The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 141: Advancement of the natal stars (please subscribe)

Ant possession can be said to be the most helpless, cruel, and unsolvable method of warfare.

As long as the number of attackers is large enough, the attacked party cannot form a large-scale instant-kill crushing of the attacker.

Then, the result of ‘too many ants bite the elephant to death’ can really be achieved.

Of course, this result was obtained with countless ‘ant lives’.

Four hundred thousand half-dragons from the Familia clan, compared to a second-order void whale monster, this quantity comparison definitely meets the requirements of the 'ant possession' strategy.

Although the second-level Void Whale Demon can easily crush and devour the half-dragon family members, it still cannot achieve the level of instant-kill crushing without breaking defenses.

This undoubtedly also gave the Half-Dragon Familia the possibility of victory using the 'ant-possessed' strategy.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, teams of half-dragon warriors, using the desperate means of 'Blood Burning Technique' and 'Changhong Sun Piercer', launched a blow that would destroy both jade and stone.

Even if it is swallowed into the whale monster's huge mouth, it will still burn its life and explode with a final blow, bombarding the whale monster's sharp teeth.

Under such a devastating attack, in which lives and numbers were exchanged for injuries, even this second-order void whale monster gradually became unable to support itself, and the injuries on its body accumulated from small to large, and from small to large, they continued to deepen.

On the battlefield, blood flowed across the battlefield, dyeing the surrounding black water red.

Most of them were caused by the casualties of the half-dragon family members, but the blood of the void whale monster was gradually increasing and spreading.

hold head high!

At the end of the battle, the severely injured Void Whale Monster couldn't bear it any longer. It roared, stirred up a large black wave with its giant tail, and turned around to run away.

At the speed at which the Void Whale Monster swims in the black water, the half-dragon family cannot escape when it attacks; similarly, when it escapes, the half-dragon family cannot catch up.

It can't match the speed, nor can it match the strength.

With the strength and defense of the Half-Dragon Familia, it is obviously impossible to entangle and intercept the Void Whale Demon and prevent it from escaping.

In normal battles and killings, even if the first-level half-dragon family members pay huge casualties and sacrifices, and use their numbers and lives in exchange for the injuries of the second-level void whale monster, it will still be difficult to kill them in the end. He could only watch the other party forcefully break away and escape while being seriously injured.

But this is obviously not a normal battle.

Master Chiyu brought Liang Ji here and asked his family half-dragons to fight and kill the second-level void whale monster across different levels. This was not a meaningless waste of his family members.

Instead, he uses this second-level void whale monster to test his family training and combat prowess, and lets his family members fight and fight on their own to obtain the demon pills needed to advance to the second level.

This is a transformation that allows the family members to transform in cross-level battles and fights.

Therefore, at this time, the Akadama instructor took action directly.

A sheet of starlight shone down, directly covering the battlefield, cutting off the severely injured Void Whale Monster's escape path, and sealing it in the battlefield.

"The Emperor of Heaven is protecting us!"


Seeing the stars falling in the sky blocking the whale demon's escape, the numerous half-dragon warriors shouted and charged towards the whale demon with increasing fanaticism.

Until now, the Half-Dragon Familia have never seen the Emperor of Heaven. Only the falling stars and starlight often show the existence of the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, in the eyes of many Half-Dragon Families, the scattered starlight is the miracle and gift of the Emperor of Heaven. Protecting them, helping them, and preventing the whale monster from escaping.

There are starlight blocking the way in front, and the half-dragon 'antfu' chasing after him. No matter how strong the second-order void whale monster is, it can only be consumed by the half-dragon family members in the end.

For this reason, more than half of the 400,000 half-dragon family members sent by Liang Ji had been killed or injured.

However, the remaining half-dragon warriors, in the tidal flats of flesh and blood formed by the corpse of the void whale monster, and the blood-stained sea, shouted for the Emperor of Heaven and cheered for victory. It was indeed in this cross-level life and death battle. A transformation has been completed.

Amid the cheers, the warrior leader 'Chi 29th' led his men to draw a second-level demon elixir from the corpse of the void whale demon.

In itself, the probability of the second-level void demon clan to produce demon elixir is much greater than that of the first-level demon clan.

What's more, this second-level void whale monster was specially chosen by Master Akadema, and it had long been determined that the demon elixir was contained in its body.

Instructor Chiyu is a monk who has reached the seventh-level Star Master and the third-level Void Refining Realm. Whether it is experience or strength, it is very easy and accurate to determine whether a second-level demon has a demon elixir in its body.

"Okay, this is the second-level demon elixir that your family has made. Now refine it into the natal star."

"After your natal star advances to the second level, these dependents who have experienced the baptism and transformation of this war will have a higher chance of advancing to the second level."

"It can lay a better start and foundation for your journey to the second-level star master."

At this time, Master Akadema said to him.

"Yes, thank you mentor."

Liang Ji thanked him immediately.

Instructor Chiyu continued: "Liang Ji, as my student, you have to remember one thing."

"Master, please give me your instructions."

Liang Ji immediately bowed and responded.

"When you were in your third year of high school, you were laying the foundation for developing first-level natal stars and dependent clans. At that time, you had no choice. All the refined demon pills needed to be processed. You could only refine them by purchasing demon pills on the market."

"But after you advance to the second level of Star Master and your natal star advances to the second level, I require that every demon pill you refine must be obtained by your own family members who personally kill the void demon clan."

"Just like this first second-level demon pill."

Instructor Akama ordered with a serious face.

"Yes! Students must keep it in mind."

Liang Ji responded immediately.

Instructor Chiyu nodded slightly and said: "Okay, let's go back to Yinghai City. After you refine this demon pill and advance to the second level Star Master, I will take you to go through the formalities so that you can come to Yinghai City often in the future. Here in the black hole of the domain, hunt the void whale monster."

"Thank you, instructor."

Liang Ji thanked him again.

Below, the half-dragon warriors had cleaned up the battlefield and returned to their natal stars through the star gate.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness also withdrew.

In Yinghai City, Liang Ji threw the demon elixir of the second-order void whale demon into his natal star.


The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and let out a dragon roar, swallowing and refining the demon pill.

At this time, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star has become more real and bright, and almost all the dragon scales on its body have been lit up.

The demon elixir of the second-order void whale demon was swallowed by it, refined in its belly, and then implanted into its natal star.

Above the natal stars, the sun and the moon rotate, the seasons rotate, and time flows. The demon elixir of the second-order void whale demon melts into the stars and condenses into the spiritual veins of the stars. The stars grow and the spiritual veins increase.

In Liang Ji's 'Star Book', in the list of natal stars, the line of spiritual veins silently jumped from the first level (100%) to the second level (1%).

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