The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 155 Harvest (please subscribe)

The Chikiss Familia set off a stormy wave and hit it. The magical weapon 'Splitting Water' was hidden in it and attacked with the power of the wave!

The Chaofeng Familia are in the air, using the 'Wind Control Technique' to stir up strong winds, and the magical weapon 'Flowing Wind Sword' cuts the wind. When necessary, they will also activate the bloodline magical power 'Call the Wind'.

Immediately, the power of the strong wind swept by the 'Wind Control Technique' increased more than ten times. The speed and power of the 'Flowing Wind Sword' and the sword technique 'Cut the Wind' integrated into it also increased more than ten times.

Whether it is one second-level black-spotted fish monster, or five or eight black-spotted fish monsters, as long as there are less than ten, there is not much difference to the Chiki Familia and the Chaofeng Familia.

At most, it's just a difference between one attack and kill, three rounds, and five rounds.

Within half an hour, Chiki and Moofeng Familia had killed all the small half-fish demon group that had been separated, and then quickly joined the siege of the half-dragon, Baxia, and Jiaotu large group of fish demons on the other side.

Immediately, Jiao Tu, Ba Xia, and the half-dragon family members, who were originally defensive, immediately counterattacked.

The Jiao Tu Familia's magic weapon 'Ice Bead' froze the surrounding sea water, and the large swaths of ice broke apart, turning into countless ice edges, ice knives, and broken ice that shot towards the surrounding black-spotted fish monster.

At the same time, the magical weapon 'Ice Soul Sword' offered by the Jiao Tu family members was also hidden in these shattered and shot ice edges, ice knives, and broken ice. It was the same as ice and could not be distinguished.

However, the sword technique of 'Ice Breaking', which these magical weapons 'Ice Soul Swords' use to use the power of breaking ice, is more powerful and more agile.

The black waves and fish tails stirred up by the black-spotted fish monsters can block and break the incoming ice edges and broken ice, but the 'Ice Soul Sword' hidden in them often takes the opportunity to enter and break its scales. , breaking through his body, not only tearing his flesh and blood, but also invading and destroying his body with a large amount of icy force, slowing down his movements.

Then, before these black-spotted fish monsters could counterattack, immediately after the Jiaotu Familia's attack, the Baxia Familia who had been rushing to the front and holding the magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield' high, also instantly switched from defense to offense.

The Baxia Familia also had the bloodline of half-dragons, and could still use the 'big and small Ruyi' bloodline magical powers. At this time, they all turned into giants of eighteen feet in size.

Each piece of magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield' was lifted high, and under the influence of the restraint of the magical weapon, it quickly grew in size, turning into a size of thirty or forty feet, like mountains lifted by the giant family members. .

The next moment, the combat skill 'Suppressing Mountains' exploded instantly, and the 'Thousand Mountain Shields' that grew to thirty to forty feet in size were really suppressed like mountains, hitting those black spots that were sixty to seventy feet in size. On the fish demon.

The black-spotted fish monsters suffered heavy losses one after another, and the counterattack they had just launched was suppressed again.

At this time, the half-dragon family members, who were the main force in the finale, also followed closely. Each one of them was running the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", and they raised the magical weapon "Giant Spirit Hammer" that was dozens of feet in size and smashed it down!

The 'Giant Spirit Hammer' flashed with a dark-yellow light, and wherever it struck, the waves, whirlpools, and water arrows set off by the black-spotted fish demon were all directly dispersed by the spell-breaking power contained in it.

Even the protective water film formed by the black water on the fish demon's body was directly shattered by the bombardment of this black and yellow law-breaking power.

Finally, the overbearing and unparalleled power of the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' completely smashed into these black-spotted fish monsters, shattering scales, breaking flesh, and breaking bones.

After a round of counterattack, nearly half of the dozen black-spotted fish demons surrounded were killed or injured on the spot.

However, the remaining fish demons were also completely enraged. They roared and stirred up the black waves. They spit out huge black water arrows from their mouths and attacked the half-dragons, Jiao Tu and Ba Xia.

The half-dragons, Jiaotu, and Baxia Familia had just launched a round of attacks, and now they had no time to defend themselves.

