The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 151 Bloodline Magical Power: Breathing Wind (Please subscribe)

Kunlun City, Yujing Tower.

The place where Liang Ji and the five people gathered was not the ‘Xander Building’ that he was familiar with, but the ‘Yujing Building’ chosen by Senior Ge and the other three.

"This Yujing Tower is the property of your senior Bian's family." After entering the private room, Senior Ge introduced to Liang Ji and Liang Ji with a smile: "It is also a place where our department often gathers."

"Haha... yes." Senior Xu Mao on the side also smiled and said: "The main reason is that we can enjoy the biggest discount by coming."

Although I didn't get to know the seniors very often, I could already tell the personalities of the three of them.

Senior Ge Yuanchao has a calm temperament and treats others like a spring breeze; Senior Xu Mao loves to joke and is very active; in comparison, Senior Qi Changge appears to be more taciturn and serious.

Soon, the food and wine were served.

Senior Xu Mao also introduced every spiritual meal and spiritual brew to Liang Ji and Liang Ji with a smile, because Kunlun Star Palace is located on the border of the Star Alliance, and there are many students exploring the outer star sea and developing spiritual veins and stars.

Therefore, in Kunlun City, most of the spiritual meal materials made by restaurants in various restaurants are made from various spiritual materials, spiritual beasts, spiritual fruits, etc. found in the spiritual veins and stars in the outer star sea, which are unique.

Wait until the wine has passed three rounds and the dishes have passed five flavors.

Liu Xu and Xu Mao have already been chatting together. From the unique alien Hai Lingshan delicacies on the wine table to the various delicacies and delicacies in the Star Alliance, it can be seen that both of them are not short of money. The owner knows a lot about food and enjoyment, and is very entertaining to chat with.

At this time, Senior Ge Yuanchao looked at Liang Ji and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Liang Ji, haven't you been looking for broken bloodline magical seeds everywhere recently?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji's eyes suddenly brightened, he nodded, looked at the other party, and said, "Senior Ge, do you have any news?"

Senior Ge Yuanchao smiled and shook his head and said: "I know where to find the complete bloodline magical spiritual seed, but I don't pay much attention to the broken bloodline magical spiritual seed."

Then, without waiting for Liang Ji to be disappointed, he continued: "However, although I don't know, there are people here who know."

As he spoke, he pointed to Senior Qi Changge and said with a smile, "You might as well ask for more, Senior Qi."

"Senior Qi." Liang Ji couldn't help but look to the side, Senior Qi Changge, who had always been quite taciturn.

"Yes." Senior Ge Yuanchao nodded and said, "Changge is now working as a temporary employee in the Star Alliance security department to gain experience. He mainly deals with evil organizations such as the Temple of Demons and the Pantheon. If you ask him, you may gain something."

Hearing this, Liang Ji immediately understood what Senior Ge meant.

Evil organizations such as the Temple of Demons, the Pantheon, and the Pantheon are the internal enemies of the Star Alliance. They are wanted and killed by the Star Alliance, and they often look for opportunities to attack the Star Lord.

In the hands of these people, there may be various resources and treasures taken from the Star Lord's natal stars and dependents, and among them there may be broken bloodline magical species.

And the Star Alliance has an entire department dedicated to dealing with these people, and the trophies captured may also contain the resources he needs.

At the same time, through Senior Ge's words, Liang Ji thought of another place: the black market.

Resources and treasures of unknown origin often circulate in the black market. Among them, there must be many evil monks from the Temple of Demons and Pantheon. The resources and treasures captured after attacking the Star Lord and stealing the natal stars flow into it. It is impossible to say that some of them will be damaged. The bloodline psychic species.

Although, these resources and bloodline magical species are basically contaminated with the blood of other star masters, and may even be the work of monks from evil organizations such as the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the Ten Thousand Saints Palace.

But for Liang Ji, he has a dragon soul to protect his natal stars and is not afraid of these tricks. The 'black market' is undoubtedly a very suitable place for him to find resources and treasures.

