The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1297 Great Victory

Generally speaking, the power of the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array Map' can only be exerted within the Star Alliance. If you want to exert it in the outer domain outside the Star Alliance, you need to occupy a star system in the outer star sea, set up a 'Star Map Array' and connect it with the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map', and then use this 'Star Map Array' as the base point to receive the arrival of the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map'.

However, this is only the usual case. When the Star Alliance Star Master reaches the eighth level, or has mastered some of the rights of the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map' in advance, it will be different.

At this time, the Star Master has mastered some of the rights of the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map', and they can use their own power to directly activate the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array Map' to fight and kill.

Just like a cultivator or a Star Master refines a magic weapon and activates the magic weapon to fight.

However, the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ is an innate spiritual treasure, and its power and difficulty are far beyond the magic weapon. Only when you reach the level of the eighth-level star master, or a few seventh-level star masters who can cross the level, can you initially sacrifice and master some of the authority of this innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

But since you have sacrificed and mastered this part of the authority, you will naturally master the power of this part of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’. Even the magic weapon that has been sacrificed and mastered can directly activate its power to fight.

Therefore, star masters such as Liang Ji, Chiyu Mentor, and Jingjian Star Master who have mastered some of the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ can also activate the power of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ to descend on this battlefield of the Void Sea far away from the Star Alliance at this time, helping them to protect themselves and kill the enemy.

This is also a major trump card and powerful combat power that the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance usually has.

Of course, the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance has this trump card, and the eighth-level gods of the God Realm, and even the eighth-level elemental spirits of the Spirit Realm, who belong to the same super civilization, naturally have similar trump cards.

For example, the two eighth-level water and fire gods who are fighting with Liang Ji and Chiyu Mentor and others can directly call on the "Temple Array", which naturally also has the power of the supreme artifact of the God Realm, the "Temple of the Gods".

With the help and protection of the power of the "Temple of the Gods", the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Diagram" operated by the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance is basically offset, and usually no one can do anything to the other.

Therefore, although the Void Sea battlefield where the Star Alliance and the God Realm fought and fought has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, there are many seventh-level star masters and seventh-level gods who have fallen in it, and the number of mid-level star masters and gods who have been killed and injured is even more difficult to count.

However, in the history of hundreds of thousands of years of war, the number of eighth-level gods or eighth-level star masters who have truly fallen is very small, even less than a hundred.

Hundreds of thousands of years are less than a hundred, which means that even a thousand-year war may not result in the death of one person.

However, the Star Alliance team led by Liang Ji, Chiyu Instructor, and Jingjian Star Lord took the initiative to launch an attack this time, but it is expected to achieve this thousand-year achievement.

Liang Ji used the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" that he mastered to urge the power of the two star fields of "Manggu Star Field" and "Jinjiao Star Field" to project and descend, directly blocking and trapping the eighth-level water god who was fighting with him.

The power of the two star fields collided and suppressed the "Temple Array" summoned by the eighth-level water god, which was equivalent to the star field of the gods, and clearly had the advantage.

After just a few confrontations and collisions, the power of the two star fields of "Manggu Star Field" and "Jinjiao Star Field" summoned by Liang Ji had already overwhelmed the "Temple Array" summoned by the eighth-level water god, and even bombarded and crushed a small part of the temple that seemed like a phantom.

With the help and blessing of the two star fields, Liang Ji's body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' grew and became stronger again. The 'Elemental Hammer' in his hand kept blasting out, bursting out brilliant divine light, bombarding the eighth-level water god, bombarding it continuously.

Although it is obviously difficult to kill the opponent with this, it is unknown how much time and effort it will take, and Liang Ji only has the upper hand temporarily, but it is completely difficult to prevent the opponent from escaping.

However, he did not go to kill an eighth-level god this time. He only needed to prove in the battle that he could fight against the eighth-level god on par with him, and even like now, he could cross the level and continuously repel and gain the upper hand against the eighth-level god, which was enough!

Liang Ji proved his strength and made the star lords and teams of the Star Alliance line in the Void Sea battlefield completely relieved.

As for this active attack, the real breakthrough point and hope of victory were at the Chiyu Mentor and Jingjian Star Lord.

The two eighth-level star masters joined forces to besiege the eighth-level fire god on the opposite side. Naturally, the combat power and combat effect that could be unleashed were far superior to Liang Ji's.

Therefore, Liang Ji only needed to resist and delay his opponent, the eighth-level water god, and prevent him from supporting and rescuing the eighth-level fire god, so that Instructor Chiyu and Star Master Jingjian could rest assured and fully surround and kill the eighth-level fire god.

At this time, on the other side of the battlefield, on the battlefield where Instructor Chiyu and Star Master Jingjian besieged the eighth-level fire god, roars and explosions continued to be heard, starlight and divine light shone brightly in the void, and the projection of the temple and the projection of the star field continued to collide. The fighting was much more intense than the battle between Liang Ji and the eighth-level water god.

Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the eighth-level fire god was in a very bad state under the siege of the two eighth-level star masters, Instructor Chiyu and Star Master Jingjian. Not only had he already fallen into a disadvantage, he was constantly besieged and suppressed, and it was even difficult for the opponent to escape like the eighth-level water god.

Liang Ji could not stop the 8th-level Water God from escaping, but the two 8th-level Star Lords, who had rich combat experience and sufficient strength, had already cut off and blocked the 8th-level Fire God's escape route under the siege.

Finally, after smashing the 8th-level Fire God's flame body, which had reunited for who knows how many times, the 8th-level Fire God, who was under the siege of Chiyu Instructor and Jingjian Star Lord, could no longer hold on.

Half of the 8th-level God Crystal suddenly exploded, using the last of its divine power to open a 'Divine Light Gate' in the void chaos, trying to escape into it and escape.

But Chiyu Instructor and Jingjian Star Lord were waiting for this moment, and the two of them exploded together. Jingjian Star Lord slashed into the back of the 'Starlight Gate' with a starlight like a sword, and Chiyu Instructor brushed a red jade light with one hand and hit the 'Divine Light Gate', which actually shook the 'Divine Light Gate' directly, and then collapsed.

His other hand blasted out a divine light, directly blasting down the extremely dimmed Fire God Crystal that had exploded its last power, and suppressed it with the divine light.

"Unfortunately, there is only half a divine crystal! It is too difficult to completely kill these high-level gods!"

Instructor Chiyu sighed helplessly as he looked at the half red divine crystal suppressed by the divine light.

The Star Lord Jingjian on the side didn't care, and smiled and said: "Being able to kill an eighth-level god and take half a divine crystal, this battle is already a great victory!"

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