The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1314: The natal star advances to the eighth level


A dragon roar sounded, and the dragon soul wrapped around Liang Ji's natal star raised its head and roared, opening its dragon mouth to swallow a meteor falling from the starry sky.

After the star master advanced to the seventh-level star master and completed the refining and formation of the natal star system, the natal star was blocked and protected by the natal star system.

Under normal circumstances, foreign objects that want to enter the natal star of the seventh-level star master need to be inspected and refined by the natal star system first.

Once there are substances that harm the star master's natal star, they will be blocked and destroyed by the natal star system outside the natal star.

This star master's natal star has added a large security defense guarantee.

At this time, the "meteor" that fell into Liang Ji's natal star was naturally inspected and refined by his natal star system "Jiuyang Star System". Only after confirming that there was no problem, it could pass through the star system blockage and enter the natal star.

But the dragon soul wrapped around its natal star still opened its mouth and roared as usual, swallowed it and refined it, and then sent it into its natal star.

At this time, after being refined by the dragon soul, this ‘meteor’ has returned to its essence, and it is exactly an eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit demon pill. After refining, it was directly sent by the dragon soul into the star spirit vein of the natal star for refining and digestion.

The first step for the star master to impact the eighth-level star master and the state of harmony is to let the natal star, which has been perfected in the seventh level, refine the corresponding eighth-level Void Demon Clan demon pill, and upgrade it to the eighth-level natal star.

Then, the star master and the eighth-level natal star will practice the most important ‘harmony’, which can also be called the life and death barrier.

According to the experience left by many eighth-level star masters in the Star Alliance for hundreds of thousands of years collected by Liang Ji over the past hundreds of years

After the star master's natal star advances to the eighth level, it will have a fatal attraction to the star master's soul and self, making the star master unable to help but throw himself into it and merge with the natal star, which is the life and death tribulation of the state of harmony.

However, before this "harmony", according to the experience left by many eighth-level star masters of the Star Alliance, the star master can still hold on for a period of time and resist this attraction.

And the star master must take advantage of this period to perfect the natal star that has just advanced to the eighth level as much as possible.

Such as planting and digesting eighth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots, cultivating eighth-level clans, etc.

According to the experience left by the eighth-level star masters of the Star Alliance, the more perfect the cultivation and development of the eighth-level natal star at this time, the more beneficial it will be for the star master to impact the life and death barrier of the "harmony state" later.

Otherwise, if the origin and the avenue of the eighth-level natal star are too lacking, it will be easier to completely devour the star master of "harmony" to make up for the lack of the origin and the avenue of the natal star.

If this step can be done well, it can even increase the success rate of the star master's impact on the "state of harmony with the Tao" by another 10%.

Therefore, Liang Ji prepared the eighth-level demon pill, eighth-level spiritual root, eighth-level spiritual seed, and eighth-level inheritance of the family before retreating, just to improve the natal star and the family as much as possible after the natal star advances to the eighth level, so as to increase the success rate of "harmony with the Tao".

Even Liang Ji originally wanted to prepare the materials for upgrading the "God List", "Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws", and "Bloodline Atlas", and wanted to upgrade these three inheritances to the eighth level after the natal star advances to the eighth level, which should also increase the success rate.

Unfortunately, the resources for upgrading these three inheritances are too rare. There are not many eighth-level divine crystals, eighth-level spiritual realms, eighth-level bloodline power, etc. in the Star Alliance Treasury, which are not enough for him to use.

So, he gave up helplessly in the end.

At this time, as the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill was planted, Liang Ji started to operate his natal star system, the Nine Suns Star System.

Above his natal star, nine stars began to accelerate their rotation, controlling the speed of his natal star, accelerating the flow of time, and accelerating his natal star to refine and digest this eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness were invested in the star spirit vein of his natal star. He could see strands of energy and origin being swept down by the star spirit vein and divided into three substances. One was integrated into the star spirit vein, promoting the spirit vein to gradually upgrade and transform to the eighth level.

The other two substances were invested in the heaven and earth respectively. The demon soul entered the Nine Springs Underworld to continue to strengthen the foundation and power of the natal star underworld and reincarnation; the demon spirit flew to the Nine Heavens and turned into resources to increase the foundation and power of the Nine Heavens.

In this process of digestion and integration, Liang Ji's natal star, from the underworld to the earth, and then to the heaven, from the origin of the star to the law, and then to the worldly matter, is gradually improving and strengthening, transforming towards the eighth level.

Even the dragon soul entangled on Liang Ji's natal star, at this time, began to gradually change with the refining of the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill.

The eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit corresponds to the dragon eye!

As the demon pill is gradually refined and integrated into the natal star, the pair of dragon eyes of the 'dragon soul' are also gradually changing from virtual to real, and the original empty and false image is gradually lit up, becoming smart and real.

As if it is really 'painting the dragon's eyes', the 'dragon soul' gradually begins to become more and more smart, real, and powerful.


After an unknown amount of time, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star roared again. This roar was different from the previous ones. It seemed more dynamic, more real, and more majestic, as if it had completed an important transformation and improvement.

The dragon's eyes seemed to light up, and it raised its head to look beyond the void, as if it could see the void and chaos outside the natal star system, and even the border of the Manggu star field not far away.

However, Liang Ji soon withdrew his attention from the outside world and focused on his natal star.

The dragon head lowered, and a pair of lit dragon eyes looked into the interior of the natal star. He could see that the star spirit vein of the natal star had completed its transformation and reached the eighth level.

At the same time, the natal star also began to grow and expand rapidly under the transformation and advancement of the star spirit vein, becoming wider, thicker, and more powerful. The upper limit had been broken, and it was advanced from a seventh-level star to an eighth-level star!

"Is this the devouring power of the eighth-level natal star..."

At the same time, Liang Ji also felt the increasing swallowing power of the natal star, which made his primordial spirit, body, mind, soul, etc., all have a mysterious feeling, as if he couldn't wait to throw himself into the natal star and merge with the natal star.

Liang Ji knew that this was because he had been practicing all the way and constantly strengthened his connection with the natal star. The origins of the two had long been integrated. He was the natal star and the natal star was him.

Therefore, after his natal star advances to the eighth level, its origin and size greatly exceed his, and it will produce a strong attraction.

Just like in the universe, stars with larger size, greater mass, and higher energy always have a greater gravitational force, attracting meteorites, stars, dust and other substances around them.

Now, his natal star has advanced to the eighth level, and its size exceeds his, so it has a huge "gravitational force" on him!

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