The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 143 Challenging Power and Second Order’s Needs (Please subscribe)

Liang Ji’s natal star is in the ‘Arena’, the training ground next to Dragon Soul City.

Two half-dragon warriors, nearly twenty feet tall, were constantly colliding and fighting among them.

This was a challenge. The person being challenged was none other than the warrior leader 'Chi 29th', and the one who challenged him was the half-dragon who had also broken through and grown to six feet when he advanced to the second level. One of the human warriors.

The society of the Half-Dragon Familia has developed to a point where the strong are respected. Previously, the Half-Dragon Familia would fight overtly and covertly for the position of leader of every village or even the leader of a tribe.

But after the overt and covert fighting ended, and the village leaders and tribal leaders came to power, they were basically able to suppress their subordinates, and no one dared to challenge them again.

But now, as Liang Ji's natal star advanced to the second level, and a large number of warriors in the family members also advanced to the second level, the situation began to change again.

There was a half-dragon warrior who, during the advancement process, felt that he was no longer weaker than the tribal warrior leader ‘Chi 29th’, so he began to challenge ‘Chi 29th’.

It can be said that this is the first time for the half-dragon family to challenge the current leader.

Regardless of whether it succeeds this time, it will undoubtedly be a challenge to authority and power. From now on, the struggle for power and position among village and tribal leaders will probably become more intense.

Liang Ji watched the battle and duel between two half-dragon warriors nearly twenty feet tall in the 'arena' with deep thought in his heart.

At the same time, on the other hand, this duel also gave him a preliminary understanding of the basic combat power of the second-level half-dragon warrior.

Their strength, speed, defense, and vitality have all increased several times compared to the first level, and even the effect of the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' has been greatly improved.

At the first level of the Half-Dragon Familia, the power of the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' was activated, and the size and growth were less than doubled.

The strongest first-level warrior, Chi 29th, could only grow from a body of five feet to a body of ten feet, exactly doubling his size when he was hunting the void whale monster.

But now, whether it is 'Chi 29th' or the half-dragon warrior who challenged him, using the magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline, they are able to grow from six feet to nearly twenty feet. That's at least a twofold increase.

This is after the Half-Dragon Familia has advanced to the second level. The power of bloodline has become more and more powerful, and the magical power of bloodline that can be released naturally becomes more and more powerful.

Moreover, this also allows the half-dragon warrior to use the magical power of his blood to fight for a longer period of time.

The several times increase in strength, speed, defense, vitality, and bloodline magical power can even increase the basic combat power of the half-dragon family members by dozens of times.

Compared with the first-order half-dragon, there is no doubt that it is a qualitative improvement.

However, these are still the most basic improvements in combat power.

In the 'Arena', two second-level half-dragon warriors fought and fought. From the first-level means and combat skills they used at the beginning, to now they have given up their combat skills and switched to the most primitive, fist-to-flesh fighting skills. Collision, wrestling.

Because the first-level combat skills and inheritance can no longer keep up with their current improvement and use of combat power.

Even at the first level, the 'earth-breaking hammer', which was the trump card and ultimate killer, was about ten feet tall. Now, in the hands of two half-dragon warriors who are nearly twenty feet tall, the giant hammer has become Short stick.

After just a few collisions and smashings, the indestructible giant hammer at that time was either broken, shattered, or flattened.

Not to mention the ground-breaking axe, whirlwind flying spear, mountain shield and other combat skills.

It is completely unable to meet the fighting and killing requirements of the second-level half-dragon warriors.

Therefore, the gladiatorial battle between the two half-dragon warriors turned into the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, abandoning combat skills and equipment.

"It seems that we need to deal with the half-dragon warriors, second-level bloodline inheritance, and combat skill inheritance as soon as possible!"

"Also, the second-level equipment must also be arranged."

"First-level talismans, second-level weapons, and third-level formations. The second-level family members can already train weapon refiners and refine magic weapons. These must be carefully selected."

"Blood inheritance is especially important!"

"The bloodline of the first level inherited the 'Snake Barbarian Sutra'. After the blood mutation of the half-dragon family members, they have cultivated the 'Hegemonic Body'. They have become half-dragon warriors who can rush all the way at the first level, keep sprinting upward, and finally rush forward." The important foundation of Kunlun Star Palace.”

"Now at the second level, if you choose bloodline inheritance, you must naturally retain the effect of this 'overlord', and even further develop and improve it."

"In addition, when the half-dragon family members were in the first level, they successfully refined the broken 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' bloodline magical spiritual seed, thus mastering the 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline magical powers. This is also an important reason why I can rush to the Kunlun Star Palace. reason."

"Now that I have advanced to the second level, I may also try to collect one or two new and suitable broken bloodline magical spiritual species, so that the half-dragons of the Familia can master the new bloodline magical power!"

To grow, one must be good at summarizing experience. Liang Ji summarized his successful experience at the first level. Now that he has advanced to the second level, he naturally has to carry forward these experiences.


Liang Ji looked at the 'Arena' again. The battle in the field had already decided the winner. The warrior leader 'Chi 29th' relied on his richer combat experience to win the final victory with a slight advantage, barely holding on. took the position of warrior leader.

But it can be seen that in the audience stage of this 'arena' at this time, there are several half-dragon warriors who have also successfully reached the six-foot-high height when they advanced to the second level. They look towards 'Chi Twenty-Nine' Shi's eyes were no longer in awe, but became eager to try.

In this gladiatorial battle, although 'Chi 29th' won the final victory, it also exposed his own depth, allowing more half-dragon warriors to see the possibility of a successful challenge.

Perhaps it won't be long before Chi 29th's position as leader of the tribal warriors will eventually be lost.

This kind of challenge to authority and power may cause internal changes, fighting, and even intensification of chaos within the Half-Dragon Familia, but it is a small step forward for the development of the entire Familia civilization.

It is conducive to the growth of the origin of the natal stars and the Dao, and it is conducive to the growth of the Dao fruit.

Therefore, Liang Ji just watched and had no intention of stopping it.

What he was more concerned about at this time was the 'arena' where the two half-dragon warriors fought. It could be clearly seen that there were many damaged and destroyed places in the 'arena' after the fight.

These are the damage and traces left by the two half-dragon warriors when they fought and fought.

The first-level training ground 'arena' can no longer keep up with the competition, fighting, and training of second-level half-dragon warriors.

"We must upgrade the first-level practice land to a second-level spiritual spiritual land as soon as possible!"

"Not only the arena, but also other training places such as Ten Thousand Poison Cave, Ice Abyss, Valley of Fire, etc. must also be improved."

"Also, the spiritual roots, spiritual water, spiritual fire, spiritual soil, ore mother and other spiritual seeds in the stars, as well as the spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds, etc., must also be upgraded accordingly to meet the needs of the second-level dependents!"

Thinking of this, Liang Ji could even feel the pain between his eyebrows.

"How many spiritual stones will this cost?"

He seemed to understand why in the 'student loan' module of Kunlun Star Palace's internal official website, there were so many seniors and seniors leaving messages and scolding each other while applying for loans again and again.

At this time, he seemed to see the abyss of loans coming towards him.

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