The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1304: Pure Yin Attribute Void Demon Pill Preparation for Impacting the Eighth Level Star Lor

The absolute number of the eighth-level void demons in the boundless void star sea is naturally not small.

However, compared with the seventh-level void demons and the middle and low-level void demons, the relative number is quite small.

Moreover, the star sea that the star master of the Star Alliance can explore and hunt is also limited.

This itself has led to the difficulty of the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance to hunt the eighth-level void demons and harvest the demon pills. As a result, when the star master reaches the eighth-level star master stage, he has to reduce the number of demon pills that need to be refined by ten times.

Although there are various reasons for this, the scarcity of the eighth-level void demons and the difficulty of hunting the eighth-level demon pills are undoubtedly one of the important reasons.

And the eighth-level void jade rabbit demon pill that Liang Ji chose in the eighth-level star master stage is even rarer and more rare than the general eighth-level void demons.

This makes Liang Ji destined to have a headache and trouble in obtaining the eighth-level void jade rabbit demon pill in the next eighth-level star master stage.

Although only ten Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills are needed, far less than the one hundred Void Blue Bull Demon Pills required for the seventh-level Star Lord stage.

However, it is destined to be more difficult to obtain.

After all, in the Star Alliance Treasury, there are more than a hundred Void Blue Bull Demon Pills collected; but Liang Ji searched the entire Star Alliance Treasury, but only found two Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills.

This is what the Star Alliance has accumulated for tens of thousands of years. According to the records in the treasury that Liang Ji checked, the two Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills were accidentally hunted by the Star Alliance 13,000 years ago and 34,000 years ago.

Of course, there must have been Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills hunted and harvested in the hundreds of thousands of years before that. However, those are too far away in time, even the Void Jade Pills of the eighth level can not be preserved for that long, and they have basically been processed and used up.

And these two Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills of the eighth level can be kept in the treasury for tens of thousands of years without being exchanged or used up.

On the other hand, it also shows the rarity of the Void Jade Rabbit.

It is so rare that no star master has chosen to refine the demon pill of this void demon race in the past tens of thousands of years. Until now, Liang Ji had to make this choice in order to refine and light up the dragon soul.

According to the records of the Void Jade Rabbit in the Star Alliance, this is a rare void demon race that only devours the starlight and star essence of pure yin stars. The Void Jade Rabbit does not even look at the starlight of other attributes and the star essence of impurities.

In the void star sea, even if there are countless stars, stars with pure yin attributes are very rare.

Liang Ji had traveled and explored in the outer star sea for more than a hundred years in order to find and gather the resources and stars for refining and setting up the formation of his natal star system, but he did not find a star with pure yin attributes.

Finally, it was in the "Black and White Star Field" of the Spirit Realm that he found and harvested a star with pure yin attributes.

From this, we can see the scarcity of pure yin stars. Naturally, it is destined that the Void Jade Rabbit that only devours pure yin starlight and star essence will be even rarer and harder to find.

And the Void Jade Rabbit that can grow to the eighth level is naturally even more difficult, and it is even rarer and rarer!

According to the records of the Star Alliance, the places where the Void Jade Rabbit was discovered and hunted, including the two eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills in the national treasury, were all in the black hole!

This kind of pure yin star is easier to find in the black hole than in the boundless star sea in the outer domain.

So Liang Ji has decided that after he advances to the eighth-level star master and successfully passes the life and death barrier of the Hedao realm, he will go to the "central black hole" of the thirty-four star fields of the Star Alliance to search and hunt for the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit and hunt for the required eighth-level demon pills.

After all, he only needs to refine ten eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills at the eighth-level Star Lord stage. Now there are two in the national treasury, which he has exchanged. Next, he only needs to hunt eight eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pills.

And the Star Alliance has thirty-four star fields and thirty-four central black holes. Liang Ji doesn't believe that he can't find eight eighth-level Void Jade Rabbits?

However, these are things for the future. Now the most important thing for Liang Ji is to advance to the eighth-level Star Lord and break through the life and death barrier of the Hedao realm.

To impact the eighth-level Star Lord stage, an eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill is needed. Liang Ji has exchanged two from the national treasury, which is enough.

At the eighth-level Star Lord stage, the Star Lord has walked out of his own path. For the Void Demon Clan Demon Pills he needs, it is no longer necessary to hunt them by himself. Liang Ji's previous seventh-level Star Lord stage, most of the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pills he refined were purchased by himself or exchanged from the national treasury. This is the case.

Now, the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill needed to impact the eighth-level star master naturally does not have to be obtained by him from hunting, but can be directly exchanged from the national treasury.

However, although the demon pill for impacting the eighth-level star master is no problem, for the seventh-level star master of the Star Alliance, the biggest problem and difficulty in impacting the eighth-level realm has never been the problem of the eighth-level demon pill, but the life and death barrier of the ‘realm of harmony’!

So for Liang Ji, after determining the choice of demon pill required for the advancement to the eighth-level star master, the most important thing next is to prepare for the life and death barrier of the ‘realm of harmony’.

The Star Alliance has accumulated a lot of experience in impacting the life and death barrier of the ‘realm of harmony’ for hundreds of thousands of years.

As one of the high-level members of the Star Alliance, Liang Ji can view and read these experiences and records.

In the past three hundred years, when he was stationed and developing in the battlefields of the Void Sea and the Chaos Sea, he naturally checked all these experiences and records, so as to prepare for the impact of the eighth-level star master's 'Realm of Harmony'.

According to the data and information he retrieved from the Star Alliance, the Star Alliance has so far only two methods that can best increase the success rate of impacting the 'Realm of Harmony'.

One is to pass the 'Zhoutian Xingshu' assessment in advance, master some of the rights of the 'Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map' in advance, and be protected by the 'Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map', which can increase the success rate a lot.

The second is the 'Creation and Development' secret technique submitted by the Star Lord Xie Lingxu, the principal of the Tianshe Academy, which can also increase the success rate a lot.

In addition, the various secret techniques and treasures in the Star Alliance records, such as the 'Sky-peeking' astrology that the Chiyu mentor gave him, and some cosmic divine light treasures, often increase the success rate very limited, and several of them together may not be able to increase the success rate by 10%.

Far less than the above two methods, the success rate increased.

Previously, the principal of the Tianshe Academy, Star Lord Xie Lingxu, mastered the authority of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ and completed the experimental verification of the ‘Creation and Development Dao’. He then entered into seclusion to break through the eighth-level Star Lord and impact the ‘Realm of Integration Dao’. He successfully broke through the seclusion in less than half a century and successfully advanced to the eighth-level Star Lord and the Realm of Integration Dao, becoming the 103rd eighth-level Star Lord in the Star Alliance!

From this, we can see the role of these two methods in impacting the eighth-level Star Lord and the Realm of Integration Dao.

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