The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1295: Another Battle with the Eighth-Rank God

On the battlefield between the Star Alliance and the God Realm, a large-scale battle is breaking out on the Void Sea battlefield.

This large-scale battle was initiated by the Star Alliance. Many mid-level star lord teams, led by the seventh-level star lords, shuttled through the Void Sea battlefield and used various tactics to besiege the God Realm front.

Along the way, they encountered many teams of gods from the God Realm, all of which were besieged and captured by the teams sent by the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji didn't need to worry about the specific command and combat situation in the Void Sea battlefield, how to surround the God Realm team and achieve the greatest results, etc.

He had limited understanding of the Void Sea battlefield and the enemy's gods from the God Realm, and he had no experience and knowledge in commanding a large army.

Such command and combat experience and knowledge are usually educated and cultivated by the military in the Star Alliance. Liang Ji has never really joined the army, so naturally he has not received training and teaching in this area.

Naturally, he doesn't know how to command a large army on the battlefield.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why the Star Alliance has to send two eighth-level star masters to the Void Sea battlefield for a long time. One eighth-level star master is sent by Kunlun Star Palace, and the other eighth-level star master is sent by the Star Alliance military.

Not only Liang Ji, the eighth-level star masters sent by Kunlun Star Palace usually have no battlefield command experience, nor do they have any knowledge of commanding large armies.

Therefore, the Star Alliance military must send an eighth-level star master to sit here for a long time. Not only to mention the eighth-level enemies, but also to lead and control the command of the Star Alliance army in the Void Sea battlefield, task arrangements and many other matters.

As for Liang Ji and Chiyu Mentor, the eighth-level star masters sent by Kunlun Star Palace are mainly used to deal with the eighth-level gods of the God Realm.

After all, compared with battlefield command and military operations, they are not as good as the eighth-level star masters sent by the Star Alliance military.

However, above the gods of the other God Realm, the star masters of Kunlun Star Palace are professional, far surpassing the eighth-level star masters of the military.

So at this time, Liang Ji and Chi Yu did not make any extra movements. They hid their bodies and auras and followed the Star Alliance team, heading towards the God Realm camp, while watching the art of Jing Jian Star Lord commanding the battle.

Finally, when the Star Alliance army attacked the Void Sea battlefield near the God Realm camp and successfully surrounded and killed a seventh-level god, the God Realm God Camp also reacted and knew about the Star Alliance's massive attack.

So the God Realm camp also began to gather forces and fight with the large number of Star Alliance teams that were attacking.

Among them, the two eighth-level gods in the God Realm who were stationed here were the first to rush forward and rushed towards the Star Alliance team.

These two eighth-level gods were stationed here, just like Liang Ji, Jing Jian Star Lord and others. In order to ensure the safety of their own front, they had to solve any problems in a timely manner.

"It's our turn!"

At this time, Master Chiyu looked at Liang Ji and said:

"Liang Ji, choose one of the two eighth-level gods! You don't need to kill them on the spot. As long as you can fight them evenly, you can get the recognition of the star masters and teams on the Star Alliance line."

Liang Ji's eyes quickly swept over the two eighth-level gods rushing out of the God Realm camp. One mastered the power of water and the other mastered the power of fire. The two gods of water and fire were opposite, and they could burst out with stronger lethality when they cooperated.

This was obviously arranged by the God Realm to enhance the top combat power and strength of the God Realm camp in this Void Sea battlefield.

In the past hundreds of years, Master Chiyu and Master Jingjian sat in the Void Sea battlefield and fought and battled with this pair of eighth-level gods of water and fire.

Although Master Chiyu had the help of the "God List" to restrain the gods of the God Realm, he never gained much advantage in the confrontation and battle with this pair of eighth-level gods of water and fire over the years.

This time, Master Chiyu launched a big attack before leaving, in addition to verifying Liang Ji's eighth-level combat power to the star masters and teams of the Star Alliance on the battlefield.

On the other hand, he also wanted to completely end the relationship with this pair of eighth-level water and fire gods before leaving.

"Master, I will choose the eighth-level water god."

Liang Ji directly selected his opponent, then nodded to Master Chiyu and Master Jingjian, first manifested the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', and activated the power of his natal star and natal galaxy 'Nine Sun Galaxy', and attacked the eighth-level water god.

He held an elemental giant hammer in his hand, and the elemental light, divine light, blood light, and star light on the hammer flowed synchronously and merged into one.

With his current practice, the integration of the three-door star palace inheritance has gone a step further. Every star technique and every attack method will integrate the power and origin of the three-door star palace inheritance together, without the need to operate special star techniques or mobilize special star palace inheritance.

Just like at this moment, Liang Ji was fighting with the gods in the God Realm, and the most appropriate thing to use was the restraining effect of the ‘Investiture of the Gods’.

However, the high-level astrology ‘Guardian of the Gods’ that he practiced based on the ‘Investiture of the Gods’ was a defensive astrology, which was mainly defensive and had almost no attack power.

The high-level astrology ‘Momentary Element’ that had the greatest attack power and lethality was the ‘Momentary Element’ that was practiced based on the ‘Furnace of All Laws’.

Liang Ji directly used the ‘Furnace of All Laws’ as the main astrology and operated the high-level astrology of ‘Momentary Element’, but the ‘Elemental Hammer’ transformed by the ‘Furnace of All Laws’ was also shining with divine light and blood light, and could fully burst out the power of the ‘Investiture of the Gods’ and the ‘Bloodline Atlas’.

Even, he could use the power of the ‘Furnace of All Laws’ and the ‘Blood Atlas’ to support the power of the ‘God List’, making it burst out with a stronger and better restraining effect.

Therefore, when Liang Ji held the ‘Elemental Hammer’ on the ‘Star Spirit Giant’ and smashed it down, hitting the eighth-level water god, it was not the brilliant elemental light that burst out, but the majestic divine light of the Gods!

It was as if the ‘Elemental Hammer’ that was smashed down at this time was no longer based on the ‘Furnace of All Laws’, but turned to be based on the ‘God List’.

The eighth-level water god originally saw that Liang Ji was just a seventh-level star master and dared to attack him, so he didn’t take it too seriously. He just casually shot a divine light like a sea overturning and crushing, thinking that he could easily repel or even kill Liang Ji, the attacking seventh-level star master.

As a result, when Liang Ji's 'Elemental Hammer' hit the Canghai Divine Light, the majestic Divine Light of the Sea burst out instantly, shattering and annihilating the Divine Light from the Eighth-level Water God, and even when the 'Elemental Hammer' directly hit the Eighth-level Water God, the other party just realized something was wrong.

But it was already a little too late. Liang Ji's attack gathered the power of his natal star, his natal star system 'Nine Suns Star System', and the fusion power of the Three Gates Star Palace inheritance. It was basically a full-strength explosion, and the lethality was not much worse than that of an ordinary eighth-level, and it could even be used to suppress and kill the eighth-level Void Demon Clan.

This eighth-level god in the God Realm was naturally more powerful than the eighth-level Void Demon Clan, but under insufficient defense, he was hit by Liang Ji's powerful attack and was immediately severely injured. His body of the Water God, which was like the condensation of the sea, was smashed on the spot.

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