The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 145 Eighth Grade Qi Refining (please subscribe)

Unity or division?

Instructor Akama did not give a specific answer, but just said: "Unification has the benefits of unity, and melee has the benefits of melee. It all depends on the star master's own choice."

"Among the many star master monks in the Star Alliance, some support the unification of the families, some support the melee, and of course the majority support letting things take their own course. If they stay together for a long time, they will divide, and if they stay apart for a long time, they will unite!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the city and nine villages divided into one city and nine villages among the half-dragons of his family.

Of course, in addition to Dragon Soul City, the other nine villages have begun to show signs of evolving into towns with the development of their natal stars and the growth and advancement of their families.

And this also made an idea in his mind more and more clear.

"However, we still have to see the changes after the half-dragons of the Familiar clan refine and practice and pass the second-level bloodline inheritance."

Liang Ji had already made a decision in his heart, and immediately bowed to the red jade instructor and said: "Teacher, the student is willing to learn the inheritance of the 'Yu Zi Lineage'."

The red jade instructor nodded and raised his hand towards a point in the starlight curtain in front of him. Starlight shot out and formed an array. The starlight flowed on it and a jade slip was transmitted and appeared in front of him.

The instructor raised his hand and flicked the jade slip in front of Liang Ji, saying: "As your guiding instructor, I can make the decision to directly transmit the first two layers of the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade' to you, which is enough for you." The dependents practiced and used it at the second level."

"As for the next seven turns, you need to earn credits or even merits by yourself, and then exchange them from the Star Palace."

"Also, if you want to learn the inheritance of the 'Jin Ding Lineage', you also need to earn credits in exchange."

"Thank you, mentor."

Liang Ji quickly thanked him and caught the jade slip that flew in front of him.

"As for the combat skills of the Familia, I suggest you refine the inheritance of the 'Item Refiner' first, select the magic weapon used by the Familia, and then select the corresponding combat skills inheritance."

Instructor Akama said again.

Liang Ji nodded clearly. The second-level family members have been able to refine the 'Item Refiner' inheritance, train their own Weapon Refiner, and refine various magical weapons.

The first-level talisman, the second-level weapon, and the third-level formation.

The combat power and effect of the magic weapon are much stronger than those of the first-level magic weapon. It is indeed necessary to first select the magic weapon that is most suitable for the second-level half-dragon family, and then select the appropriate combat skill inheritance according to the requirements of the magic weapon. .

What's more, he still has an idea in his mind about the cultivation of second-level dependents, which needs to be verified before deciding on the choice of magical weapon.

Later, Master Akadema took him to go through several procedures in Yinghai City, so that he could be teleported to Yinghai City through the 'Star Gate' at a lower price later; he could also participate in Yinghai City and learn about the void in the black hole. The hunting of monsters.

After handling these matters, Master Chiyu took Liang Ji to teleport through the 'Star Gate' again and returned directly to the Kunlun Star Palace.

"On the homepage of Star Palace's official website, there is a 'Basic Course' module, which contains various basic courses, including various introductions to the Void Demon Clan, how to hunt the Void Demon Clan more effectively, and the use of various demon Clan materials. There are also courses such as introductions to the enemies of the Star Alliance, introductions to various cultivation resources commonly used by Star Masters, introductions to various inheritances, tactical explanations, introductions to the various traditions of the Star Alliance, etc. The categories are very complete."

"These are very basic courses. They are public courses and large courses. They do not require credits. They are open to all students in Xinggong."

"My request is that you read and study these courses once, so that you will have a more comprehensive understanding of how to develop your natal stars and cultivate your dependents."

"It will also be of great help to you later in hunting down the Void Monsters, collecting resources and materials, etc."

Returning to the Kunlun Star Palace, the instructor's dojo, the instructor continued to teach.

"Yes, tutor, student understands."

Liang Ji responded immediately.

"After the 'Basic Course' there is an 'Advanced Course'. Most of the content in it is for third-level star masters, including various introductions to the star sea outside the Star Alliance, how to explore and develop stars, and other super A detailed introduction to the first-order civilization, etc.”

"These 'advanced courses' require credits to watch and learn."

"I don't require you to watch and study these advanced courses when you are a second-level star master."

“However, you are encouraged to check out these advanced courses in advance if you have extra credits.”

"Even if it just broadens your horizons, it will be beneficial to your own cultivation, the development of your natal stars, the cultivation of your dependents, etc."

