The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 156 Meritorious Service (please subscribe)

What really inspired Liang Ji was that in the past ten days, while hunting the Void Demon Clan, he encountered the starlight torn out of the liquid stars several times, allowing him to harvest more than a dozen rays. Starlight Silk Ribbon'.

These 'starlight silk ribbons', which contain the power of the stars, are much more valuable than the materials, demon pills, etc. obtained from the second-order void monsters he hunted.

Liang Ji asked about the prices when selling Void Demon Clan materials and demon elixirs. Each strand of these 'starlight silk ribbons' can be sold for tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, which is more than ten times the price of ordinary second-level demon elixirs.

However, Liang Ji had no intention of selling these 'Starlight Silk Ribbons'. Rather than selling them, a better way to utilize them would be to hand them over to the Star Alliance government in exchange for merit.

In the Star Alliance, there is a merit system, and monks from various sects in the Star Alliance can obtain merit through their contributions to the Star Alliance.

These meritorious deeds are of great use, not only can they be exchanged for various rare and precious resources, inheritance, etc. in the Star Alliance.

Star masters often need to use merit to cultivate their natal stars.

Whether it is accelerating the flow of time on the natal stars or sprinkling precious resources such as the 'Rain of Starlight' into the stars, it is necessary to consume meritorious deeds, apply in the Star Alliance, and operate the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' can be achieved.

Moreover, in the Star Alliance, the amount of meritorious service can often be linked to the monk's status.

There are provisions in the laws of the Star Alliance, ranging from the governments and upper and lower parliaments in each major star city, to the coalition government of the entire Star Alliance, the Star Alliance Parliament, etc., the holding of many important official positions, the election of members, etc., are all You need to have enough meritorious service to be able to hold office and participate.

For example, in Xiu She City on the Tian Snake Star where Liang Ji was born, the mayor's position has been occupied by members of the Yun family for several consecutive terms. Most of the seats in the upper house of Xiu She City are occupied by the Yun family, Zhang family, and Huang family. Waiting for it to be occupied by several established Star Lord families in the city.

Why is this happening?

Not only because they are powerful, powerful, and wealthy, but they have been operating in Xiu She City for many generations; there is also an important reason, because these old star master families have enough power to earn a lot of money. Have enough merit.

This allows them to more easily occupy important positions and council seats in Xiu She City.

Merit also played a huge role in this.

Liang Ji had long known the importance of meritorious deeds, so Liang Ji had no intention of selling the dozen or so 'starlight silk ribbons' he harvested this time, and replaced them all with Star Alliance meritorious deeds.

Although the merits that can be exchanged for these 'starlight silk ribbons' are limited, basically one strand can be exchanged for a little merit, and the total is only a dozen points of merit, but the little adds up, which is good for Liang Ji who has no merit at present. of.

After dealing with the harvest of the first hunting, Liang Ji was not in a hurry to start the next hunting.

On the one hand, his Familia need time to recuperate and recover, especially since many of the Familia's magical weapons were damaged in fierce battles, and it takes time to refining and repair them.

On the other hand, what he needs to hunt more is the Void Whale Demon. After all, if he wants to continue to increase the spiritual strength of his natal star and increase the number and combat power of his dependents, he needs to continuously refine more Void Whale Demon Pills.

But in the past ten days, he had searched and hunted in the liquid stars, but he had never found a void whale monster.

Liang Ji felt that he might need to collect some information to determine where the void whale monsters gathered, and then it would be better to hunt directly at the target.

The best place to get information in the StarNet era is naturally on the StarNet.

Liang Ji took advantage of the time that his family members were cultivating and recovering, and logged into several popular local official websites in Yinghai City, looking for news about the Void Whale Monster.

However, he hasn't found much information about the whale monster yet, but he discovered that among these networks, the most widely circulated news recently was the information about the appearance of a large number of star source stars in 'Black Mercury'.

Black Mercury is undoubtedly the liquid star that Liang Ji used to hunt the Void Monster Clan. He indeed encountered many scattered starlight phenomena in it, allowing him to harvest more than a dozen 'starlight silk ribbons'.

At first, he didn't realize there was anything wrong with this. He just thought it was the normal state in the black hole field and above the stars.

After all, these stars are in the field of black holes, and are being swallowed and torn apart by black holes all the time. It is not strange that the original power of the stars will be constantly torn out, turning into starlight and floating away.

However, now in this star network, looking at various discussions and information about 'Black Mercury' and starlight energy, he realized that even in the black hole field, the scattering of starlight energy on these stars was only accidental. Phenomenon.

Like today's 'Black Mercury', this phenomenon of starlight energy drifting has begun to appear in large numbers. This can only mean one thing: Black Mercury is approaching its limit under the continuous devouring of black holes. It is about to be unable to support it and will collapse and fall completely. Entering the black hole, being swallowed by the black hole.

Only in this case will the origin of the star core continue to escape and turn into a large amount of starlight energy.

When more than half of the starlight energy has dispersed, and the original power in the core of the star has weakened to the extreme, and it is difficult to condense and converge the star, that is when it will completely disintegrate, disintegrate, and be completely swallowed by the black hole.

Of course, at this time, it is often the time when the Void Demon Clan, Star Lord and other monks have a carnival.

The source of stars and starlight energy are important food for the Void Monster Clan, and are also extremely rare treasures for monks.

So now, on the star network of Yinghai City, there are messages everywhere calling for friends and people to go to the 'Black Mercury' to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

However, after browsing many pieces of information, Liang Ji finally found some useful information.

Some star master monks posted some photos and videos on the star network, which captured the situation at the two poles of Black Mercury, where the starlight energy is most severely dispersed, and even turns into auroras floating in the sky.

It is also because of this that it attracted many powerful void monsters in Black Mercury to gather at the two poles, chasing and devouring the floating starlight energy.

Liang Ji saw a lot of void whale monsters in these photos and videos!

It was also when he saw this that he understood why he had not been able to encounter a Void Whale Monster in the past ten days or so during his hunting in the 'Black Mercury'!

He thought it was a matter of luck, but now it seems that most of the void whale demons, and even other powerful void demon clans, have gathered at the two poles of the 'Black Mercury'.

And now, looking back at the few powerful void monsters he encountered during the past ten days of hunting, such as tiger sharks, giant chapters, and black turtles, it seemed that they were all heading towards the two poles.

Because of this, except for a Void Tiger Shark Monster that he specifically hunted, the other powerful Void Monsters ignored his Familia team and simply ignored and left.

At that time, Liang Ji thought that he had successfully avoided those powerful void demon clans, but now it seemed that they were rushing to the two poles to swallow up the starlight energy, and did not pay attention to him at all.

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