The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 149 Magical Weapons, Spells, and Combat Skills (Please subscribe)

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the half-dragon family members cultivated the family members, refined the magical weapons, and officially entered the era of magical weapons. This also meant that the family members of each lineage could determine the suitable magical weapons and choose combat techniques and spells.

The fighting style of the half-dragon clan in Dragon Soul City is undoubtedly a continuation and improvement of the first level, focusing on close combat and breaking spells.

Therefore, the most suitable magical weapons for them are armor and war hammers, and the inheritance of combat skills is still best with hammer combat skills.

Liang Ji searched carefully on the official intranet of the Artillery Masters Association and the 'Library' module of the Kunlun Star Palace official website.

Finally, for the Half-Dragon Familia in Dragon Soul City, the inheritance seeds of two supporting magical weapons, the ‘Giant Spirit Armor’ and the ‘Giant Spirit Hammer’, as well as the combat skill inheritance of the ‘Sky-breaking Hammer’ were selected.

Among them, the combat skill inheritance 'Heaven-Breaking Hammer' can be said to be an advanced version of the 'Earth-Breaking Hammer'. It is suitable for the second-level half-dragon dependents of Dragon Soul City to directly advance to practice based on the 'Earth-Breaking Hammer'. , it is much easier to master, and it can also exert stronger and greater power.

For the Half-Dragon Familia who are good at overpowering people and breaking spells in close combat, the simpler and more direct the method is, the better.

Next is the Prison Niu Bloodline Familia in the Prison Niu Village. The Prison Niu Bloodline has the power of wood. In fact, the best arrangement is to specialize in the cultivation of spiritual plants and spiritual medicines, providing Liang Ji and the family members with various spiritual plants and spiritual medicine. medicine resources.

For this reason, Liang Ji found several wood magic spells in the "Library" module of Xing Palace's official website, and gave them to the Qiu Niu bloodline family members for refining and practice.

These include: Hair Growth Technique, Withered Beauty Technique, Entanglement Technique, Wood Taming Technique, etc., which can be used for spiritual planting and elixir cultivation, as well as combat.

As for the magic weapons, they chose three: 'A Wood Armor', 'Yi Wood Beads', and 'Spiritual Seed Bag'.

Among them, the 'Jiamu Armor' protects the body, the 'Yimu Beads' assist and enhance the power of wood magic, and the 'Spiritual Seed Bag' warms and nourishes various grass and tree seeds, so that these seeds can be used for farming or fighting. for maximum effect.

The Yaizhen bloodline family members of Yaju Village have mastered the power of gold and are especially good at tracking, fighting and killing. The magic weapons they choose are the 'Adamantine Armor' and the 'Mo Dao', and they practice the spell 'Gold Gold Sword Qi'. ', a combat skill 'sharing gold'.

The dependents of the Chaofeng bloodline have wings, can fly into the sky, and master the power of wind.

It can be said that the Chaofeng Bloodline Familia will be the most important air combat force in the Liangji Familia team.

Although other Familia can also rely on magic weapons to fly into the sky and engage in aerial combat, there is no doubt that the Chaofeng bloodline, which does not have natural wings and has the power of wind, is more suitable for aerial combat and can exert its maximum attack power in aerial combat. combat effects.

Therefore, Liang Ji chose the magical weapons 'Wind Feather Armor' and 'Flowing Wind Sword', as well as the spell 'Wind Control Technique' and the sword technique 'Cut the Wind' for the Chaofeng Bloodline Familia.

'Wind Feather Armor' can not only protect the body, but also increase the control of the power of wind by the mocking wind bloodline. 'Flowing Wind Sword' is a flying sword weapon, and combined with the sword skill 'Cutting Wind', it can explode faster and with greater lethality. .

Then there are the Pulao bloodline dependents from the 'Pulao Village', who have the power of poison. They choose the 'poison poison technique' and the 'insect repellent technique', and their magic weapons are also the 'ten thousand poison armor' and the 'grass basin'.

The Suanni bloodline family members master the power of fire. The magical weapons they choose are the 'Flame Crystal Armor' and the 'Flame Flag', the spell 'Fire Control', and the combat skill 'Flame Meteor Spear'.

