The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1296 Mobilizing the power of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Diagram’ in the outer domain

Although Liang Ji has the combat power of an eighth-level star master, his cultivation is actually that of a seventh-level star master, which is undoubtedly very confusing.

He also used this point to achieve impressive results in his first attack.

The eighth-level water god attacked by him was careless for a moment, and his "elemental hammer" with divine light burst out was directly blasted to pieces.

However, as an eighth-level god in the super-civilized divine world, he naturally has his own means and strength, and cannot be easily killed.

After Liang Ji blasted his divine body apart with one blow, he saw the brilliant divine light burst out from the "divine crystal" before he could collect the revealed "divine crystal".

The next moment, the divine body that was blasted and shattered by Liang Ji quickly gathered again like water flowing back, and returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

But the reunited eighth-order gods looked at Liang Ji coldly, staring at him and said in a deep voice: "The seventh-order star master actually has the power to cross the eighth-order star master!"

"It seems that this god has encountered a big fish this time!"

"You are definitely a top-notch existence in the Star Alliance in terms of talent, strength, and status, just like the few "main god seeds" in our God Realm who can cross the level to fight at the high-level god stage!"

The eighth-order water god stared at Liang Ji, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became, with a gleam in his eyes.

"If this god takes you down and kills you, it will definitely make the top leaders of the Star Alliance suffer a lot!"

Before he finished speaking, the eighth-order water god had already made a move, waving his hand to sacrifice an eighth-order artifact: the Sea God Scepter.

With a wave of the scepter, the majestic ocean suddenly descended into the battlefield of the Void Sea, bombarding and crushing Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Giant" like a sea overturning.

Liang Ji did not hesitate, and directly activated the projection of his natal star system "Nine Suns Galaxy" to descend and guard around.

The vast sea raised by the eighth-level water god overturned and hit Liang Ji's projection and the natal star system 'Nine Suns Galaxy'. It looked like a flood broke out in the void star sea, submerging the stars, destroying the void, and constantly colliding and fighting with Liang Ji's projection and the natal star system 'Nine Suns Galaxy'.

Liang Ji's natal star system 'Nine Suns Galaxy' also showed its strong defense and combat power at this time.

The 'Nine Suns Galaxy' was in operation, and the nine stars bloomed with infinite hot star light, burning and evaporating the void sea and the surging flood that impacted the natal star system.

Liang Ji's natal star system 'Nine Suns Galaxy' even arranged a protective formation of 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram'.

The interior of the formation was a space of its own, like a sea of ​​stars, bottomless, and swallowed up the vast sea, floods, etc. raised by the eighth-level water god. The projection of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' was not in danger of being breached in a short time.

While Liang Ji was fighting with the 8th-level water god, the other side, Chiyu mentor and Jingjian star master, two 8th-level star masters, also attacked at the same time, attacking another 8th-level fire god.

This 8th-level fire god had a strong attack power and was very powerful, but this time, he was attacked by Chiyu mentor and Jingjian star master, two 8th-level star masters, and his experience and result were much more miserable than the 8th-level water god here.

Facing the joint attack of Chiyu mentor and Jingjian star master, the many defenses of the 8th-level fire god were shattered one by one, and his flame body was also directly shattered.

However, unlike the water god body that Liang Ji shattered, he was able to quickly reassemble his body like a backflow of water, which was enough to show that although Liang Ji's attack was strong at that time, it was not enough to damage the water god's body.

At this time, Chiyu mentor and Jingjian star master jointly smashed the 8th-level fire god's body, and the damage caused was devastating. After the fire god's body was smashed, it was impossible to make the flames flow back and reassemble the fire god's body.

Half of the eighth-level Fire God's 'Divine Crystal' instantly appeared on the battlefield. Seeing this, Master Chiyu's eyes lit up. He offered up the 'God List' in his natal star, waved his hand and shot out a piece of Divine Light, which swept towards the half of the eighth-level Fire God's 'Divine Crystal'.

"Despicable Star Alliance Star Lord, you actually sneak attacked! Unfair victory!"

From the remaining half of the eighth-level Fire God's 'Divine Crystal', his angry curse came out. After all, this 'Divine Crystal' is his foundation, and the divine body can be reunited at any time, so as long as this 'Divine Crystal' is still there and has not been broken, this eighth-level Fire God is still fine and can continue to fight.

In the face of the sweeping Divine Light of Divine Light, a large piece of 'Divine Temple' suddenly emerged and descended in the brilliant Divine Light of the half of the eighth-level Fire God's 'Divine Crystal', blocking the Divine Light of Divine Light.

The 'Divine Temple' formed a large formation, as if a star field of the God Realm had descended to protect it.

This was a method Liang Ji had seen the eighth-level gods use in the war of guarding the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance before, but he didn't quite understand it at the time.

Now, when he saw this "temple formation" again, he immediately realized that this was no different from the star field authority of the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map" mastered by the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance.

However, the gods of the God Realm used the power of the supreme artifact "Temple of the Gods" to master and project the power of the "temple formation" to guard and fight.

The star master of the Star Alliance used the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map" to mobilize the power of the star field to guard and fight.

Even so, facing the "temple formation" brought by the eighth-level fire god, Instructor Chiyu and Star Master Jingjian did not hesitate at all. They sensed the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map" respectively, activated the star field authority they mastered in the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map", directly summoned and led the four star field projections to descend, and operated the "star field formation" to collide and compete with the "temple formation".

Liang Ji saw it very clearly. Chiyu mentor only summoned and led one star field projection to descend, while Jingjian star master summoned three star field projections to descend. His strength and the authority he controlled in the ‘Zhoutian star array’ were obviously far superior to Chiyu mentor, the eighth-level star master rookie.

However, Liang Ji soon lost interest and was unable to pay attention to the battle situation of Chiyu mentor and others.

After seeing that the fire god who had been his partner was severely injured, he even had to summon the ‘Temple Array’ to protect himself and enhance his combat power.

The eighth-level water god who was entangled and fighting with Liang Ji also exploded in an instant, summoning and leading his ‘Temple Array’ from the God Realm, and came straight to suppress Liang Ji.

To deal with such a ‘Temple Array’ comparable to a star field, Liang Ji’s own natal star and natal star system were naturally impossible, so he also had to rely on the authority he controlled in the ‘Zhoutian star array’ to lead the star field projections and descend.

Without hesitation, Liang Ji immediately activated the power of his soul and the power of his natal star, sensing the power of the 'Zhou Tian Star Array', and mobilizing and activating the two star fields over which he had authority, the 'Manggu Star Field' and the 'Jinjiao Star Field', and projected and descended, directly colliding with the 'Temple Array' summoned by the eighth-rank water god, with a loud roar and continuous shaking.

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