The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 140 Second-order Void Demon Clan (please subscribe)

Liang Ji's natal star has now reached the limit of the first level, and the number of half-dragons in his family has also approached the limit of one million.

The number of half-dragon dependents who have awakened and advanced to the first level has exceeded 400,000, and the awakening rate has reached almost one-half.

Moreover, the body size of ordinary first-order half-dragon family members has reached the point of approaching two feet. The body size of professional warriors with stronger combat power is basically more than two feet, and the warrior leader is approaching three feet.

Compared to the time of the college entrance examination, not only the number, individual body shape, combat power, etc. of the half-dragon family members have more than doubled.

It can be said that the current half-dragon family is at its strongest at the first level.

However, it is undoubtedly very difficult for them to cross-level challenge or even hunt the second-level void demon clan, especially the second-level void whale demon who is also famous for its physical strength.

Since Master Chiyu said to go all out, Liang Ji naturally did not hesitate and directly sent 400,000 first-order half-dragon warriors. The rest were basically old, weak, sick and disabled to ensure the inheritance.

Moreover, these half-dragon warriors, before setting off, all activated their "big and small Ruyi" bloodline magical powers. Each of them was seven or eight feet in size, and the strongest one was nine feet in size. As for the warrior leader, he directly transformed into a human. Reaching the size of ten feet.

They equipped themselves with special rune equipment, swallowed pills, raised giant hammers, crossed the star gate amidst the sounds of sacrifices and victory, and headed for the battlefield!

The battlefield this time was a liquid star, and the entire star seemed to be composed of black water.

The black water surges, sweeping everything!

hold head high!

In the surging black water, a huge whale monster with a body size of nearly 60 feet opened its huge mouth and roared, like a huge abyss, into which the rolling black water was submerged.

This was the hunting target chosen directly for him by Master Chiyu, rather than Liang Ji's half-dragon family members searching for the hunting target themselves.

Otherwise, in this black hole field and on the stars of the Void Demon Clan, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members may even have been swallowed up by other demon clans before they even found a suitable target.

At this time, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members surrounded and killed the void whale monster, but found many problems.

There is a huge difference between the second-order void demon clan and the first-order void demon clan.

The first-level Void Demon Clan relies more on the strength of its own body in battles. Even various attribute damage is contained in physical attacks.

The second-level Void Demon Clan can already directly control various attribute energies.

Just like in the additional questions of the college entrance examination, the 'evil spirit' used the various natural disaster attribute powers controlled by the 'divine crystal' to launch a direct attack.

However, the battlefield at that time was above the first-order stars. Even if the 'evil spirit' had a treasure like the 'divine crystal', restricted by the star's spiritual veins, the various natural disaster attribute attacks it controlled and launched were not as strong as Beyond the first level.

Therefore, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members were able to withstand the attack of the 'evil spirit' for the time being, slowly consuming the power of their spiritual veins and the opponent's strength, and achieved the final victory.

However, at this time, facing this real second-order void demon clan, and in this black hole field and liquid stars, the combat power of the second-order demon clan is not restricted at all and can be fully exerted.

On the contrary, his half-dragon family members' combat power was greatly suppressed in this black hole field.

At this time, Liang Ji discovered that his half-dragon warriors were unable to attack the void whale monster and directly launch a close combat against it.

The void whale demon can control the vast range of black water around it and turn the black water into chaotic whirlpools and waves.

If Liang Ji's half-dragon family wants to kill the whale monster, they must rush through the waters controlled by the opponent.

But the half-dragon family members would often be swallowed up by the vortex, swept away by the waves, or even swept directly by the surging black water as soon as they rushed into it, and they would be swallowed up by the giant whale's open mouth.

The 'overlord body' of the Half-Dragon Familia, even with the increased bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', is simply unable to withstand the attribute attacks controlled by the second-order demon clan.

This is a level of suppression!

In the end, Liang Ji's family half-dragons were unable to get close to the whale monster at all. They could only throw up the giant hammer from a distance, like throwing a siege boulder, and hit the void whale monster.

Even so, under the impact of the turbulent waves controlled by the void whale monster, more than half of the giant hammers that were thrown were directly blocked by the big waves and flew away. Only a small half of the giant hammers were able to hit the whale monster before the other giant hammers opened the way. body.

The Void Whale Demon is known for its physical strength.

The giant hammers thrown by the half-dragon warriors hit him, and the damage they could cause was limited, and most of them were even difficult to break through the scales on his body.

The various powers of ice, fire, and poison carried on the giant hammer also have limited effects.

Fortunately, there were enough half-dragon warriors and they brought enough giant hammers.

There are 400,000 half-dragon warriors, each carrying two giant hammers is 800,000, and these giant hammers are specially used by the half-dragon warriors under the transformation of "Big and Small Ruyi", and the size is generally about ten feet. .

Eight hundred thousand giant hammers, even one percent or one thousandth of them, piled together will form a huge mountain.

They kept bombarding the Void Whale Demon. No matter how small the damage they caused, the accumulated damage was enough to tear the whale monster's skin and flesh, break its muscles and bones, and suffer serious injuries.

At this time, there was no need for the half-dragon family members to take the initiative to approach the whale monster. The void whale monster, which had suffered heavy injuries and severe pain, roared and roared towards the half-dragon family members.

In this liquid star, in the endless black water, the half-dragon family members are far inferior to the second-order whale monster in all aspects, even their speed is far inferior.

Therefore, facing the charging void whale monster, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members wanted to dodge and escape, but it was impossible to slowly kill it with long-range attacks.

The Void Whale Monster controlled a large area of ​​black water and rushed directly. The rough waves and black water whirlpool directly broke through and dispersed the team of the half-dragon family members.

Then the nearly 60-foot void whale monster crashed into these scattered half-dragon family members like a rampaging island.

Shaking his head and tail, turning over and waving his fins, he collided with a group of half-dragon family members. The majestic force was the unparalleled power of the half-dragon family members' "overlord body", coupled with the increase of "big and small Ruyi", it was enough to He was the lord among the ranks, but at this time he was also being knocked away and crushed like a torrent.

The giant rune hammers made of special alloy materials were flattened and crushed.

What is even more powerful is the huge mouth of the whale monster, which is like a bottomless abyss, constantly swallowing the vast black water around it, and in the black water, teams of half-dragon warriors are swept up, swallowing together the huge mouth of the abyss, Devoured by it.

"Blood Burning Technique!"

"The rainbow penetrates the sun!"


Today, the warrior leader of the half-dragon family is already the 29th Chi. He directly uses the method of destroying both the jade and the stone and rushes towards the whale monster with all his strength.

In this situation, any tactics are useless, and the only one that can be used is 'ant possession'.

All the half-dragon warriors were like tiny ants, rushing towards the elephant in the middle with all their strength, trying to bite it even if it meant death.

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