thought that when he surrounded and killed the evil spirit in the 'Pseudo God Realm', the other party had roared to the sky, and said that the Kunlun Star Palace had gone too far.

Looking at it now, perhaps this additional question assessment for the college entrance examination was set up by the master of Kunlun Star Palace.

The severely injured evil spirit and the damaged ‘divine crystal’ were probably even severely injured and forced into the star by the people from the Kunlun Star Palace.

With the following arrangements, it doesn't seem strange to directly use the 'divine crystal' fragments as a ticket to enter the Kunlun Star Palace.

However, he couldn't help but look at Peng Yue on the side. Originally, they had planned to work together to grab a fragment of the 'divine crystal' for her.

A look of confusion and annoyance clearly flashed across Peng Yue's face at this time.

However, after looking at Liang Ji, she still smiled and said: "Liang Ji, congratulations, you will have no problem entering the Kunlun Star Palace this time!"

"What about you?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

Peng Yue smiled and shook his head, saying: "It's okay. Anyway, my original goal was not the Kunlun Star Palace, but the Vientiane Star Palace."

"I performed pretty well in this college entrance examination. I believe there should be no problem in getting admitted to Wanxiang Xinggong."

Hearing this, Liang Ji could only nod his head and said, "Then I wish you can enter the Vientiane Star Palace as you wish."

At this time, the starlight giant in mid-air raised his hand, and a little starlight flew down, falling towards each of the Star Master students who had captured the 'divine crystal' fragments, and combined with the 'divine crystal' fragments they captured, marked imprint.

Liang Ji took a preliminary look and found that there were actually seventy or eighty Star Lord students who had seized the 'divine crystal' fragments this time.

And this also shows that this time the college entrance examination, the number of people enrolled in Kunlun Star Palace is not even hundreds.

There are also other eight star palaces, and the number of people recruited may be more or less, but if you think about it all together, the number is only one or two thousand at most.

Among the Star Alliance, there are tens of millions of Star Lord students taking the college entrance examination in the thirty-three star regions.

The rate of entering the Star Palace can be said to be one in tens of thousands.

"Students who have been admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace, after you return, someone from the Kunlun Star Palace will contact you and arrange for you to enter the Kunlun Star Palace."

"After the other candidates return, someone from the Star Palace who is interested in you will also send someone to contact you."

The starlight giant said at this time, and stretched out his hand again, and a series of starlight portals opened, leading directly to the natal stars of each Star Master student.

Seeing this, all the Star Master students could only suppress all their questions and thoughts, organize their own clan teams, take the corpses of the clansmen who died in the battle and the harvest from the stars, enter the starlight portals, and return to their respective states. Natal stars.

When Liang Ji's half-dragon team passed through the 'Star Gate' and returned to his natal star, he couldn't help but look back at the star that was used as the venue for the additional questions in the college entrance examination.

It can be seen that at this time, various volcanoes, floods, storms, thunder, earthquakes, landslides, and many other natural and earthly disasters are still erupting all over the star.

The entire star has completely entered its doomsday at this time and is heading towards fragmentation and destruction.

On this star, some of the foreign natives, birds and beasts who were still lucky enough to survive were either running around in panic, or desperately carrying out various killings and sacrifices, praying for a way to survive.

In the ancient universe, in the vast starry sky, the weak eat the strong!

The strong survive, the weak perish!

At this time, Liang Ji suddenly seemed to have a better understanding of the educational concept in the Star Alliance.

When his half-dragon family members all return to their natal stars through the Star Gate, his mind and consciousness will also be withdrawn.

Liang Ji also saw that the starlight giant transformed by the Kunlun Star Palace admissions teacher seemed to fly into the high sky of the doomsday stars, raised his hand and dropped something, and fell into the stars.

But what exactly it is, and how the Kunlun Star Palace or the Star Alliance will deal with this star that has been beaten to almost pieces and has its spiritual veins cut off, is not something Liang Ji can know.

At this time, his mind and consciousness had returned, and he returned to the Tian Snake Star, Xiu She City Education Bureau, and the hall where he took the college entrance examination.

At this time, in the hall, not only the nearly 400 Star Master students from Xiu She City who were taking the college entrance examination did not leave, but more people gathered and arrived.

The principals of each school, the head teacher of the star class, and some officials from the Municipal Education Bureau, City Hall, City Council and other departments are all gathered here at this time.


At this time, in the college entrance examination hall, there was a warm applause.

Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau stood above and looked at the students taking the college entrance examination. He smiled broadly and said loudly:

"Dear students, in this college entrance examination, through the hard work of all students, our Xiu She City has achieved record-breaking results!"

"This time in Snake City, there are 362 Star Lord students taking the college entrance examination."

"Among them, there are 277 students admitted to the academy, and 79 students admitted to the palace!"

Director Zhang stood above, reporting the results with a smile on his face, and continued:

"Finally, this time, among our Xiu She City Star Master candidates, six students made history and were admitted to the Star Palace!"

"Among them, classmate Yunlai was admitted to Wanxiang Star Palace!"

"Classmate Peng Yue was admitted to Vientiane Star Palace!"

"Classmate Zhang Liangpu was admitted to Taihao Star Palace!"

"Classmate Liang Ji was admitted to Kunlun Star Palace!"

"Classmate Lan Yingying was admitted to Lingbao Star Palace!"

"Classmate Cao Chanyue was admitted to Taiyi Star Palace!"

As Director Zhang said, he invited Liang Ji and others to the rostrum, and together with the principals, head teachers, and city officials, they faced the many students below.

He smiled and said loudly: "Let us congratulate them!"


After a while, warm applause sounded again.

Liang Ji and others stood on the stage and bowed to thank everyone.

After a long time, Director Zhang stretched out his hand to suppress the applause and announced loudly: "To thank all the students for their efforts in this college entrance examination, and to inspire those who come after."

"After research and decision by the city, the city will provide funds to reward students who take the college entrance examination."

"Among them, the six students who are admitted to the Star Palace will each be rewarded with one million low-grade spiritual stones!"

"The seventy-nine students who are admitted to the Imperial Academy will each be rewarded with one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones!"

"Every student admitted to the academy will be rewarded with 10,000 low-grade spiritual stones!"


This time, the applause from the audience suddenly became more enthusiastic and lasting.

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