The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1300: One ‘Big Victory’ after another Three hundred years in the blink of an eye

Liang Ji used his authority to obtain enough intelligence information from the Star Alliance. After determining the internal situation of the two battlefields and the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, he decided to take turns to win big victories in the two battlefields to earn more merits.

However, before actually implementing this plan, he still asked the opinions of other eighth-level star masters and even ninth-level star masters in the Star Alliance in the chat room of "Star Summit".

After all, he didn't know if he would anger the God Realm and the Spirit Realm and violate the bottom line if he implemented such a plan and frequently and massively encircled and suppressed the God Realm God Team and the Spirit Realm Elemental Spirit Team in the two battlefields, and won big victories again and again, so that the God Realm and the Spirit Realm would directly break the tacit understanding and rules and send more eighth-level enemies and even ninth-level enemies to participate in the battle to ambush him?

After all, the meaning of the existence of tacit understanding and rules in the battlefield is to form for both sides to better protect their own manpower and combat power.

Once this tacit understanding and rules become unfavorable to oneself, it will lead to the death and injury of a large number of members and teams of one's own side, and heavy losses.

Then this tacit understanding and rules will naturally have no need to exist. The God Realm and the Spirit Realm are likely to take targeted actions.

Therefore, Liang Ji needs to communicate with the high-level Star Alliance and ask for some opinions before taking action. At least, if his actions really cause the God Realm and the Spirit Realm to break the tacit understanding and rules of the battlefield and launch a large-scale war against the Star Alliance, with his advance communication, the Star Alliance can also prepare in advance.

However, after Liang Ji communicated with the other high-level Star Alliance, he got a piece of news that was neither good nor bad.

The other high-level Star Alliance, especially the ninth-level Star Lord, did not directly oppose his plan. But they also made restrictions on his plan.

According to the requirements of the ninth-level Star Lord in the Star Alliance, Liang Ji can only plan a "big victory" on one battlefield at a time, and cannot plan a "big victory" siege attack on two battlefields at the same time in the short term.

So as not to cause simultaneous retaliation from the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

That is to say, now that Liang Ji has joined hands with Chiyu Mentor and Jingjian Star Lord to encircle and annihilate the team of gods in the Void Sea battlefield and won a "great victory", he cannot go to the Chaos Sea battlefield in the short term to encircle and annihilate the team of the spirit world elemental spirits and win another "great victory" in the Chaos Sea battlefield!

He wants to take turns to seek "great victory" and earn merit in the two battlefields, and there must be enough time in between, which can be as long as a hundred years or as short as a sixty years. The specific time depends on the situation in the two battlefields and the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

In other words, if Liang Ji wants to go to the Chaos Sea battlefield next and organize a war of encirclement and suppression against the spirit world elemental spirits and earn a "great victory", he will have to wait at least sixty years later, or even a hundred years later.

After winning the "great victory" in the Chaos Sea battlefield, he will also need to go up for decades or even hundreds of years before he can return to the Void Battlefield and plan a second "great victory" against the gods of the God Realm.

This undoubtedly directly broke Liang Ji's original plan to frequently win "big victories" in two battlefields to earn merits.

But according to the words of the ninth-level star master of the Star Alliance, such a rotation battle is less likely to trigger revenge from the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, or even break the tacit understanding and rules.

This is also the best for the Star Alliance. What the Star Alliance needs most now is peaceful and stable development, not a full-scale war with the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

If Liang Ji had not completed the "Zhoutian Xingshu" assessment in advance and mastered some of the authority of the "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map" in advance, he would be one of the top leaders of the Star Alliance and a member of the top "Star Summit" circle.

Otherwise, the ninth-level star master and the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance would probably not agree to his provocation of the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, which might break the current peaceful environment.

Now, it is already the limit to agree that he can take turns to plan in the two battlefields every few decades or hundreds of years to get a "big victory" and earn some merits.

So, after understanding the situation, Liang Ji did not say much.

Although it was not the most ideal state, being able to achieve a ‘big victory’ every few decades and earn a lot of merit was enough for him.

In this way, Liang Ji continued to stay in the Void Sea battlefield.

On weekdays, he mainly focused on his own practice, and his attention was mostly on the development of his own natal star, the cultivation of his clan, and the adjustment and improvement of his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Star System’.

Occasionally, an eighth-level battle broke out in the battlefield, and the Star Alliance team sent a request for help. He and the Star Lord Jingjian needed to take action to fight against the eighth-level enemies in the battlefield, and protect the seventh-level star lords of the Star Alliance, or the mid-level star lord team.

In the next few decades, he also fought with the two new eighth-level gods in the Void Sea battlefield. There were wins and losses, but more often it was difficult to tell the winner, which made him have a better and clearer understanding of the means and strength of the two new eighth-level gods sent by the God Realm.

Liang Ji had even been planning in his mind how to deal with these two eighth-level gods in order to succeed more easily if he launched an attack or siege against the gods in the Void Sea battlefield next time. He had even set up several plans in his mind.

It was during his practice and busyness that time passed in the blink of an eye to seventy years later. News came from the Chaos Sea battlefield that the two eighth-level elemental spirits sent by the spirit world to the battlefield had been replaced!

The new eighth-level elemental spirits had a much lower understanding and mastery of the Chaos Sea battlefield than the original two eighth-level elemental spirits.

This is undoubtedly what Liang Ji has been waiting for, the best time to attack the Spirit World Elemental Spirit Team on the Chaos Sea Battlefield, get another "big victory", and earn a lot of merits!

So Liang Ji directly notified the Star Alliance high-level, and the Star Alliance high-level sent an eighth-level star master to replace him in the Void Sea Battlefield, and he rushed to the Chaos Sea Battlefield, joined the two eighth-level star masters in the Chaos Sea Battlefield, and launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression war against the Spirit World Elemental Spirit Team in the Chaos Sea Battlefield.

This battle, just as Liang Ji had planned and expected early, won another "big victory"!

Not only were more than half of the Spirit World Elemental Spirit Team active in the Chaos Sea Battlefield wiped out, but the rest were also severely injured and fled back to the Spirit World Front to save their lives.

Moreover, as an eighth-level elemental spirit sitting in the Chaos Sea Battlefield, one died and one was seriously injured under the siege of Liang Ji and the two eighth-level star masters of the Star Alliance!

In a "great victory" of encirclement and suppression, Liang Ji continuously obtained a large amount of resources and treasures, and also obtained a large amount of merits that he wanted most.

After that, he stayed in the Chaos Sea battlefield for a hundred years, and the Void Sea battlefield also ushered in an opportunity, so he returned to the Void Sea battlefield to make a big deal, and won another "great victory" and earned a lot of merits.

Time passed as Liang Ji practiced, developed his natal star, cultivated his clan, adjusted and optimized his natal star system, and obtained one "great victory" after another. In the blink of an eye, three hundred years had passed!

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