The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1299 Battlefield Rules Liang Ji's Plan

After returning from a victorious battle, the Covenant Front held a warm celebration.

After the battle, Master Akadema did not leave in a hurry, but continued to stay in the Void Sea battlefield for a year before leaving.

Liang Ji guessed what the other party meant and asked: "Teacher, are you worried that the God Realm will send three eighth-level gods to retaliate?"

Instructor Akama nodded, then shook his head and said: "It is true that we are worried about revenge from the God Realm, but the God Realm will not send three eighth-level gods."

"Here at the Battlefield of the Void Sea, the war between the Star Alliance and the God Realm has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and the two sides have already formed a certain tacit understanding."

"Unless one party wants to start a complete war between the two civilizations and break out a ninth-level war, either the Star Alliance or the God Realm will only send two eighth-level beings to sit on this void battlefield."

"Although we severely damaged the team of the God Realm this time and even killed an eighth-level god, which can be regarded as a great victory, it will not cause the God Realm to let go of this tacit understanding and start a ninth-level war."

After listening to his mentor's words, Liang Ji asked with some doubts and worries: "Then the three of us took action together..."

Hearing this, Master Chiyu immediately understood what he meant, and said with a smile on his face: "After all, you are only a seventh-level star master. Even if you have the ability to fight and kill eighth-level gods across levels, whether in the Star Alliance or In the calculations of the God Realm, he is not considered an eighth-level existence, only a powerful seventh-level star master!"

"That's why we launched that encirclement and suppression war without hesitation before, just to use your eighth-level combat power, which is not eighth-level, to win a big victory!"

"This is allowed by the rules, so there is no need to worry about breaking the tacit understanding."

"However, our Star Alliance can have a star master like you, Liang Ji, who can reach the eighth level of combat power at the seventh level. It is hard to guarantee that there is no one in the God Realm who can also cross the level to the eighth level at the seventh level god stage. The god of war."

"It can even be said that if the high-level gods in the God Realm are willing, it would be easier than our Star Alliance to specially train a seventh-level god who can fight across levels."

Instructor Akama said with some emotion:

"After all, one of the keys to the improvement of the cultivation and strength of gods in the divine world is the number of believers and the power of faith."

"If the high-level gods in the God Realm are willing, they can relax their restrictions and provide a seventh-level god with the faith of believers in one star field or even multiple star fields. With the help of the power of the faith of this large number of believers, it will be easier for them to do so. A seventh-level god with eighth-level combat power was born.”

"It's just that in this way, it will inevitably damage the believers, faith, cultivation, and strength of other high-level gods. Naturally, not many gods are willing to use such a method of harming oneself and benefiting others."

"So, in the history of the God Realm, the number of seventh-level gods who can truly reach the eighth level of combat power is much smaller than the number of seventh-level star masters in the history of our Star Alliance."

When Master Akadema said this, his tone was inevitably a bit proud, but then he changed the topic:

"Despite this, there is no guarantee that something will change, so I will stay here for a while to see the actions of the gods in the divine world."

"If they really have seventh-level gods who can fight across levels, they will definitely organize a team to fight back. If they never come to fight back, it means that the God Realm currently has no seventh-level gods who can fight across levels, and they are not prepared to fight back. Revenge, then I will be able to leave with peace of mind.”

Listening to Instructor Chiyu's explanation, Liang Ji nodded repeatedly, and suddenly had a more in-depth understanding of the Void Sea battlefield and the situation in the God Realm.

This will undoubtedly be very beneficial for him to sit on the battlefield of the Void Sea and fight against the gods of the God Realm.

At the same time, after learning this information, Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the battlefield of the Star Alliance, the battlefield of the Sea of ​​Chaos where the spirit world had been fighting for a long time!

In the Chaos Sea battlefield, do the Star Alliance and the spirit world have similar tacit understandings and rules?

If so, then if he chooses to go to the Chaos Sea battlefield to take charge, can he also launch a special encirclement and annihilation battle against the elemental spirits in the spiritual world in the battlefield like the Void Sea battlefield?

At that time, if you win another big victory, you will naturally get a lot of merit rewards!

The main reason why Liang Ji chose to sit on the civilized battlefield of the outer star sea is to earn enough merits so that he can exchange the various precious spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance, resources and other treasures he needs from the Star Alliance treasury. .

And the number of merits that can be obtained from such a great victory of encircling and annihilating the enemy is naturally far beyond the ordinary sit-down mission!

This point can be seen in the number of meritorious deeds Liang Ji received after he surrounded and annihilated the team of gods from the God Realm in the Void Sea Battlefield from the front and won a great victory!

Liang Ji even thought about more. If such a 'big victory' plan could succeed on the Chaos Sea battlefield where the Star Alliance and the spirit world were fighting, would he be able to regularly travel between the Void Sea battlefield and the Chaos Sea in the future? Go to the two battlefields and get 'big wins' again and again, thereby earning a lot of merit to quickly satisfy your needs?

Thinking of this, Liang Ji's eyes couldn't help but become brighter and brighter.

So later on, I saw that the God Realm had re-recruited a large number of god teams to join the Void Sea battlefield, and restored the situation of confrontation and fighting with the Star Alliance team, but there has been no retaliatory action. After Master Akadera stayed for one more year , he also chose to leave and return to the Star Alliance to continue his practice and work.

Liang Ji began to use his power in the Star Alliance to retrieve and view a lot of data and information about the Void Sea battlefield and the Chaos Sea battlefield. He even retrieved a large amount of intelligence information about the interior of the God Realm and the Spirit Realm from the Star Alliance Intelligence Department.

These intelligence information about the interior of the God Realm and the Spirit Realm were obtained from the God Realm and the Spirit Realm by the Star Alliance Intelligence Department after years of hard work and even sacrifice. Almost every piece of intelligence information was stained with sweat and even blood.

However, with Liang Ji's current status, position, and power in the Star Alliance, he was able to directly retrieve these key and important intelligence information from the Star Alliance Intelligence Department to understand the situation of the gods in the God Realm and the elemental spirits in the spirit world.

Through these intelligence information stained with the sweat and even blood of the star masters and monks of the Star Alliance Intelligence Department, Liang Ji basically confirmed that there are no seventh-level gods or seventh-level elemental spirits in the God Realm and the Spirit Realm that can fight across levels!

Moreover, according to the intelligence he checked on the Chaos Sea battlefield, the Star Alliance and the Spirit Realm indeed had a tacit understanding, and both sides sent only two eighth-level beings to the Chaos Sea battlefield.

The verification of this information undoubtedly showed that his plan had a foundation for success.

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