The magical weapon 'Flame Flag' can assist the spell 'Fire Control' and control flames in battle. It can also be used as a spear weapon to perform the combat skill 'Flame Meteor Gun'.

The Baxia Bloodline Familia, possessing the power of earth, have strong defense and strength, even surpassing the pure half-dragon Familia. They are best at carrying heavy loads and are undoubtedly the best choice for the defense team.

Liang Ji also arranged this, choosing the magical weapons 'Chongyue Armor' and 'Thousand Mountain Shield', the spell 'Building Earth into a Mountain', the combat skill 'Unmoving as a Mountain', and the combat skill 'Suppressing Mountains'!

Among them, mountains made of earth and immovable mountains are used for defense, while Zhenyue is used for offense.

The magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield' can also turn into a mountain and suppress it, killing the enemy.

After all, no matter how good the Baxia bloodline is in defense, it cannot be completely without offensive power. When necessary, it still needs a decisive attack and killing method.

Then came the Bigan bloodline clan, which controlled the power of thunder and were also better at attacking than defending.

Liang Ji chose for him the magical weapons 'Thunder Armor', 'Thunder Pearl', and 'Thunder Halberd', the spell 'Control Thunder', and the combat skill 'Thunder Explosion', which are both magic and martial arts.

The Jiao Tu bloodline family members wield the power of ice and choose the magical weapons 'Xuan Ice Armor', 'Ice Beads', and 'Ice Soul Sword', the spells 'Ice Control', and the sword skills 'Flowing Snow' and 'Ice Breaking'.

The Chiki bloodline family members, who control the power of water, choose the magic weapon 'Black Water Armor', 'Heavy Water Bead', 'Water Dividing Thorn', the spell 'Water Control Technique', and the combat skill 'Surge'.

The half-dragon family members, plus the blood family members of the Nine Dragonborn Sons, each have arranged magical weapons, spells, and combat skills according to their attributes and strengths. They have complete means of long-distance combat, offense, defense, sneak attacks, strong attacks, etc.

It has greatly enriched his Familia's fighting methods and made it without any shortcomings. Unlike at the first level, once the enemy flies into the sky, most of the methods of the Half-Dragon Familia will be useless.

Of course, such all-round training and improvement requires huge resources and spiritual stones.

The 'forbidden inheritance' of various magical weapons, the inheritance of spells, and the inheritance of combat skills all require Liang Ji to spend a large amount of spiritual stones to purchase them.

In addition, in order to refine these dozens of magical weapons with various attributes, Liang Ji's natal stars must cultivate spiritual materials with corresponding attributes. For example, to refine the "Flowing Sword" of Chaofeng bloodline, "Wind Sword" must be used. Spiritual materials such as Copper', 'Wind Silver', and 'Po'ang Spiritual Wind', all of which are second-level spiritual materials, require Liang Ji to purchase the corresponding spiritual seeds and incubate and cultivate them into the natal stars.

The price of these second-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds is generally several times that of the first-level, reaching about 10,000. In order to meet the demand for these spiritual materials, at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones must be spent to purchase various spiritual roots and spiritual seeds. resources.

In addition to the previous indigenous bloodline seeds, magical weapons, forbidden inheritance, etc., more spiritual stones are consumed.

At the same time, Liang Ji also needs to upgrade the second-level stars and second-level dependents. For example, the alchemist inheritance needs to be upgraded to the second level. Many of the original first-level elixirs are no longer enough to support the battles of the second-level dependents. , you must go to the Alchemist Association’s official website to find a suitable second-level alchemy inheritance.

Also, in order to meet the different food needs of the Half-Dragon Familia and the Dragon-Sheng Nine Son Bloodline Familia, various second-order spiritual roots and second-order spiritual beast bloodline spiritual species also need to be enriched.

These require a large amount of spiritual stones to be purchased.

It took just over a month to cultivate the second-order stars, the second-order half-dragons, and the second-order Nine Sons Bloodline Familia with some decent combat power, but the 'student loan' Liang Ji applied for for the second time had already been Spent most of it.

However, Liang Ji was still a little dissatisfied:

"These are just normal combat capabilities. They may be able to gain the upper hand and win victory in ordinary battles."

"However, there is still a lack of powerful means to defeat the powerful enemy and make the final decision!"

"That's the magical power of blood!"

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