The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 139 Akama Tutor Second Level Choice (Please subscribe)

How many peaks are there in Kunlun Mountain?

Liang Ji didn't know that he was just riding a flying car with his senior Ge Yuanchao and flew up to one of the mountain peaks. With his strength, he looked around and could see at most a few blurry peaks in the distance. What he saw most were all kinds of flying cars. , magic weapons, etc. flying in various places near and far.

He wanted to see what this Kunlun Mountain looked like, but it was not something he could do.

On the top of the mountain is a group of red palaces, with fewer people coming in and out.

Ge Yuanchao took Liang Ji and Liu Xu off the speed car, entered the palace complex, and went all the way to the depths.

Finally, in a courtyard, Liang Ji finally met the teacher Chi Yu whose name he had heard for a long time.

Very similar to what he had always inferred, the Akadama instructor is a middle-aged man with a serious face. The most distinctive feature is that there is a diamond-shaped red jade-like existence in the middle of his forehead. It looks like scales and gems, as if it is born from his forehead. The third eye.

"Meet the mentor."

Ge Yuanchao should pay homage first.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and Liu Xu also followed closely and bowed:

"Meet the mentor."

Even Liu Xu, who was very out of touch along the way, was very serious and tangible when he saw the gift at this time.

It was just his attire that made Master Akadema's eyes fall on him, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

However, the instructor didn't say anything. He just nodded and said to Ge Yuanchao: "Yuanchao, thank you for your hard work."

Ge Yuanchao smiled and replied: "This is what students should do."

Instructor Chiyu nodded, looked at Liu Xu, frowned slightly and said, "Liu Xu, I already know your situation. Regarding your teaching, I need to discuss it with Mother You before confirming it."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu immediately changed his serious attitude of saluting and said, "Uncle Chi, what are you discussing with her? I came to Kunlun Star Palace just to learn your method of 'breaking the law'."

However, Master Chiyu nodded, shook his head, and said: "I can teach you how to 'break the law', but what your family is building is the foundation of the 'ten thousand laws'. When it comes to 'breaking the law', or even retaining the 'ten thousand laws', it still needs to be carefully discussed and studied."

Hearing this, Liu Xu shrugged and said, "Then just do your research. Anyway, I'm here to do experiments for you."

With that, he changed the subject and said, "Uncle Chi, let's talk about rankings first."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Liang Ji, saying: "This junior fellow between me and me, who is the senior fellow? Who is the junior fellow?"

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He casually responded to the other party's words in the airship hall, but he didn't expect that the other party still remembered it.

When Master Chiyu heard this, he said directly: "Liang Ji joined my sect first, so he is naturally my senior brother. If you joined later, you are naturally my junior brother."


Liu Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and exclaimed, as if he wanted to object.

But at this time, the Akadema instructor had already said: "Okay, you have come all the way, you are tired after all."

As he spoke, he turned to Ge Yuanchao and said, "Yuanchao, let's take your junior brother Liu Xu down to rest first."

"Yes, mentor."

Ge Yuanchao immediately agreed, took Liu Xu and left quickly.

In an instant, only Liang Ji and his mentor were left, and Liang Ji seemed to feel that the atmosphere around him had become more serious.

At this time, Master Chiyu smiled, nodded to him, and said: "Liang Ji, I have also read your information. Due to mutation, your family members have developed a kind of 'overlord body' that can resist various attributes of damage." , it can be said that it is very consistent with the way of 'breaking the law', so Xinggong assigned you to my sect."

Hearing this, Liang Ji saluted again and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Master."

Instructor Chiyu waved his hand and said: "The inheritance is orderly and successive. This is an important reason why our Star Alliance has been able to gain a foothold in this vast sea of ​​​​stars and grow up to this day."

"What's more, I'm just your guide. To truly learn and grow, you still need to go on your own."

The mentor said, then changed the topic and said: "First of all, I want to clarify a question. Do you know the reason why your family members mutated and developed a 'hegemonic body'?"

"Is it an accidental mutation, or is it under your control?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Teacher, I know the cause of the mutation, and the mutation is all under my control."

Master Chiyu nodded when he heard this, without any intention of asking further questions, and said: "That's it, it's much simpler."

"Then, the next question is, do you have any special requirements for the second-level demon pill that you need to choose to advance your natal star and family to the second level?"

"Should I continue to choose the second-level Void Demonic Snake-type demon elixir?"

The instructor asked again.

Liang Ji pondered and said: "It is best to choose the demon elixir from the fish demon clan."

"Fish demon!" Master Chiyu heard this and said thoughtfully: "Is it because of mutation?"

Liang Ji nodded slightly.

"In this case..." Master Chiyu pondered slightly and said, "I remember that there are many fish void monsters living in the black holes in the Yinghai Star Territory."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and flicked it, and a light curtain of starlight formed in front of him, and a figure soon appeared in the light curtain.

The other party bowed to Master Akadema in the light curtain and said with a smile: "Teacher Akadema, do you have any instructions?"

Chiyu nodded and said: "I am going to take a student to the black hole in the Yinghai Star Territory. You can make arrangements."

"Okay." The other party responded immediately and said with a smile: "You can leave in five minutes."

Five minutes later, Master Chiyu seemed to have received the message. He stretched out his hand and pointed toward the ground. Starlight quickly gathered and intertwined on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a star array, and a star gate opened on it.

"Okay." He looked at Liang Ji and said, "Please come with me."

Seeing this quick and easy journey, Liang Ji was also stunned. He had just arrived at the Kunlun Star Palace, and now he was going to the Yinghai Star Territory again?

Seemingly seeing his astonishment, Master Chiyu said: "As a disciple of the Star Palace, you will get used to running around outside, traveling between various star fields, and even outside the Star Alliance."

"The number of students who really stay in Kunlun Mountain is actually a minority."

"Ah, it's the mentor." Liang Ji also reacted at this time, saluted quickly, and followed the mentor to stand on the star array.

Then starlight enveloped him. This time, Liang Ji physically passed through the star gate, but he was under the protection of his mentor the whole time. He could only see starlight and nothing else.

By the time the stars set, they had already left Kunlun Mountain and arrived at Yinghai City in the Yinghai Star Region.

"Ten minutes later, the 'Star Gate' will open on your natal star. Your family members are ready to go to war. Send as much combat power as you can. This time you have to hunt down a second-level void whale monster across levels. .”

Facing such a resolute mentor, Liang Ji could only respond quickly: "Yes, mentor."

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