However, the Chiki and Chaofeng Familia who had already killed the little half-fish demon on the other side had arrived at this time.

They cooperated very well with the half-dragons, Jiaotu, and Baxia Familia. The stormy waves caused by the Chikisui Familia and the strong winds swept by the mocking wind came one after another to block the attacks of the remaining fish monsters.

As long as the fish demon's counterattack was blocked, the half-dragons, Jiaotu, and Baxia Familia had also recovered, recalled and sacrificed their magic weapons, and activated their spells and combat skills, plus Chi Kiss and Mo Feng. The family members are killed.

Under the combined attack of five families and one hundred thousand warriors, even the remaining fish monsters, mostly second-order late-stage fish monsters of eight, ninety, or even hundreds of feet, were unable to withstand them at all.

It only takes a few more rounds of attacks and a few more hours to surround and kill them.

At the end of the battle, the strongest fish demon leader wanted to escape through the water.

However, the fast Chaofeng Familia from above kept attacking, the Chikis Familia from below controlled the waves to block it, and the Jiaotu Familia used the power of ice to freeze the surrounding area and block it.

The black-spotted fish demon leader, who was nearly a hundred feet tall, could only let out a mournful roar and was killed on the spot.

After the war, the Familia team quickly cleaned up the battlefield and divided the scales, skin, flesh, muscles and bones of the fish demons. Among the nearly twenty black-spotted fish demons, five second-level demon pills were finally fired and condensed into demon pills. The ratio is less than one-third.

Liang Ji's attention was focused on the starlight that was chased and devoured by the group of black-spotted fish monsters.

Above the family members, Liang Ji's figure was condensed by starlight. At this time, he turned his hand, and a patch of starlight condensed into a 'star mirror' appeared.

He controlled the light and shadow of the 'Star Book', and a spiritual light shot out from it, into the starlight floating in the black water below, and formed an outline. He immediately extracted the floating starlight and turned it into several strands of starlight silk ribbons, which fell on him. hands.

These strands of 'starlight silk ribbons' contain the original power of this liquid star, and are naturally treasures, even treasures that can enhance the source of the star's natal star.

However, Liang Ji's level is still too low to directly refine the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon'. The best way is to sell it or hand it over to the government in exchange for merit.

In the following days, Liang Ji's family members continued to hunt the void monsters in this liquid star.

Most of them are black-spotted fish monsters, and they will gradually hunt down some weak second-order void monsters such as shrimps and crabs, and the harvest is pretty good.

Sometimes we will also encounter some extremely powerful second-order void monsters, such as tiger sharks, giant chapters, black turtles, etc.

Liang Ji tried to hunt down a mid-level second-order void tiger shark demon. Not only was this tiger shark demon physically powerful, it could control more than ten times the power of the black water than the black-spotted fish demon. It also controlled the power of the giant wind. It can set off storms and waves, and the superimposed power is even more terrifying.

In that siege, although Liang Ji's family won the final victory, the Chiki family, the Baxia family, and the half-dragon family all suffered casualties for the first time.

Or dozens, or hundreds.

The materials and demon pills harvested from the Void Tiger Shark Demon, and the spiritual stones gained from selling them, were not even as much as his losses.

There is no doubt that with his current family strength, it is more cost-effective to hunt down the weak second-level void monsters.

It would be better to wait for the number and strength of his family members to continue to increase before hunting powerful second-order void monsters such as Tiger Shark, Giant Chapter, and Thunder Eel.

Ten days later, Liang Ji ended his first hunting operation and returned to Yinghai City. He took out various void demon materials and demon pills obtained from the hunt, and obtained more than 390,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Excluding the cost of coming to Yinghai City and using the Star Gate, as well as the resources consumed by his native family members to cultivate, recover, and repair magical weapons after returning, the spiritual stones earned from hunting the Void Demon Clan this time are about 200,000. .

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh, as the Star Master grew up, it was indeed much easier to make money.

However, he then thought about the amount of 'student loans' he was carrying and the number of spiritual stones he had consumed in order to develop second-order stars and cultivate second-order dependents. What he earned this time was only a fraction of it!

For a moment, the slightly excited and joyful mood was suppressed again.

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