The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1303 Liang Ji's Path The Choice of the Eighth Level

Liang Ji has been practicing all the way to becoming a Star Master. In the first-level Star Master stage, he chose to refine the first-level Void Flower Snake Demon Pill; in the second-level, he chose the second-level Void Whale Demon Pill; in the third-level Star Master stage, he chose the third-level Void Camel Demon Pill.

In the fourth-level Star Master stage, his natal star refined the fourth-level Void Mirage Demon Pill; in the fifth-level Star Master stage, he chose the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill; in the sixth-level Star Master stage, he chose the sixth-level Void Thunder Tiger Demon Pill.

In the seventh-level Star Master stage, he refined the seventh-level Void Green Ox Demon Pill.

Snake, whale, camel, mirage, eagle, tiger, ox!

Neck like a snake, scales like a fish, head like a camel, belly like a mirage, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, ears like an ox!

Unlike ordinary Star Master cultivators, the Void Demon Pills refined by the natal stars of each level of Star Master are mostly of the same type, but at different levels.

In the Star Alliance, only a small number of Star Lords choose to refine different types of Void Demon Clan Demon Pills in their natal stars at different Star Lord stages.

Such a choice often results in two results: the strong are very strong, and the weak are also very weak.

If the different Void Demon Clan Demon Pills refined can form a mutual coordination and promotion effect, it can often make the Star Lord's natal star and the family develop stronger, far beyond the ordinary Star Lord who only chooses one Void Demon Clan Demon Pill.

For example, Peng Yue chose to refine the Void Demon Clan Demon Pills in different Star Lord stages. Although they are all various Void Demon Snake Demon Pills, they are all Void Demon Snake Demon Pills of different properties and types.

And his choice is made according to the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake'. The Void Demon Snake Demon Pills of different properties form a good coordination and promotion effect.

It makes the elemental power and elemental origin in his natal star very strong, far beyond ordinary Star Lords; and the battle power of the family 'Nine-tailed Snake' family that is born is also far beyond the ordinary family of the same level.

This is also one of the reasons why Peng Yue was able to surpass many candidates of the same level in the college entrance examination and enter the Wanxiang Star Palace.

It is also an important foundation for the other party to keep catching up with Liang Ji over the years and not fall behind too much.

This is a correct and positive example of choosing different combinations of Void Demon Clan Demon Pills, which is a mature inheritance and case handed down by the predecessors of the Star Lord.

In the Star Alliance, there are also some Star Lords who want to find a new way and explore the way forward on their own. They also choose different Void Demon Clan Demon Pills to refine at different Star Lord stages. As a result, the different refined Demon Pills not only fail to form a coordinated and promoted effect, but restrain and affect each other.

This will cause the natal stars and even the clans of such Star Lords to be affected, or have defects. If the strength is seriously insufficient, they often fall to the bottom of the Star Lords of the same level.

Of course, although there are often failures in such attempts, there are occasionally successes and rise because of this.

In the Star Alliance, some mature solutions for matching different types of demon pills, such as the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake', were initially successful cases that were slowly developed from such failures.

Therefore, the Star Alliance has always been researching and exploring the combination of different types of Void Demon Clan Demon Pills, neither supporting nor opposing it.

Star Masters can try it on their own. If they succeed, they will naturally rise and enjoy many benefits. There are even many people in the past who have soared to the sky and ascended to sainthood because of this; and those who fail will naturally bear the consequences themselves.

Liang Ji has always chosen different types of Void Demon Clan Demon Pills at different Star Master stages, and even the different types of Void Demon Clan he chose seem to have nothing to do with each other.

Unlike Peng Yue's "Nine-tailed Snake" inheritance, although the Void Demon Clan Demon Pills refined at each Star Master stage are different, they are all Void Demon Snake Demon Pills, and the only difference is the different attributes of the Demon Snake.

The choices at each stage still have huge similarities.

Liang Ji's choices, from snake demon to whale demon, from camel demon to mirage demon, from eagle demon to tiger demon, and then to bull demon, seem to be all kinds of choices, and there is no connection between them.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people in the Star Alliance, Liang Ji is also an adventurer who is exploring and trying new types of different demon pill combinations.

However, his risky attempt made many people unable to understand, but it was unexpectedly successful, which allowed him to have a series of achievements, combat power, merits, status, etc.

Even the dragon soul and dragon ball he exposed later, in the eyes of many star masters, were also the effects of his risky attempts and research on the refining and matching of different types of void demon demon pills.

However, these star masters did not know that the different void demon demon pills Liang Ji chose at different stages seemed to have no rules and no connection, but they all had their own rules.

These star masters did not know that he first had the dragon soul, and then refined the void demon demon pills according to the different star master stages selected by the dragon soul.

Instead of refining different void demon demon pills, he nurtured the dragon soul on his natal star.

Therefore, now that Liang Ji has completed his seventh-level star master cultivation and is ready to advance to the eighth-level star master, in fact, the eighth-level void demon demon pill that needs to be refined has already been determined.

The dragon has nine similarities, and he has already refined seven of them. The neck, scales, belly, head, claws, palms, and ears of the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star have all been lit up, turning from virtual to real.

Now only the last two similarities remain, and the dragon eyes and dragon horns have not yet been refined, nor have they been lit up and turned from virtual to real.

Next, when he reaches the eighth and ninth level star master stages, what he needs to refine is naturally the demon pill of the Void Demon Clan that is closely related to these two similarities.

Dragon eyes are the finishing touch of a dragon. They can be said to be the key to a dragon. If one is refined and lit, the whole dragon will seem to come alive and have several times more power.

And dragon horns are also extremely critical to a real dragon. They represent the wisdom of a real dragon, the connection with heaven and earth, and the channel of unity between heaven and man.

Only when the dragon horns are refined and lit, can it be considered a real dragon. Otherwise, the rest are only pseudo-dragons, and it is difficult to grasp the true power of a real dragon.

Therefore, Liang Ji left the dragon eyes and dragon horns to the last eighth-level star master and ninth-level star master stages to refine and light them.

Among them, the eighth-level star master stage chooses the dragon eyes.

According to the nine similarities of the dragon shape and the dragon eyes are like rabbits, the eighth-level void demon clan demon pill that Liang Ji needs to refine in the eighth-level star master stage has long been determined, which is an eighth-level void demon rabbit demon pill.

Liang Ji has checked all the information records about the void demon rabbit in the Star Alliance. Void demon rabbits are generally low-level void demon clans, and most of them are only low-level void demon clans.

Their weak strength meant that they were destined to have few chances of growing to the level of a mid-level Void Demon, let alone a high-level, eighth-level Void Demon.

Liang Ji searched all the records of the Star Alliance and found that there was only one type of Void Demon Rabbit that had reached the eighth level in the void, and that was the Void Jade Rabbit!

Therefore, the eighth-level Void Demon Pill that Liang Ji could refine at the eighth-level Star Lord stage had already been determined, and there was no choice at all, it was the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Pill.

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