The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 142 Second-level Familia (please subscribe)

After refining the second-level demon elixir, the natal stars will advance to the second level, and the impact will be comprehensive.

The diameter of the star increases again, and the volume and mass become larger and larger; the spiritual veins in the star become second-order, and the spiritual energy contained in the star undergoes a qualitative change.

The most direct impact of the increase in volume, quality, and energy is that the flow rate of time in the natal stars that the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array' can operate has been greatly reduced.

The sun rises, the moon sets, and the seasons seem to rotate at a slower pace.

When the stars are at the first level, the 'Celestial Star Array' can operate at a maximum time flow rate of one day and a thousand years; however, when the stars advance to the second level, the 'Celestial Star Array' can only operate for a maximum of one day and a hundred years. Time flows faster.

Under normal circumstances, it even maintains a flow rate of only one day for several decades.

This means that the half-dragons of the Familia clan who used to be replaced in a few days will now be replaced at a much slower pace, reaching a generation replacement rate of dozens of days.

For Liang Ji, on the one hand, his connection and emotions with the half-dragon family members will be deepened. After all, the replacement of generations is slow. For each generation of half-dragon family members, he will have more time to observe, understand, cultivate, and contribute. The more you have, the deeper your feelings will naturally be.

On the other hand, like the first-order half-dragons who fought many times, relying on a large number of the lives and numbers of the family members to win victory, it is expected to be done as little as possible in the future.

After all, at the first level, a generation of Familia will be replaced in a few days. Even if the damage or consumption is too serious in the battle, it can be replenished in just a few days. Even because of the investment of resources captured in the war, the number of Familia after replacement will be reduced. There will be more.

However, after advancing to the second level, it will take dozens of days to replace a new generation of Familia. This means that if he loses too many half-dragons of the Familia in the war, it will take dozens of days to recover and rebuild. Supplement it.

The cost of time consumed in this process has greatly increased. If the resources and trophies obtained through the large number of sacrifices and casualties of the dependents are not as good as the subsequent time cost, huge losses will be caused; even the second-level practice and advancement will be Slower and slower, harder and harder.

"Every second-level demon pill that Master Akade requires me to refine must be captured by the Familia themselves by killing the Void Demon Clan. This means that the frequency and number of half-dragons from the Familia will undoubtedly increase greatly in the future. , far beyond the first level.”

After all, the first level is the basic stage, and the dependents are only required to participate in battles during a few assessments, which only happens about once a month.

But now the second level, if you want to not delay the time and process of refining the second level demon elixir, you may even have to fight in a few days.

A generation of half-dragons from the Familia clan often have to go through many battles.

"But we can no longer use the 'ant possession' tactic like before to trade the number and lives of the dependents for victory and demon pills."

"We must improve the combat power of the half-dragons of the Familia...and the diversity of battles!"

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he looked at the half-dragon family members in the natal star.

As the natal stars advance to the second level, the spiritual veins of the stars undergo qualitative changes, and the energy and level limits in the stars have also been exceeded.

The half-dragon family members who have reached the peak of the first level also have room to move forward.

And just as Master Akadema said, after experiencing the battle with the Void Whale Demon and personally seizing the advanced demon pill, the surviving more than 100,000 first-order half-dragon dependents are currently undergoing transformation and advancement.

The leader of the warriors, Chi 29th, was the first to advance. Almost at the moment when Liang Ji's natal star advanced from the first level to the second level, Chi 29th began to transform and advance simultaneously.

His size began to grow again, from the original four feet to six feet in size. His body became stronger and stronger. The flesh and blood, muscles and bones, blood strength, scales, etc. in his body began to undergo transformation. His strength, Defense, speed, and vitality have all been qualitatively improved.

Immediately afterwards, among the more than 100,000 first-level warriors who returned from victory, more and more half-dragons began to transform and advance.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands!

Each of them began to grow in size, body shape, and their scales, flesh, bones, and blood began to metamorphose. They generally grew from more than three feet tall to more than five feet tall.

Among them, there are several half-dragon dependents who have gained more in battles, or gained more during advancement and transformation. Their body size has increased suddenly, also growing to six feet in size, and they have caught up with the warrior leader Chi Er. Growth and change in the nineteenth century.

Finally, when this wave of breakthroughs in advancement and transformation gradually came to an end, nearly 50,000 of the nearly 200,000 first-order half-dragon warriors who returned from the victory successfully broke through and advanced to the second level.

Such an advanced rate has exceeded a quarter.

Moreover, it is conceivable that this is not the final result. This is just the biggest breakthrough brought about by the improvement and qualitative change of the star spiritual veins after the natal star advanced to the second level.

After this wave of breakthroughs ends, among the remaining more than 100,000 first-order half-dragon warriors who have returned from victory, there will definitely be many breakthroughs and advancements one after another.

The advancement ratio can continue to increase, reaching one-third or even one-half.

This rate has undoubtedly increased several times compared to the original first level (1%).

And this is also an important reason why Master Chiyu asked his family members to hunt down the second-level void demon clan across ranks and seize the demon pill.

Fierce battles and killings are more conducive to the development and advancement of the family's bloodline.

A cross-level hunt to seize advanced resources is a baptism of qualitative change and sublimation.

And the natal star that has just advanced to the second level can have tens of thousands or even one hundred thousand second level warriors. This will undoubtedly give Liang Ji a better start in the initial stage of second level practice.

Saved him a lot of time.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Master Akadera requires that every demon pill he uses for improvement in the future must be hunted by the dependents themselves.

Fighting and killing can make the family members grow and advance faster.

As long as the battle damage ratio can be maintained, the second-level cultivation and improvement speed will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Star advancement, spiritual vein advancement, star origin, and spiritual energy concentration have all been qualitatively improved, and it is not only the first-order half-dragon dependents who will benefit.

At this time, there are more than 500,000 zero-level half-dragon dependents among the natal stars, and they have received even more benefits.

Just when tens of thousands of first-order half-dragon dependents were transforming and advancing into second-order dependents, the more than half a million zero-order half-dragon dependents also ushered in a wave of breakthroughs.

Thousands, tens of thousands, even one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand zero-level half-dragon dependents, stimulated by the transformation of stars and spiritual veins, began to awaken their blood and spiritual wisdom, and advanced to first-level dependents.

When the breakthrough tide settled, more than half of the more than 500,000 zero-level half-dragon dependents had successfully awakened and advanced to the first level.

This brought the number of first-order half-dragons in Liang Ji's natal star to more than 300,000 again.

Of course, this is not the final result. It is conceivable that in the next few days, there will continue to be zero-level half-dragons advancing to the first level, and first-level half-dragons advancing to the second level.

There’s more at night!

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