The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1315 Planting oneself into the natal star

The natal star advanced to the eighth level, exerting a huge gravitational force on Liang Ji itself, attracting him to join the natal star, which is the 'harmony'.

However, Liang Ji did not immediately follow this huge attraction and throw himself into his natal stars. Instead, he used all his power to temporarily block and delay this huge attraction.

The power of himself and his soul, the power of his natal galaxy 'Nine Suns Galaxy', the power of the dragon soul entwined on the natal stars, and even the power of the two star fields of the 'Celestial Star Array' he mastered, are all guarding him. , to help him block and delay the huge gravity of his natal star.

Taking this opportunity, Liang Ji invested some of the eighth-level spiritual roots, eighth-level spiritual seeds, and even some eighth-level family inheritances he had prepared into his natal stars.

Afterwards, he continued to use the power of his natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy" to control the time flow of the natal stars, accelerate the flow of time on them, and speed up the natal stars to digest these eighth-level spiritual roots, eighth-level spiritual seeds, and even eighth-level inheritance.

Try his best to perfect the natal star that has just advanced to the eighth level. At this time, the better the origin of the natal star, the law of the great road, etc. are perfected. Next, he throws himself into the natal star. Only in this way can he surpass the life and death barrier of the 'harmony' that is consistent with the natal star. Get through with confidence.

Time passed quickly. On top of Liang Ji's eighth-level natal star, various eighth-level spiritual materials, eighth-level spiritual plants, eighth-level spiritual mines and other resources gradually evolved and formed under the acceleration of time.

There are even eighth-level family members born among the family members, although the number is very small, only in the single digits.

But the birth of these eighth-level dependents undoubtedly shows that his natal stars have become more and more perfect as he progresses to the eighth level.

However, the quality, energy, and essence of the increasingly perfect eighth-level natal stars are getting higher and higher, and their attraction to Liang Ji's explosion is also getting bigger and bigger.

Liang Ji was using various powers, and it became increasingly difficult to resist this attraction.

Finally, when all ten members of Liang Ji's natal star successfully advanced to the eighth level, the attraction that erupted on the natal star suddenly exceeded a limit and reached a point of qualitative change and rapid growth.

At this point, even if Liang Ji mobilized all his power, it was no longer possible to resist this huge attraction.

At the same time, he also made all the preparations he could, and was not prepared to continue to resist the attraction of his natal star.

Under the operation of the sky-peeping astrology, it was determined that this was the best moment.

In the secret room of the Kunlun Star Palace, Liang Ji no longer hesitated and opened the 'star gate' that leads directly to the natal star. Liang Ji's figure sat cross-legged on the ground, and his soul flew out of his body, enveloping all the origins in his body. The power turned into a starlight and went straight into the 'Star Gate', directly towards the natal star.

In the secret room, only Liang Ji's body was left.

If his next attack on the 'Hedao Realm' goes smoothly and he passes the life-and-death barrier, he can still come back.

But if he fails to break through the life-and-death barrier, the remaining skin will be his only remains for Peng Yue to collect.


Since Liang Ji stepped onto the path of Star Master, he has invested countless demon pills, spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance and other resources in his natal star. All of them turned into various meteors and fell from the void into his natal star. At the same time, they were all destroyed. The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star is swallowed, refined, and then sent into the natal star.

But now, it was him who turned into a meteor and fell from the void, aiming at his natal star.

The 'Dragon Soul' wrapped around the natal star also raised its head and roared, but instead of swallowing and refining the meteor that Liang Ji had transformed into, its dragon eyes shone, watching him fall directly into the natal star. middle.

This time, Liang Ji planted himself into his natal star.

He was like a special spiritual seed, or spiritual root, which was directly planted into the natal star without being refined by the dragon soul, and directly entered into the origin of the natal star and the law of the great road.

For a moment, he felt as if he had entered an endless world of starlight again.

It was almost exactly the same as what he saw and felt when he performed the 'Simulated Combination of the Dao' in the 'Simulated Stars' when he 'created the Dao' before.

However, this time, the starlight world he saw and entered was vaster and more profound than the boundless sea of ​​stars he saw and felt in the 'Simulated Stars' when he simulated Hedao. Deeper and more terrifying.

The moment he entered this boundless world of starlight, he felt as if his body was about to disintegrate, like ink dissolving into water, blending into this boundless starlight!

"No! We can't just blend in, it will only make me die in Taoism and fail in Hedao!"

Fortunately, the many times of 'simulating Hedao' during the 'Creation Evolution' gave him some resistance to the boundless starlight world and the temptation of Hedao.

At the same time, the experience and lessons accumulated during the 'simulation of Hedao' also constantly warned him not to directly plunge into the starlight world.


"Find different anchor points in the starlight world..."

The experience accumulated by ‘Zhenghua Yandao’ gave him a quick direction and knew what to do at this time.

He tried his best to resist the devouring of the boundless starlight world around him, and resisted the temptation to plunge into it. The power of his soul quickly searched in this boundless starlight world.

At the same time, the power of his soul was quickly being swallowed and digested bit by bit by the starlight world, making his soul, origin, and power weaker and weaker, and his resistance to the starlight world became weaker and weaker.

Finally, after he consumed nearly half of his soul power, he finally found the goal he wanted in this boundless starlight world.

A different light suddenly appeared in this boundless starlight world, and it was a blood light!

The blood light of the ‘Blood Atlas’, one of the three major star palace inheritances!

Liang Ji’s soul power quickly entangled the ‘blood light’, and indeed sensed and connected to the ‘Blood Atlas’ in it.

This boundless starlight world is the origin of his natal star and the transformation of the Great Dao Law.

In Liang Ji’s natal star origin, there are also three gates of star palace inheritance in it, which has become his greatest reliance and anchor point against the swallowing and Dao transformation of the origin of his natal star and the power of the Great Dao Law.

This is also an important experience left by many eighth-level star masters in the history of hundreds of thousands of years in the Star Alliance to pass the life and death barrier of the ‘Realm of Harmony with the Dao’.

In the origin of the natal star, the different inheritances of nurturing, branding, and cultivation are important assistants and anchor points for the seventh-level star masters to resist the catastrophe of Dao transformation when they impact the ‘Realm of Harmony with the Dao’.

The role of the inheritance of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance in this regard is even greater than the inheritance of ordinary star masters' cultivation and nurturing.

This also led to the fact that in the history of the Star Alliance, the star masters who were able to successfully survive the life and death calamity of the "Realm of Unity" and advance to the eighth-level star master and the realm of unity were also mainly from the nine star palaces.

Star masters of ordinary origin who were able to survive the life and death barrier of the "Realm of Unity" and advance to the eighth-level star master and the realm of unity have always been a minority.

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