The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 133 The benefits of Kunlun Star Palace (please subscribe)

Liang Ji was successfully admitted to Kunlun Star Palace, one of the nine star palaces. The city directly rewarded him with one million low-grade spiritual stones. Following that, the school also rewarded him with half a million low-grade spiritual stones.

Among them, the school contributed 200,000, the principal contributed 200,000, and the head teacher, Mr. Du, contributed 100,000.

For several days in a row, he was basically busy and running around at the Municipal Education Bureau, school, and home.

The city and school publicized their achievements in passing the Star Palace, and held commendation and celebration meetings. As the only one among the six who came from an ordinary family, Liang Ji was almost regarded as a model, and he was indispensable in every publicity.

On the family side, celebrations are indispensable.

Previously, when he reached the top ten of the Serpentine Star among the three models, relatives on both sides of his parents were already planning to hold a celebration, but Liang Ji refused because he was preparing for the college entrance examination.

But now, the college entrance examination is over, and he has successfully passed the Kunlun Star Palace. This is undoubtedly more exciting and happy than the top ten results in the Serpentis Star during the third model.

Almost as soon as the day after the college entrance examination came out that he had been admitted to Kunlun Star Palace, the various communication terminals of his parents, including Liang Ji himself, were flooded with messages of congratulations.

Grandpa and maternal grandfather respectively issued orders to Liang Ji's parents, asking them to take Liang Ji back to worship their ancestors.

Uncles and uncles, while clamoring to hold a 'study promotion banquet' and a 'teacher appreciation banquet', asked Liang Jiduo to go around the house and teach his cousins ​​and cousins.

Of course, the visits at home are constant.

Relatives near and far, well-connected friends, as well as the Municipal Agriculture Bureau, the Municipal Inspection Department, the Yun family and others who had already invested in the Liang family and Liang Ji all sent people to the door to congratulate him.

Liang Ji suddenly became famous, and the Liang family became famous.

After a few days of experience, Liang Ji became more and more aware and sighed: "The college entrance examination is indeed the best way to change a person or a family's class!"

After being so busy for several days, going in and out of various conference venues and restaurants, Liang Ji's training time and efficiency were greatly reduced compared to before the college entrance examination.

Although he now has 1.5 million spiritual stones in his hand, there is no shortage of resources, and the conditions are undoubtedly much better than before the college entrance examination.

However, over the past few days, he has basically maintained a regular practice of refining the demon pill of a piebald demon snake, maintaining the continuous increase in the strength of the spiritual veins in his natal star.

Even his own practice of 'cleansing the marrow and exchanging blood' has been greatly slowed down, and he only maintains basic practice every day.

In the afternoon of this day, Liang Ji had just refined a new demon elixir from the piebald demon snake into the natal star, and checked the development of the natal star and the dependent clan.

In the ‘Starlight Treasure Mirror’, a notification sound suddenly came from the room, which was a request for video communication.

Liang Ji clicked it open, and a figure suddenly appeared on the star screen. He was a young man wearing a green robe, with a face like a jade, and a calm temperament.

The other party looked at Liang Ji, nodded slightly, and said, "Hello, junior Liang Ji."

"I am Ge Yuanchao, a student of Instructor Chi Yu of Kunlun Star Palace. First of all, congratulations on being admitted to Kunlun Star Palace."

"According to the allocation by the Star Palace Admissions Office, you were assigned to the name of Instructor Akadama."

"The tutor asked me to contact you and be responsible for handling your admission."

The other party said, showing the proof of Kunlun Star Palace to Liang Ji.

Liang Ji immediately saluted and said hello: "Hello, Senior Ge."

"If you have any orders, please tell me."

Ge Yuanchao nodded and said: "I don't know how much you know about our Kunlun Star Palace. I will send you some information about the Kunlun Star Palace later. You can take a good look after receiving it."

"The nine major star palaces in the Star Alliance each have their own teaching methods."

"Some star palaces like to recruit more students, teach in large classes, and then let these students compete on their own. The strong ones will go up and the weak ones will go down."

"Some star palaces like to use a tutoring system, recruiting only a small number of elite students and assigning them to tutors, who will teach and guide them carefully."

"Our Kunlun Star Palace belongs to the latter."

"But don't think that you can sit back and relax."

"The tutor has very strict requirements for students. If you fail to meet his requirements, the tutor will directly expel you."

"Afterwards, if Xingong's investigation is correct, you may even face expulsion from Xingong."

Ge Yuanchao said this with a solemn expression.

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but look solemn and nodded slightly to show that he understood and remembered.

Seeing this, Ge Yuanchao continued:

"Instructor Akadama and I have already read your specific information. To be honest, the foundation is a bit weak."

"The strength of your natal star spiritual veins should have just passed the first level (50%), and your own practice has just completed a marrow cleansing and blood exchange."

"To be honest, if your clan's combat power is not strong enough and you perform very well in the college entrance examination, you may not be able to be admitted to the Star Palace based on this foundation, and it will be even more difficult to be admitted to our Kunlun Star Palace."

Liang Ji nodded repeatedly and said, "What the senior said is that I am trying to catch up."

"Of course, we also know that this is not your fault."

"With your family conditions, it is already very good to be able to reach this step."

"Teacher Akadama speaks highly of this."

"Thank you, mentor." Liang Ji quickly thanked him again.

"What the instructor means is that there is still one month left before the start of school at Star Palace."

"You need to make up for the missing foundation this month."

Hearing this, Liang Ji quickly picked up his spirits and asked, "Senior, does the instructor have any requirements?"

Ge Yuanchao nodded and said: "The instructor said that the first level is the stage to lay the foundation. What should be taught has been taught in the third year of high school, and he has nothing more to teach."

"So, tutors always have a unified requirement for the students they recruit."

"Students are required to cultivate their natal stars to the first level (100%) before enrolling, and they must also complete all stages of ninth-grade body training."

"After students enroll, tutors usually start direct guidance and teaching from the second level."

Liang Ji couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and frowned: "Senior, just one month is not enough for me to cultivate the strength of my natal star spiritual veins to the first level (100%)."

Ge Yuanchao nodded when he heard this, then shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, the information I will send you later contains the official website entrance of Kunlun Star Palace. Your information has been entered into the Star Palace system. You can directly Log in."

"In the Star Palace official website, there is a trading module, where you can buy many resources that cannot be bought in the outside market, such as the 'root of spiritual veins' and so on."

"Moreover, you can apply for student loans on the official website of Star Palace. You can borrow both spiritual stones and meritorious deeds."

"You can choose the resources or loans on the official website based on your needs, which will be enough to support you in successfully raising your natal star to the first level (100%) in the next month."

When Liang Ji heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "Kunlun Star Palace actually has so many benefits!"

Ge Yuanchao also showed pride at this time, nodded and said: "When you enter school, you will know that our Kunlun Star Palace, as one of the nine star palaces in the Star Alliance, has no power, no matter in terms of strength, resources, or influence. Wait, they are all top-notch."

"I believe you will be proud of Kunlun Star Palace when the time comes!"

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