The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 154 Dragon Son first shows his power (please subscribe)

In the turbulent black water, 20,000 warriors from the Chiki bloodline clan were the first to attack the black-spotted fish monster.

One by one, they sacrificed the magic weapon 'Heavy Water Bead'. Although it was only the lowest level magic weapon, the black light that erupted could only cover the surrounding area a few feet and control the black water within a few feet.

However, there are a lot of them. The twenty thousand Chiki bloodline family members sacrificed 20,000 'heavy water beads'. Multiplied by 20,000 for a few feet, it is a thousand feet.

Even in this black hole field and among the demon stars in the void, where the battle strength of the Familia clan has been suppressed and weakened by nearly half, the black light erupting from 20,000 'heavy water beads' can still cover an area of ​​hundreds of feet.

After the 20,000 Chiki bloodline family members activated the 'Water Control Technique' spell, huge waves suddenly swept across the hundreds of feet of black water, rushing towards the black-spotted fish monster surrounding the center.

The combat power of the fifty-foot-plus black-spotted fish monster was far inferior to that of the sixty-foot-long second-order void whale monster that was hunted earlier.

The surrounding black water that it can control is less than a hundred feet wide, and it can set off waves, whirlpools, and even shoot out water arrows from its mouth. However, when it hits the violent waves stirred up by the Chikiss Familia, they are all shattered to pieces.

Even the impact of the remaining waves can break through the surrounding 100-foot sea area controlled by the black-spotted fish demon and bombard it.

Although, the remaining impact power is limited and it is difficult to cause serious damage to it.

However, the magic weapon that the Chikiss Familia people sacrificed was not just the 'heavy water beads', nor was it the magic 'water control' they mastered.

Among these crashing waves, there is also the magical weapon 'Splitting Water Thorn' sacrificed by the Chikiss Familia, which goes with the waves and is hidden in the waves.

At this time, these magic weapons 'Water Dividing Thorns' followed the impact of the waves and attacked the black-spotted fish demon one after another.

The combat skill 'Surge' allows these magic weapons 'Water Splitting' to use the power of the impacting waves, greatly increasing their power.

Twenty thousand 'water spines', even if it is only one tenth or one percent, can break through the water film and scale defense of the black-spotted fish demon, the damage caused to it will be huge.

It was just one round of attacks that barely dismembered the second-order black-spotted fish monster on the spot. A large amount of blood spread immediately, dyeing the surrounding water red.

The severely injured fish demon rolled violently in the bloody water, knocking away many of the 'water-dividing thorns' stabbed on its body. It roared in pain, swung its huge fish tail, set off a large wave, and was about to escape from the water. .

Groan! Groan! Groan...

At this time, the Chaofeng Familia launched an attack in the air. A magic weapon, the flying sword 'Flowing Wind Sword', was shot down at an extremely fast speed with the blessing of the wind control technique. The sword screamed and the wind roared, like a dragon's roar!

Countless cyan lights and shadows just flashed away and then struck the fleeing black-spotted fish demon below.

The power of the sword skill 'Cutting Wind' exploded, and the heavily injured black-spotted fish demon was cut into several pieces and dismembered on the spot.

The Liang Ji Familia's first real hunt for the Void Demon Clan on their own was over between the surge and the fall of the sword, and the whole process took less than a quarter of an hour.

Only 20,000 Chiki Familia and 20,000 Chaofeng Familia took action, killing the second-order black-spotted fish demon almost instantly. No one was killed or injured in the whole process, and no one was even hit by the fish demon's counterattack. attack.

Compared with the battle two months ago when his 400,000 first-order half-dragon dependents hunted the second-order void whale monster, it was a world of difference.

"Sure enough, Xinggong's 'student loan' is not in vain. Sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping wood!"

"With such combat power, I can rest assured that I can freely hunt down the void monsters in this Yinghai black hole field, ensuring battle losses and gains without losing money."

After the test of this battle, Liang Ji was completely relieved.

The family team quickly cleaned up the battlefield and collected the scales, skin, flesh, muscles and bones of the second-order black-spotted fish demon. These are all materials that can be sold in exchange for spiritual stones.

Liang Ji is now heavily in debt and most in need of spiritual stones. He will not let go of any resource that can earn spiritual stones.

It is a pity that although the probability of the second-order void demon clan condensing the demon elixir will be greatly increased, this is the first time he hunted the second-order black-spotted fish demon alone, but he did not find the demon elixir.

This can be regarded as a small regret.

Liang Ji did not dwell on this for too long. After cleaning up the battlefield, he immediately began to search for the next target to hunt.

This second-level black-spotted fish demon is indeed easy to hunt, but there is a problem.

Even these black-spotted fish demons seem to know that they are weak, and they usually gather together in groups. Not only do fish schools have a numerical advantage, but there are often second-order late-stage fish of eight, ninety feet, or even hundreds of feet in size. Demon.

These black-spotted fish monsters gather together, and under the leadership of the leader fish, they can often control thousands of feet of water, causing turbulent waves and showing great fighting power.

The black-spotted fish monster that Liang Ji hunted was also a rare lone fish monster found by the Chaofeng Familia in the air.

But such lone fish monsters are ultimately limited.

If you want to hunt more fish monsters, harvest more materials, and earn spiritual stones to pay off debts, you still have to attack the group of fish monsters.

After several attempts, Liang Ji's family gradually found a suitable hunting method.

In the black water, a group of black-spotted fish demons are chasing a patch of starlight, constantly devouring the black water and starlight.

Liang Ji learned in the 'Basic Course' on the Kunlun Star Palace official website that this starlight is the original power of the liquid stars. It is torn out by the black hole. Most of it will be swallowed by the black hole, but a small half will be scattered among the stars. Becoming the target of being chased and devoured by the void monsters entrenched above.

The void monsters evolve by devouring starlight and stars, which is the main reason why they are entrenched in large numbers in these black hole fields and stars.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

At this time, the sound of swords and the roar of the wind sounded like dragons, and a handle of 'Flowing Wind Sword' cut through the wind, like a huge wind sword, slashing at the group of black-spotted fish monsters below, immediately killing more than a dozen of them. The school of fish demon split into two halves.


The leader of the half-dragon warriors, 'Chi Thirty-One', led the half-dragon clan, Jiaotu clan, and Baxia clan, a total of 60,000 warriors to quickly rush out and kill the larger group of fish monsters that was divided into two halves. A group of fish monsters surrounded him.

The Baxia family members raised up the 'Thousand Mountain Shield', which was like a mountain and charged at the front, suppressing and resisting the turbulent waves caused by the panic of the fish monsters.

The Jiao Tu family members sacrificed the 'Ice Beads' and joined forces to mobilize the power of ice to sweep out, freezing the surrounding black water and blocking the impact of the large group of fish monsters.

The half-dragon family members activated the magical power of the bloodline of "Big and Small Ruyi", raised the magic weapon "Giant Spirit Hammer" that also grew in size, and rushed out. The giant hammer slammed down, and the black and yellow light on it flashed, and the power of breaking the law exploded, and the impact The stormy waves and huge whirlpools that came were immediately shattered.

The large forces of the Half-Dragon Familia, Jiaotu Familia, and Baxia Familia were used to resist and hold back most of the fish school.

Then, the Chikiss Familia and the Chaofeng Familia immediately rushed toward the separated group of small half-fish monsters on the other side.

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