The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1316: The Dao of Life and Death

When the star master is in harmony with the origin of his natal star and the law of the Great Dao, he wants to resist the ‘Daohua Disaster’ and not be directly swallowed and digested by the origin of the star.

The most important first step is to find different ‘anchor points’ in this star origin.

And such ‘anchor points’ are the inheritance of the star master’s cultivation and practice in the origin of his natal star.

Generally, the star master has only one such inheritance and anchor point, but Liang Ji has three in his natal star, which is what makes him far stronger than other star masters.

Liang Ji had already felt the benefits of the three ‘anchor points’ in the process of simulating the Dao of ‘Creation and Development’.

At this time, he successfully found the first ‘anchor point’, the ‘Blood Vein Atlas’ inheritance of Taiyi Star Palace, and the power of the soul was combined with it, and he immediately had a stronger resistance to the swallowing and digestion power of the boundless starlight around him.

The power of the ‘Blood Vein Atlas’ can slightly protect his soul power.

Since the ‘Bloodline Atlas’ has been found, the other two Star Palace inheritances are naturally not far away.

Liang Ji continued to search in this boundless starlight world with the power of his soul, and soon found the other two ‘anchor points’, ‘The List of Conferred Gods’ and ‘The Furnace of All Laws’.

His soul power was bound to these three Star Palace inheritances and three ‘anchor points’, and the speed of his swallowing and digestion by the boundless starlight around him was weakened and reduced again.

Liang Ji felt this and breathed a sigh of relief!

This first step was stable, and it was a good start for his impact on the ‘Realm of Integration’ this time.

Next, how to step by step integrate with the origin of the stars and the laws of the Tao, but maintain a relatively independent self, and not be completely swallowed and transformed by the natal star. Liang Ji had already determined the path and direction to strive for in the previous ‘Creation and Development’ simulation integration process.

So, he did not hesitate and took action immediately.

At this time, any delay can increase the risk of ‘Transformation’.

First of all, he continued to increase his defense and his power to resist the "Taoism". At this time, the many preparations he made before the retreat began to play a role.

The power of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" star field in Manggu Star Field and Jinjiao Star Field, which Liang Ji had mastered in advance, was brought in to increase his soul power and help him resist the swallowing of the origin of his natal star and the law of the Great Dao, and the power of Taoism.

At the same time, the treasures and resources such as the "Light of Creation", "Light of the End of the World", and "Chaos Qi" prepared in advance also began to play a role, increasing the power of his soul and adding a little resistance to "Taoism".

After all the preparations were activated, Liang Ji's soul power did not hesitate, and completely plunged into the boundless starlight world, merged with the starlight world, and merged with the "God List", "Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws", and "Bloodline Atlas".

Eighth-level star master, the realm of harmony!

No matter how many means and arrangements the Star Master has prepared, if he wants to advance to the ‘realm of harmony’, he cannot escape the harmony with his natal star.

As for all the preparations made, they are just to try to make the Star Master remember himself, regain independence, and master himself after the harmony.

At this moment, Liang Ji’s soul, origin, and power are in harmony with the boundless starlight world. He feels that his mind, consciousness, and thoughts flow with these starlights, as if resisting every part of his natal star.

His mind and consciousness are in harmony with the mountains, rivers, earth, oceans, dust, air, plants, elemental spirit veins, and even birds, beasts, spirit beasts, clans, heroic spirits and ghosts in the underworld of Jiuquan, and gods and gods in the nine heavens.

At this moment, he truly achieved complete unity with his natal star. The star is him, and he is the star.

At this time, he looked inside the stars from the perspective of his natal star, at the life, operation, and development of the earth, ocean, elements, clans, ghosts, gods, etc.; he also looked outside the stars from the perspective of his natal star, at the surrounding void and chaos, and at the natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ arranged around!

Different perspectives bring different insights.

In this viewing from the perspective of his natal star, he saw that his natal star, which he thought was already very perfect, and his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’, still had a lot of defects, loopholes, and deficiencies.

The purpose of the eighth-level star master stage of cultivation and harmony is one of them.

Let the star master and the natal star completely merge, observe and examine the cultivation and growth along the way from the perspective of the natal star, find the deficiencies and defects, and then use the power of ‘harmony’ and the power of the natal star to repair and improve these defects and deficiencies.

Let the star master's natal star and the star master's path grow more perfect and perfect, and prepare for the ninth-level star master and the first-level transcendental celestial realm.

However, Liang Ji only had a passing moment for these thoughts.

He is still crossing the life and death barrier of the "realm of harmony with the Tao" and may be transformed into the natal star at any time, completely swallowed by the natal star, and fall in it.

Therefore, these cultivation matters of the eighth-level star master stage still have to wait until he passes this life and death catastrophe and stabilizes the realm of "harmony with the Tao".

His mind, consciousness, and thoughts wandered everywhere on the natal star, and merged with every existence and even the most basic particles on the natal star, which also made him more and more lost.

He often had the mind and thoughts that merged into the world, mountains, rivers, earth, and plants, forgetting himself and becoming a real mountain, earth, and stone.

There were more and more lost minds and thoughts. Although Liang Ji had made sufficient preparations in advance to protect his minds, thoughts, and consciousness with multiple powers, in the process of wandering and merging with the Tao, the number of lost minds, consciousness, and thoughts inevitably increased.


At this time, the 'dragon soul' wrapped around the natal star raised its head and let out a dragon roar.

This was also the experience Liang Ji had accumulated in the process of 'creating the Tao', and he could use the 'dragon soul' to wake himself up regularly.

This dragon roar resounded through the heavens, lowlands, and underworlds of the natal star. Suddenly, many of Liang Ji's lost minds, consciousness, and thoughts were awakened again, and continued to wander in the natal star and merge with every part of the star.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, the dragon roar sounded three times, and Liang Ji's minds, consciousness, and thoughts that merged with various parts of the natal star had been lost for the most part.

In the dark, he seemed to have finally grasped a little opportunity.

The 'Emperor of Heaven', who had been sitting upright on the Ninth Heaven, fell into a deep sleep after Liang Ji entered his natal star and entered the Hedao state. It seemed that he had also lost his mind, consciousness, and thoughts, and merged with Liang Ji into all parts of his natal star.

But at this moment, as a golden divine light bloomed, the 'Emperor of Heaven', who had been sitting upright and sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and woke up!

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