The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 144 The choice of blood inheritance (please subscribe)

"The cultivation of the star master, the development of the natal stars, and the cultivation of the dependents can actually be said in two words: farming and fighting!"

"Plowing means cultivating the stars and dependents deeply, and constantly improving the stars and dependents."

"War means conquering all directions, fighting against the Void Monster Clan, fighting against the evil forces, fighting against the enemies of the Star Alliance, and seizing resources and interests in the battle."

"They complement each other. Only by cultivating the Stars and the Familia deeply and improving the Familia's combat power can we ensure victory in the battle; and the resources and benefits gained from the battle can be used to better develop the Stars and the Familia."

After Liang Ji observed his natal stars and his family members advanced to the second level, he came to see Master Chiyu and asked him for advice on the second level of cultivation.

Instructor Chiyu was currently teaching Master Liang Jixing the experience of cultivation.

"Now that your natal stars and dependents have successfully advanced to the second level, the next thing to do is to cultivate deeply, improve their combat power, and prepare for the battle."

"You come to ask me for advice. The blood inheritance and combat skills inheritance of the second-level dependents are correct."

As Instructor Akadera spoke, he raised his hand and flicked it, and a starlight curtain appeared in front of him. What appeared in the light curtain was the internal official website of Kunlun Star Palace.

"The nine major star palaces in the Star Alliance all collect various common and basic bloodline inheritance and combat skill inheritance in the Star Alliance."

As he spoke, he clicked on the 'Library' module on the official website's homepage, where numerous bloodline inheritances and combat skill inheritances were listed according to levels.

"However, these common and basic inheritances are only used by students of those academies and schools."

"As a disciple of Star Palace, you can just look at these inheritances, broaden your horizons, and make some reference. There is no need to refine or learn."

"Our Kunlun Star Palace has its own inheritance, which is far beyond these ordinary and basic inheritances."

Instructor Akadama said, and in the 'Library' module, he clicked on another 'Heritage Pavilion' module.

Compared with the easy entry into the 'library', entry into the 'Heritage Pavilion' requires a series of certifications. In the end, a red jade light even shot out from the 'red jade' between the eyebrows of the red jade instructor, and disappeared into the starlight curtain. , the 'Heritage Pavilion' module has just been successfully opened.

"Our Kunlun Star Palace now has twelve lineages of inheritance. My lineage's inheritance is the 'Jade Character Lineage' inheritance. What the family members practice is the power of the physical body, which has the effect of breaking laws!"

As he spoke, he clicked on the inheritance of the 'Jade Character Lineage' in the 'Inheritance Pavilion'.

Liang Ji saw that the first line among them was a bloodline inheritance called 'Xuanyu Nine Transformations'.

At this time, Instructor Chiyu looked at Liang Ji and asked with a serious face: "Liang Ji, because of the performance of your family members in the college entrance examination, whether they have the 'Hegemonic Body' defense, the 'big and small Ruyi' bloodline magical powers, and the physical body It can be said that their strong combat prowess is very consistent with my lineage."

"So, Xinggong assigned you to my sect."

"However, now I want to ask again. Please answer me seriously: Are you really sure that you want to follow my 'Jade Lineage' to cultivate your body and break the law when it comes to cultivating your own clan?"

"If you have other ideas, you can put them forward at this time, and I will inform Xinggong and transfer you to other Dharma channels in Xinggong."

"But if you choose our 'Jade Lineage', it will not be easy if you want to switch to the inheritance of other Dharma Lineages in the future."

Listening to Instructor Chiyu's serious inquiry, Liang Ji did not rush to answer, but said: "Instructor, can I ask a few questions?"

"Of course you can!"

Instructor Akama nodded.

"Is there any distinction between high and low in the inheritance of the twelve meridians of Kunlun Star Palace?"

Liang Ji asked.

"Of course there is no distinction between high and low." Master Chiyu shook his head and said: "The inheritance of the twelve veins all have the foundation for a star master to practice all the way and grow to a ninth-level star master and a first-level heavenly immortal."

"However, whether the Star Master can reach the end depends not on inheritance, but on himself. He needs to find his own path!"

Liang Ji nodded thoughtfully and asked a second question: "Among the twelve lineages of inheritance, in addition to the 'Jade Line', are there any inheritances that specialize in physical training and are compatible with the 'Hegemony' of my family members?"

Hearing this, Master Chiyu nodded, shook his head, and said: "In the twelve-line inheritance, there is also the 'Golden Cauldron Lineage' that also practices the physical body, but what they practice is not breaking the law, but pure power. Strength is supreme, strength breaks through the void!”

"Although your Familia's 'Hegemonic Body' also has unparalleled power, it is even stronger in its ability to defend and resist damage of various attributes, which is more in line with the 'breaking law'."

Liang Ji's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he asked, "Teacher, can I practice the inheritance of these two lines together?"

When Master Chiyu heard this, he was not surprised at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "In the Kunlun Star Palace, students are not prohibited from practicing across the channels. As long as you have the ability to complete the inheritance of the twelve channels, the Star Palace will Will be happier.”

"It's just that the inheritance of each line needs to be exchanged for credits, and the practice of each line requires the consumption of a large amount of spiritual stones, resources, etc."

"If you can earn enough credits and have enough spiritual stones and resources to support your family members in practicing more Dharma inheritance, I will naturally not object."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this. He was not intimidated by his mentor's words. He knew that cross-circuit practice would not be easy, but if he had the opportunity later, he would still try his best.

Seeing this, Master Chiyu nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

Liang Ji continued to ask: "Teacher, when my family members were at the first level, due to the 'hegemonic body', the power of blood could not stimulate the various attribute damage in the runes. If at the second level, they practiced 'breaking Will the inheritance of Dharma's bloodline aggravate this result, making my dependents completely unable to master this attribute power?"

Upon hearing this question, Master Chiyu did not answer immediately. Instead, he pondered for a moment and then said: "This question is also a direction that our 'Jade Character Lineage' has been studying."

"In our research, the power of 'breaking magic' is actually a power of chaos, which also includes the power of various attributes."

"Only by embracing all methods can we defeat all methods!"

"I can tell you that after practicing the 'breaking method', it is not absolutely impossible to master attribute power again."

"In fact, we have already produced some results in our research. Junior Brother Liu Xu who came with you is the student we exchanged with Wanxiang Xinggong, trying to find a balance between 'breaking methods' and 'ten thousand methods'. "

Hearing this, Liang Ji nodded to express his understanding. After pondering for a moment, he asked another question that was not related to blood inheritance, and said: "Teacher, what kind of political model is generally more appropriate for the cultivation and development of the family members?"

"Is it better to have a unified empire, or to have feuding princes fighting each other?"

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