The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 136 The First Star Technique: Star-Breaking Blow (Please subscribe)

Liang Ji experimented with ten times of marrow cleansing and blood exchange in the training room of No. 2 Middle School. After his body integrated into the power of the origin of the stars and the origin of the family, he felt quite satisfied.

At this point, it also means that his cultivation in the first-level star master and ninth-level body refining stages has completely reached its limit and perfection.

Next, if you want to continue practicing, you need to advance to the second level of Star Master and start practicing at the eighth level of Qi refining.

For this step of practice, he needs to go to Kunlun Star Palace to study and practice with Master Chiyu.

"Finally, complete this practice before departure."

Liang Ji also breathed a sigh of relief. In the past month, his practice schedule was almost the same as the sprint half a month before the college entrance examination.

Now, there was not much time left before the start of school at Kunlun Star Palace, and he finally completed the final training before setting off to Kunlun Star Palace.

In this way, he also had the confidence to go to Kunlun Star Palace to meet his mentor.

After tidying up the training room, Liang Ji turned around and took a look. This should be his last time here. Thinking of the sweat he had spent here in the past year, he felt a little complicated.

After leaving the training room, Liang Ji found his head teacher, Mr. Du, and returned the key to the training room and expressed his gratitude.

Of course, he is now Principal Du.

Shortly after Liang Ji and his colleagues took the college entrance examination, the original principal of No. 2 Middle School was transferred to Gaosheng due to his excellent leadership performance.

Teacher Du, on the other hand, successfully took over as the principal of No. 2 Middle School due to his excellent teaching performance.

"Although I have expected it a long time ago, I still want to congratulate you for completing the first-level star master stage!"

Seeing Liang Ji coming to return the key to the training room, the new principal, Teacher Du, smiled and congratulated.

"I would also like to thank the teacher for his support."

Liang Ji bowed respectfully. During his senior year of high school, his head teacher, Mr. Du, was of great help to him.

Seeing this, Teacher Du smiled and waved his hands and said: "Teachers and students are mutually successful. In my teaching career, I am proud to be able to teach you and Peng Yue, two students who have passed the Xinggong entrance exam." .”

"Because of you two, teacher, I have also benefited a lot. The status, resources, rewards and promotions for meritorious service have also enabled me to go higher and further!"

"Speaking of which, teacher, I should thank you and Peng Yue."

After the two were polite, the teacher finally asked: "When are you planning to set off for the Kunlun Star Palace?"

"In just these two days, it will be too late if we don't leave."

When Teacher Du heard this, he nodded slightly and said with a smile: "In this case, Teacher I wish you to soar into the sky and be famous all over the world!"

"In the future, when I teach students, I can also tell them: This is my student, your senior!"

When Liang Ji heard this, he also smiled and said, "I will definitely live up to the teacher's expectations."

Saying goodbye again, Liang Ji turned and left.

Back home, my parents have now joined the Municipal Agriculture Bureau and the Municipal Inspection Department respectively, and have each become a small leader. They have not returned yet.

Liang Ji opened the 'Xing Jian' and ordered some spiritual meals at the 'Shan De Lou' to be delivered at dinner time.

After the college entrance examination, after the news came out that he was admitted to Kunlun Star Palace, two companies that had signed investment agreements with him, Shandelou and Herborist, also sent people to visit him.

He wanted to continue to deepen cooperation with him, but Liang Ji was now concentrating on practicing and advancing, and had put down the cooperation for the time being.

The two families didn't care, and smiled and gave them a 'VIP card', saying that they could keep in touch in the future.

Liang Ji naturally had no intention of refusing.

In itself, according to the original investment agreement, he will have to cooperate with the two companies for at least thirty years.

If the cooperation goes well, there will naturally be opportunities to deepen cooperation in the future.

At this time, a notification sound came from the Star Directory. It was a video communication sent by senior Ge Yuanchao.

As early as when he was at school, Liang Ji had already informed his senior Ge Yuanchao of the news after successfully completing his tenth marrow cleansing and blood transfusion.

However, the other party should be busy and only responded at this time.

"Hello, senior!" Liang Jidang greeted him first when he opened the video communication.

In the video, Ge Yuanchao looked at Liang Ji, confirming that he had completed the physical training, nodded slightly, and said: "Very good, junior Liang Ji, congratulations on meeting the instructor's requirements. You can come to Kunlun Star Palace to meet the red jade instructor. "

Liang Ji also breathed a sigh of relief. From Senior Ge Yuanchao, he could learn that Master Chiyu was obviously a very strict person.

He was really worried that he would be fired by his mentor before he even went to Kunlun Star Palace because he failed to meet his mentor's requirements.

"I finally lived up to the expectations of my seniors and instructors."

Liang Ji also followed the path of humility.

Senior Ge Yuanchao heard this and said with a smile on his face: "You don't have to be too modest. Although Teacher Akadama has strict requirements, he never hesitates to praise students who meet his requirements."

"This time, you successfully completed the training of a first-level star master, and your instructor also asked me to give you a gift."

Senior Ge Yuanchao said, transmitting a piece of information.

Liang Ji clicked it open and found that it turned out to be a star technique: Star Breaking Strike!

"This star technique..." Liang Ji checked the specific information of this star technique, and his expression changed slightly.

The star-shattering blow shattered the star master's own natal star, shattering the Dao Fruit and the stars, thereby unleashing a decisive blow that would destroy both jade and stone.

It's because of the Star-shattering blow!

He didn't expect that after he completed the training of a first-level star master, his mentor would actually give him such a star technique that would lead to death.

Senior Ge Yuanchao obviously knew his doubts and said directly: "The completion of the first-level cultivation of Star Master, the tenth time of marrow cleansing and blood exchange of the ninth-grade body refining, will interact and influence the origin and Tao fruit of the natal star for the first time."

"From now on, Star Master can mobilize the power of Tao Fruit."

"However, the Star Master is still too weak at this time. Even if he mobilizes the power of Dao Fruit, it is difficult to form any powerful attack!"

"Only this 'Star-Shattering Strike' star technique, which can destroy everything, can explode with the strongest attack power, giving the star master the opportunity to step up to two or three levels, severely injuring or even killing the enemy!"

"This astrology, since its invention, has been the first astrology learned by many star masters."

"Especially for star masters who are born in the nine star palaces, 'Star Breaking Strike' is almost the first star technique that must be learned!"

Listening to the other party's words, Liang Ji suddenly had more, deeper and different insights into the Kunlun Star Palace and the nine star palaces in the Star Alliance.

He suppressed his thoughts, nodded, and said, "Don't worry, senior, I understand! I will study hard and master this star technique."

Senior Ge Yuanchao also nodded, looked at Liang Ji, and said, "I hope that you will never use this star technique, junior fellow student, but I also hope that you will be able to use this star technique without hesitation when needed."

Liang Ji nodded slightly, and he could feel the heaviness in these words.

He couldn't help but think of what the old principal said on the podium when the Star Master class gathered after successfully refining the natal star: "Star Master is both an honor and a responsibility!"

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