Hearing this, Liang Ji nodded thoughtfully and said, "Yes, mentor, I will do my best."

Although Instructor Chiyu said that he did not make any requirements, but only encouraged him, now that he had said it, Liang Ji understood that he had better work hard to earn more credits and learn all these 'advanced courses' at the second-level star master stage. It’s better to do it once.

Seeing Liang Ji's behavior, Master Chiyu nodded slightly, then changed the subject and said: "The development of the natal stars and the cultivation of the dependents. Let's talk about these first. Next, let's talk about your own practice."

"The cultivation of a star master has never been just about the development of the natal star and the cultivation of the dependent family, but more importantly, one's own cultivation."

"Even the cultivation of natal stars and dependents are all for the purpose of serving oneself and assisting one's own practice."

“This is very important and something you need to keep in mind at all times.”

"If you can't distinguish the priorities, it will be very dangerous when you advance to the eighth-level Star Master and practice in the Hedao realm."

Master Chiyu is now a seventh-level Star Master. His cultivation in the third-level Void Refining Realm is not far from the cultivation of the second-level Hedao Realm. It can be said that this is the time when he feels the deepest feelings about it.

His teachings are not only knowledge and experience, but also advice.

Liang Ji nodded seriously and said, "Teacher, I will keep this in mind."

In response to Liang Ji's words, Master Chiyu didn't say much, but continued: "Second-level star masters need to practice at the eighth-level Qi Refining Realm."

"Among the many Taoist traditions of the Star Alliance, the one with the most profound research and the highest development in Qi refining practice is naturally the Qi Refining Master Taoist tradition."

"The practice of our star master is to have the courage to embrace all rivers and all Taoist traditions. The ninth-grade body refining mirror absorbs the human and immortal Taoist traditions, the eighth-grade Qi refining realm absorbs the Qi-refining priest Taoist traditions, the seventh-grade soul refining realm absorbs the ghost and immortal Taoist traditions, etc. "

"So, for your cultivation in the eighth level of Qi Refining Realm, you must learn and practice the Taoist tradition of Qi Refining Masters."

"Refining Qi, refining evil spirits, refining Gang, and finally the Gang and evil become one."

"It's just that after the Qi Refiner Gangsha merges into one, he forms a golden elixir, but our star master's practice is different. After the Gangsha merges into one, it combines with the natal star and the Dao Fruit again to turn into Dao Qi!"

"The ninth level of body refining, the last tenth time of marrow cleansing and blood exchange, is the union of the Star Lord's body and the Dao; the eighth level of Qi refining, the final cultivation of Dao Qi, is the harmony of the Star Lord's Qi and Dao; and the subsequent seventh level of soul refining, there will be the same final result The soul and the Tao are in harmony.”

"These are not only strengthening the connection and mutual influence between the Star Master himself, the natal stars, and the Dao Fruit, but also laying the most solid foundation for the subsequent cultivation of the second-grade Hedao realm."

Listening to the explanations and teachings of Master Chiyu, Liang Ji suddenly had a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the entire Star Lord path and the path of cultivation of the Celestial Immortal Tradition, and he also understood better how to choose and follow the path.

This is the benefit of having a mentor and a guide.

"Use your account at Kunlun Star Palace to log in to the official website of the Qi Refiner Taoist Order, Xuanmen, and you will be able to enter the internal official website of Xuanmen, which contains the latest and most complete various Qi refining techniques of the Qi Refiner Taoism , including the most powerful qi-refining technique of the qi-refining sect, 'Mysterious Gate'."

"However, I don't recommend that you choose the 'Mysterious Gate', as that is more in line with the Qi Refiner Tradition, rather than our Star Master Tradition."

Liang Ji listened to the words of Instructor Chiyu and logged into the Xuanmen official website using his Kunlun Star Palace account. As expected, he successfully entered a different Xuanmen official website.

He did not expect that the official website of the Qi Refining Master Taoist system, Xuanmen, actually had two sets: internal and external.

What about other Taoist official websites?

Even the official website of the Alchemist Association, the official website of the Weapon Refiner Association, the official website of the Talisman Master Association, etc., what about these official websites?

Liang Ji couldn't help but open the official website of the Human Immortal Taoism 'Human World Tao' that he usually used before, and tried to log in with his Kunlun Star Palace account. As expected, he entered a different intranet.

This gave him a deeper understanding of the hierarchies within the Star Alliance.

If you don't reach a certain level, you won't be able to access a lot of knowledge and information even if you want to.

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