The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 135 Familia City Ten Blood Exchanges (Please subscribe)

In the training room of Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School, Liang Ji is practicing the 'Nine Sloughs of the Spiritual Snake'.

The requirements of the Kunlun Star Palace Akade Instructor are not only to develop his natal star to the first level (100%), but also to complete all the training in the ninth-grade body refining stage, that is, to complete all ten marrow cleansings. Blood transfusion.

There will naturally be no difficulty in improving his natal star after he obtained a 'student loan' from the Star Palace and purchased enough 'spiritual roots', demon pills, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds and other resources.

However, with his own practice, it was very difficult to complete ten marrow cleansings and blood exchanges within a month.

That is to say, as his natal star continues to improve, the Tao Fruit continues to grow, the source and star power are also continuously improved, and the effect and speed of the practice that is instilled in his body and helps him cleanse his marrow and exchange blood are also constantly accelerating.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete all the marrow washings and blood transfusions within a month.

But even so, a better cultivation environment is also necessary.

In the Liang family, the physical training field opened by his father was sufficient for daily practice, but it was obviously not enough to satisfy Liang Ji's high-intensity training and help him complete all the marrow cleansing and blood exchange within a month.

Therefore, Liang Ji went directly to his head teacher, Mr. Du, and borrowed the school's training room to practice.

Although he has completed the college entrance examination and graduated from No. 2 Middle School, he is now a business card of No. 2 Middle School, so there is no problem with this requirement.

At this time, Liang Ji, who was practicing the 'Nine Sloughs of the Spirit Snake', suddenly sensed that the 'star power' transmitted from the natal stars began to change. It was more and stronger. The efficiency of tempering the body, cleansing the marrow and exchanging blood was instantaneous. Taken to another level.

He completed the training thoughtfully, then opened the 'Star Book', and sure enough he saw that the spiritual veins on it had been upgraded to the first level (100%), reaching the limit of the first-level stars.

The Daoguo group also increased to 12%.

Liang Ji connected to his natal stars through the 'Star Directory' and checked the dependents in the stars.

In Dragon Soul Village, the half-dragon family members are undergoing their ninth ‘talisman splitting’.

As the natal stars continue to improve, the strength of the spiritual veins continues to grow, and the number of Yunsheng's half-dragons continues to grow. Now there are more than 900,000, and the number of awakened and advanced half-dragons has exceeded 100,000. Four hundred thousand.

During this process of development and growth, the Half-Dragon Familia clan carried out several rounds of 'dividing talismans into villages' to separate the Half-Dragon clan members that could no longer be accommodated in each village and open up new villages.

And in this process of development, expansion, and splitting into villages, Dragon Soul Village, as the ancestral land and original village of the half-dragon family, has now changed drastically.

Today's Dragon Soul Village may be called Dragon Soul Town or Dragon Soul City.

City walls have been built on all sides, and wide streets have been paved in the city to divide the streets and cities.

The market that was originally formed between Dragon Soul Village and Longfu Village has now been completely integrated into Dragon Soul City and has become a market in the city.

Not only that, there are newly opened markets in the four directions of Dragon Soul City.

After the 'Split Talisman Village', there are nine other villages distributed in all directions. The half-dragon family members living in them will regularly bring the materials they produce, such as spiritual plants, talismans, meat, or Fish, elixirs, gold, iron, pottery, etc. come to be traded in various markets in Dragon Soul City.

The thirty-six lines of life inheritance that Liang Ji originally purchased flourished in Dragon Soul City and became the basis for the economic development of Dragon Soul City.

In the center of the city, surrounding the 'Tiandi Temple', the places and buildings where tribal leaders handle various affairs are now becoming more solemn and taller, and there are even dedicated troops stationed everywhere.

Sacrificial leaders, political leaders, economic leaders, military leaders, etc., have more and more authority, and there are gradually signs of forming a ruling class and a ruled class.

Because of this, among the half-dragons of the Familia clan, the overt and covert struggles surrounding the positions of these leaders have become increasingly serious.

Bloodshed has even begun.

Various problems and conflicts have gradually begun to arise within the half-dragon clan, between villages, between village leaders and tribal leaders, etc.

Development is always accompanied by conflict, and conflict often promotes development.

In any case, the emergence of cities undoubtedly represents a breakthrough development and progress in the number, economy, society, and civilization of the half-dragon family members.

It is also of great benefit to the growth of the origin of the natal stars and the growth of the Tao fruits contained therein.

Today, Dao Fruit has grown to 12%, of which 2% is due to the emergence of Dragon Soul City, the first city in the Familia Tribe.

The growth of the origin of the natal stars and the growth of the Dao Fruit represent the perfection of the power of the Dao. The growth and transformation of the star power also have a huge and qualitative improvement in Liang Ji's own body training, marrow cleansing and blood exchange.

Next, Liang Ji clearly felt that the effect of his cultivation had greatly increased, and the speed of marrow washing and blood exchange was getting faster and faster.

Less than two days after his natal star reached the first-level limit, Liang Ji also ushered in the last stage of body training, the tenth marrow cleansing and blood exchange!

This is a transformation unique to the body refining practice under the Star Lord Taoist lineage. It is also a body refining practice. The human-immortal Taoist lineage only has nine marrow cleansing and blood exchanges. Only the Star Lord body refining practice has a tenth marrow cleansing and blood exchange.

And this tenth time of marrow cleansing and blood exchange is also crucial.

During the entire process of marrow cleansing and blood exchange, Liang Ji's mind and consciousness seemed to be consistent with the natal stars. The origin of the stars, Tao Fruit, the original power of the family, etc., were all integrated into this marrow cleansing and blood exchange.

At this moment, people and stars seem to be integrated into one body. It seems that it is the most superficial and superficial "union".

Although the whole process is very short, the effect is huge.

On the one hand, after this "skin union", Liang Ji's connection with the natal stars has once again improved to a new level. He is no longer a bystander or guide, but has been able to directly affect some changes in the natal stars.

When a thought arises, the breeze rises above the stars and waves rise; when a thought falls, the flowers fade and the clouds disperse.

Although it is only a subtle impact, and each impact consumes the power of the star source and the Tao Fruit, and it requires more resources to recover afterwards, the implication is that it is undoubtedly a qualitative change.

On the other hand, for Liang Ji himself, after this "skin-like integration" of marrow cleansing and blood exchange, the integration of the origin of his natal stars and the origin of his family had a much greater impact on him.

In the training room of No. 2 Middle School, Liang Ji activated some formations and restrictions, with powers such as ice, flames, blades, poison, and thunder, attacking him.

But they were all directly blocked by him with his body. This is the power of the ‘overlord body’!

Then, he circulated his blood energy, and his figure grew and expanded. His original figure of 1.8 meters grew to nearly 1 foot in size.

This is the power of the bloodline magical power ‘Big and Small Ruyi’!

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