The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 150 Party (please subscribe)

Liang Ji has always been very clear about his own advantages.

When the half-dragon family was in the first level, why could they dominate among the same level?

The strength and defense of the 'Hegemonic Body' can only be said to be the basis. What really plays a decisive role is undoubtedly the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi'.

The dragon soul entwined on the natal star and the mutated bloodline of the family members allowed his family members to obtain part of the power of the bloodline magical power by refining the broken bloodline magical spiritual seeds at a low level.

This is the important reason why his family members are able to have combat power far exceeding that of the same level when they are at a low level.

Liang Ji naturally wanted to inherit and carry forward this advantage.

Only by taking advantage of these advantages and accumulating resources, advantages, and treasures at the low level can he, his natal stars, and his family members be able to maintain their advantages and combat power after advancing to the intermediate level.

Although it is said that after the Familia advanced to the second level, the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' was still maintained and became stronger.

However, this 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline magical power is not suitable for all bloodline families. It is more suitable for half-dragons, Baxia, Yajue and other bloodline families that are suitable for close combat and strong attacks.

For bloodline clans such as Chaofeng, Pulao, and Jiaotu who are good at imperial spells, although the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' are also useful, their increase in combat power is limited. They are more suitable for bloodlines with some attribute energy and spells. Supernatural powers.

If they could obtain, refine and match the magical bloodline power of the Nine Sons of Dragon Bloodline Familia, it would undoubtedly increase their combat power greatly.

However, bloodline magical spiritual seeds, especially broken bloodline magical spiritual seeds, are not like those second-level spiritual roots, second-level spiritual seeds, forbidden inheritance of magical weapons, second-level elixirs, etc. Although they are expensive, as long as they are willing to bear the spirit, stone, you can buy it.

Bloodline magical power is a power that can only be awakened and practiced when the Star Lord's family reaches the fourth level of cultivation.

It can be said that bloodline supernatural spiritual species are all resources traded and circulated between fourth-level star masters and sixth-level golden elixir realm monks.

With Liang Ji's current star master level and cultivation level, it is difficult for him to have access to transactions and resources at this level.

What's more, the fourth-level star masters trade all complete bloodline supernatural spiritual seeds, which are settled directly with medium-grade spiritual stones. Even if Liang Ji comes into contact with them, he can't afford them.

What he needs is a broken bloodline magical spiritual species, and it needs a broken bloodline magical spiritual species that is consistent with his half-dragon family and the dragon-born Nine Sons bloodline family.

With such various conditions restricted, it becomes more and more expensive and hard to find.

Liang Ji even left special purchase information in the ‘Trading Market’ module of Kunlun Star Palace’s official website.

But after more than a month, there were only a few responders, and the limited one or two who responded were still incompatible with the bloodline of his clan.

This also made Liang Ji understand more and more how difficult it is to find a suitable and broken bloodline magical spiritual species. He also understood more and more that the broken Fatianxiangdi bloodline magical spiritual species he obtained in 'Giant Shark Star' was How rare.

Now, all Liang Ji can do is continue to buy in the "Market Module" of Xinggong's official website, while asking his seniors and sisters in the group to get information.

Looking for the broken seeds of bloodline magical powers, and also looking for the natal stars of fallen middle- and high-level star masters that can enter.

He has not forgotten how the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' came from. If there is a chance, he is naturally willing to enter the natal stars of some fallen star lords to try their luck.

There are currently seven students under Instructor Chi Yu, including Liang Ji. In addition to Liang Ji, Ge Yuanchao, and Liu Xu, there are also three boys and one girl, namely seniors Xu Mao, seniors Qi Changge, seniors Chen Zhao, And Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

Among them, Liang Ji and Liu Xu are naturally second-level star masters, Ge Yuanchao, Xu Mao, and Qi Changge are all third-level star masters, and seniors Chen Zhao and Bian Yujiao are all fourth-level star masters.

There is no fifth-level Nascent Soul Star Master.

Because in the Star Alliance, generally speaking, if the academy trains students to reach third-level star masters, they will undergo graduation assessments, if the academy trains students to reach fourth-level star masters, they will be arranged to graduate, and if the star palace trains students to reach fifth-level star masters, they will be arranged to graduate. Arrange for graduation.

Under Instructor Chi Yu, there are naturally some star master seniors who have been trained to be fifth-level star masters and then graduated from the Kunlun Star Palace, but that is not something that Liang Ji, who has just started, can contact and reach.

Of course, for Liang Ji, it is enough to have several third-level and fourth-level seniors and sisters to take care of him, and to have a seventh-level mentor to teach him.

The star masters of the fifth and sixth levels were still too far away from him, so forcefully contacting them would not be of much use.

This day was at the end of the month, and it was the day when Instructor Akadama held a 'small class'.

At the top of the mountain, in the instructor's dojo, instructor Akadema did not come in person, but came in the form of a figure condensed by starlight to give a 'small lesson'.

In fact, Master Chiyu is currently busy with the practice of 'refining the void'. Except for the first time he met Liang Ji and Liu Xu, he came in person to accept their visit and gave some guidance. After that, he basically came in the form of starlight. Provide them with guidance and small lessons.

And not all the seniors and sisters will come to the tutor's small class.

For example, seniors Chen Zhao and Bian Yujiao are currently exploring and developing spiritual stars in the sea of ​​stars outside the Star Alliance, and have not returned to Kunlun Star Palace for a long time.

Liang Ji has only greeted them in his mentor's spiritual message group so far, and has never met them in person.

This time in the 'small class', except for the two seniors and senior sisters of the fourth-order star masters, the other five people were all present.

After the 'small class' ended, Liang Ji and others thanked their teacher Chiyu, and the teacher's starlight body dispersed.

At this time, senior Ge Yuanchao looked at Liang Ji and Liu Xu with a smile and said, "Speaking of which, it has been nearly two months since the two juniors entered the Star Palace. We seniors are also busy on weekdays. I haven’t had a chance to get together and hold a welcome banquet for you.”

"It's rare to get together today. I discussed it with the two seniors and took this opportunity to host a banquet for the two juniors. It can be regarded as a welcome for them to join us."

Liang Ji heard this and said immediately: "Thank you very much, seniors. Speaking of which, since I entered the Star Palace, I have been taken care of by all the seniors. I should be the one to treat you and thank all the seniors."

"Haha..." Senior Xu Mao on the side smiled and said: "We have also come from your stage. We know clearly that you don't have enough spiritual stones to spend now. This treat should wait until you are rich. talk later."

When Liu Xu heard this, he said, "I don't lack spiritual stones. Let me treat you."

Upon hearing this, senior Ge Yuanchao waved his hands and said: "It is a tradition of our department for seniors to entertain juniors and welcome juniors to join us. We have all been entertained and welcomed by seniors before, so please don't take advantage of this. .”

"After this first banquet, if you have money and time, you can have as many banquets as you want."

When Liang Ji and Liang Ji saw this, they no longer persisted.

Now a group of five people took a flying car and headed to Kunlun City under the Kunlun Mountains.

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