The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1302 Requirements for Advancing to the Eighth Level Star Lord

The Void Demon Tribe’s demon elixir has always been an important basic resource for the Star Lord’s cultivation and advancement.

In fact, from the first-level star master to the seventh-level star master, each star master stage needs to refine a hundred Void Demon Clan demon pills of the same level to perfect the star spiritual veins in the natal stars and promote the growth of the natal stars. Growth and advancement.

However, when you reach the eighth-level Star Lord level, things start to look a little different.

Because at the seventh-level star master stage, the star master has completed the refining and formation of the natal galaxy around the natal star.

At this time, there is no need for the stars, galaxies and other forces derived from the "Celestial Star Array" to be maintained. Under the power of the natal galaxy, the star owner's natal stars can also maintain the survival and development of life on the stars, and maintain the natal stars. of equal order.

It can be said that after reaching the seventh-level star master, he has completed the cultivation and formation of his natal galaxy.

There is almost no difference between the Star Lord's natal stars and the galaxies in which they are located, and the many life stars and life galaxies created by the universe in the Star Sea Universe.

They are all considered normal life stars and life galaxies.

At this point, if it were not for the fact that the Star Lord cultivator himself has a lifespan limit, once the Star Lord himself expires, the natal stars that are closely aligned with him will also decline, wither, and finally fall!

Otherwise, just relying on these natal stars and natal galaxies that are no different from the life stars and life galaxies created by the universe, it is impossible for the star master monks to truly achieve the level of immortality with the sun, moon and stars, and live for tens of millions of years. !

After Liang Ji became a senior member of the Star Alliance, he learned some relatively secret historical information from the Star Alliance.

According to these historical records, in the more than 300,000-year history of the Star Alliance, there are many seventh-level star masters who have completed the refining and formation of their natal star systems. The master of the star class turned to study how to remove the limit on his own lifespan.

If you want to break the lifespan limit, you must rely on the natal stars and natal galaxies that have been perfected and can survive directly in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe, continue to survive, and die together with the natal stars and natal galaxies in immortality.

For this reason, in the hundreds of thousands of years of the Star Alliance's history, there have been quite a few chaos.

Some seventh-level star lords who are on the verge of reaching the end of their lifespan often resort to any means at all costs, such as blood sacrifices, devouring, stealing lifespans, etc., in order to extend their lifespan or break the lifespan limit.

It can be said that without the support of external forces, the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons was able to develop and grow within the Star Alliance and become an evil organization no less than the 'Pantheon' and the 'Ten Thousand Temples'.

It can be said that the several demonic disasters caused by seventh-order star masters in the history of the Star Alliance are inseparable.

Although it is said that the Star Alliance has relied on absolute toughness in history to suppress and eradicate these crazy seventh-level star masters and evil scourges, and even blocked these histories and information to prevent the Star Alliance from The average seventh-level star master has access to these histories, information, etc.

However, under the crisis of lifespan and the temptation of eternal life, it is inevitable that some Star Lords in the Star Alliance will take this path and secretly conduct various cruel and bloody magic experiments in an attempt to break the lifespan limit. To achieve immortality together with the natal stars and natal galaxies.

Even in today's Star Alliance, there may not be such a Star Lord.

According to what Liang Ji learned after becoming a senior member of the Star Alliance, there are a group of seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance who stay in the outer star sea for a long time and rarely return to the Star Alliance.

There may be various reasons why these seventh-level star lords stay outside for a long time.

But the important point is that many of them are conducting cruel and bloody experiments and research, such as magical research to break the lifespan limit.

These bloody and demonic researches are severely cracked down within the Star Alliance, and with the 'Celestial Star Array' on top, it is difficult for even a seventh-level star master to hide these demonic researches, and it is easy for the stars to League officials focus on cracking down.

Therefore, they directly chose to stay in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance, occupy some life stars, and conduct various cruel, bloody, and illegal magic experiments and research in those stars.

After all, the life stars and indigenous life in the outer star sea are not protected by the Star Alliance, and there is no need to worry about being discovered or even attacked by the "Celestial Star Array" that is shrouded in the Star Alliance.

It is a good place for many star owners to release the darkness in their hearts.

The senior leaders of the Star Alliance often do not have many ways to deal with these high-level Star Lords who stay outside and conduct various cruel and forbidden magic experiments in the outer star sea.

Only necessary surveillance can be carried out, but often problems arise in some of these people's taboo experiments, which can easily involve their natal stars and galaxies, causing some turmoil and accidents in the Star Alliance.

In the Star Alliance's more than 300,000-year history, there have been several demonic disasters, most of which were caused by this.

Of course, these information have nothing to do with Liang Ji's advancement to the eighth-level Star Lord. He just uses these information to gain a better understanding and mastery of the cultivation of high-level Star Lords.

Among them, the seventh-level star master advances to the eighth-level star master stage. Because the refinement and formation of the natal galaxy are completed, the natal star and the natal galaxy can already exist independently and operate naturally.

In addition, the following reasons include the conjunction of the star master with the natal star and the practice of 'integration'.

The 8th-level star master's natal star's reliance on the Void Demon Pill is greatly reduced, which leads to the number of 8th-level Void Demon Pills required for the advancement and growth of the natal star in the 8th-level star master stage, which is directly reduced by ten times compared to the number of demon pills required in each of the previous seven stages.

In the 8th-level star master stage, the star master's natal star only needs to refine ten 8th-level Void Demon Pills to meet the growth needs of the star master's 8th-level natal star.

In the later 9th-level star master stage, the number of Void Demon Pills required is reduced by ten times again, and even only one 9th-level Void Demon Pill is needed.

Of course, the reason for the sudden drop in the demand for Void Demon Pills in the 8th-level star master and 9th-level star master stages.

As far as Liang Ji knows, there are two other reasons.

One is naturally that the number of 8th-level Void Demons and even 9th-level Void Demons in the Void Star Sea is greatly reduced. It is almost impossible to hunt 100 8th-level demon pills or even 100 9th-level demon pills.

Therefore, the eighth-level and ninth-level star masters of the Star Alliance must find another way forward.

The second reason is that the star masters have already started on their own path at the seventh-level star master stage. After advancing to the eighth-level star master, the advancement to the "state of harmony with the Tao" requires the star master's own power, thoughts, factors, and paths to be completely integrated into the natal star, so that the avenue of the natal star tends to the star master himself.

At this time, reducing the number of Void Demon Clan demon pills to be refined is to gradually drive away and weaken the influence of these external factors, so that the avenue of the natal star becomes purer and more pure, which is more conducive to the star master's subsequent practice of harmony with the Tao and transcendence.

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