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind, but he quickly suppressed these thoughts temporarily. Now was not the time to think about these things.

He thanked Senior Ge, picked up a glass of spiritual wine, and toasted to Senior Qi Changge.

Although Senior Qi Changge had always been taciturn and serious-faced, and seemed to be difficult to get close to, he did not refuse. He also heard the conversation between Liang Ji and Ge Yuanchao.

After drinking, he asked: "Xuedi Liang, I remember that your family members were able to use the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' when they were in the first level. Your family members obtained it by refining the broken bloodline magical power seeds when they were in the first level. ?”

"Now that we have collected the broken bloodline magical power seeds, can we still master new bloodline magical powers by refining these broken bloodline magical power seeds?"

"Yes." Liang Ji nodded, there was no need to hide these things, and said: "My family members have undergone mutations and were able to refine the broken seeds of bloodline magical powers at a low level, thereby mastering some of the power of bloodline magical powers."

"It's all thanks to these that I was able to pass the Kunlun Star Palace and become brothers with all the seniors."

On the side, Xu Mao and Liu Xu also heard their conversation and couldn't help but turn their attention.

Liu Xu also looked at Liang Ji and said, "Your family members have mastered the bloodline magical powers at the first level. Can they now refine new bloodline powers at the second level?"

"What about the third level? Can we also refine and master new bloodline magical powers?"

"If that's the case, Liang Ji, your family members have surpassed most family members at the third level..."

"Awesome! Many Star Palace students will definitely not be able to compare to you!"

Although Instructor Chiyu has decided that Liang Ji is the senior and Liu Xu is the junior, the other party obviously has no intention of calling him senior, and now they basically call him by his first name.

Liang Ji also smiled modestly.

Senior Qi Changge pondered at this moment and said, "What kind of bloodline magical power do you need? I can look for it."

As he spoke, he took out the star directory, opened another internal official website, and quickly found a resource list, which indeed contained some broken bloodline magical species.

Liang Ji immediately smiled and said: "Senior, I don't have any choice, any of the five elements, wind, thunder, poison, and ice-type bloodline magical powers will do. The more, the merrier!"

After hearing his words, the eyes of several people looked at him changed again.

Senior Xu Mao asked in surprise: "Junior Liang Ji, I remember that your family also practices the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade'. If you want these attribute-type bloodline magical powers, can you use them?"

"Senior Xu Mao." Liang Ji nodded to the other party and said, "Part of my family blood has mutated and developed in a different direction, and I can master some attribute energy."

"I also asked my instructor for advice on this matter, and he asked me to continue cultivating and observing."

At this time, before Senior Xu Mao could speak again, Qi Changge stretched out his hand to touch the 'Star Book', and suddenly a screen of starlight was projected in front of Liang Ji. He said: "I can touch the broken bloodline magical power. The spiritual seeds are all here."

"Junior Liang Ji, you choose one, and it will be my meeting gift to you."

"This...Senior Qi, I'm so sorry..." Liang Ji said, and couldn't help but look at the several broken bloodline magical species arranged in the light curtain manifested by the stars.

Almost at the first glance, he fell in love with one: Hufeng!

Senior Qi Changge waved his hand and said, "I'm not good at words, so don't refuse."

As he said that, he seemed to understand what he meant, and said directly: "I think this 'Call the Wind' is good. Combined with the 'Call the Rain' bloodline magical power, you can form the great magical power of 'Call the Wind and Call the Rain'."

"It's him." Qi Changge said, having already selected the Broken Bloodline Magical Power Seed of 'Whispering Wind', and said: "I have already decided. The recipient is you, Senior Brother Liang Ji, and it will be delivered within a day or two. .”

Seeing the resolute and resolute senior Qi Changge, Liang Ji did not reject him anymore. He just wrote the matter down, picked up his wine glass and toasted to him again.

"Thank you, senior!"

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