The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 157 Hunting the Void Whale Monster Again (Please subscribe)

Black Mercury, the land of the North Pole.

When Liang Ji's family members came here after cultivating and recovering, they found that various types of family members had gathered here, especially the various fish-people families. In addition, there were shrimp people, snake people, crab people, and turtle people. There are also many families, octopus family members, etc.

They are all half-demon clans born from the various void demon tribes and demon pills that are commonly active in the Yinghai Star Territory and are born in the star master's natal stars. They are very unique to Yinghai.

However, there are many Star Lords' dependents, and there are also many Void Monsters. The large amount of starlight energy floating in the Arctic attracts a large number of Void Monsters to come and devour them.

Among them, there are even third-order void monsters that are over 100 feet tall.

Generally speaking, in the black hole field, the divisions of the Void Demon Clan are also regular. The closer to the inside of the black hole, the more powerful the stars are swallowed, and the stronger the original power of the stars is torn out, naturally. It attracts the higher-level Void Demon Clan.

Therefore, in the black hole field, the void monsters are even divided into different areas according to their levels. This is actually conducive to the monks in the Star Alliance hunting down the void monsters.

However, this is only the general situation.

When some special circumstances occur, like this, a star will collapse and be completely swallowed by a black hole, and the energy of the starlight bursting out will increase several times, dozens of times, or hundreds of times.

These violent explosions and increases in starlight energy often have a huge attraction for many higher-level void monsters in the inner area of ​​​​the black hole.

Some higher-level void monsters will come across regions to devour the bursts and dissipated starlight energy.

Moreover, the further you go to the back, the more void monsters will be attracted, and the higher their level will be.

In the end, it even formed a beast tide of Void Demon Clan.

Of course, when the time comes, the Star Alliance will usually have mid-to-high-level star masters, garrison troops, and academy forces coming to deal with it. On the one hand, they will suppress and hunt the mid-to-high-level void monsters that have been attracted, and on the other hand, they will On the one hand, it is also to capture the source of the stars that are emitted after the stars are broken.

At this time, in the North Pole of Black Mercury, some third-level void monsters with a height of more than 100 feet can occasionally be seen, which is enough to show that these bursts of starlight energy have begun to attract higher-level void monsters.

"It seems like there isn't much time left to hunt."

Liang Ji understood in his heart, and without any further delay, he quickly targeted a void whale monster and led his family members to kill it.

This time, he not only sent out the Chiki, Chaofeng, Jiaotu, and Baxia Familia clans, but also sent out the teams from the Jijia Familia clan and the Bianyuan Familia clan.

Except for the Qi Niu, Suan Ni, and Pulao Familia who are really not suitable for the 'Black Mercury' environment, all the other second-level combat forces of the Nine Dragon Bloodline Familia have been dispatched.

On the one hand, this is because Liang Ji is very clear that the combat power of the Void Whale Demon is far beyond that of ordinary Void Fish, Shrimp and Crab Demons. If he does not go all out to hunt, it is likely to cause excessive casualties and the gain will not be worth the loss.

On the other hand, it is also because of the environment of the Arctic land of Black Mercury. There is not only a large amount of black water, but also the existence of some icebergs and ice continents. There are undoubtedly more ways to fight.

Moreover, there are a large number of void monsters and dependents of various star lords gathered here. Unexpected and conflicting battles may occur at any time. Liang Ji also needs to show more strength and take more precautions.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

The sword roars and the wind roars, like a dragon roaring!

It was the second time to hunt down the second-order void whale monster. Liang Ji's family members were undoubtedly led by the Chaofeng family members who were the fastest in the air and launched the attack first.

Without any hesitation, they immediately activated their bloodline magical power "Wind Calling" at the beginning of the battle, raising the speed and power of the strong wind and the flying sword that cut through the wind to the limit, with an explosion of ten times.

Under the extremely fast attack, the second-order void whale demon selected by Liang Ji was chasing and devouring a piece of escaping starlight energy. Before he could even react, he was overwhelmed by the large wind knives and flying swords.

This second-level whale monster was more than sixty feet in size. When it was attacked, the black water waves surging around its body almost instinctively, but it could only block half of the wind knives and flying swords.

Most of the remaining wind knives and flying swords were slashed at his body, instantly shattering the layer of water film that was always flowing and entangled on his body, and slashed on his scales, flesh and blood.

However, at this time, it can be seen that this void whale monster belongs to the second-order void demon clan, and is more powerful and difficult to deal with than the ordinary black-spotted fish demon.

An ordinary second-level black-spotted fish demon was shot over by twenty thousand wind knives and flying swords blessed by the 20,000 Chao Feng Familia members, blessed by the bloodline magical power of 'Whispering Wind'.

But this second-order void whale monster is famous for its physical strength. When these wind knives and flying swords struck its body, although its skin was torn and blood flowed, it obviously failed to damage its muscles and bones or seriously injure it!

hold head high!

With an angry roar, the blood-soaked Void Whale Monster immediately rolled in the black water, knocking away many of the flying swords pierced on its body, and stirred up large turbulent waves to rise into the sky, bombarding the Wind Familia clan in the air. go.

The Wind-Mocking Familia had no intention of entangled with the void whale monster, and immediately rode on the wind, avoiding the impact of the stormy waves at an extremely fast speed.

This battle is different from the previous tactics used to hunt down those ordinary second-level fish, shrimp and crab monsters.

In this battle, the Wind-Mocking Familia no longer acted as the main offensive force. Instead, they advanced and retreated at extremely fast speeds and flexibly, constantly harassing the Void Whale Demon in the air, attracting its attention, and trying their best to entangle it. .

This creates conditions for other bloodline clans to attack.

At this time, the Chiki family members and the Jiaotu family members followed closely and also launched an attack.

The Chikiss Familia controls water, and the Jiaotu Familias controls ice. The main purpose of the attack of the two Familias teams is not to cause much damage or attack to the Void Whale Demon. Their main target is to deal with the large black water stirred up and stirred up by the Void Whale Demon. , stormy sea.

They mobilized all their power to compete with the Void Whale Demon for control of the surrounding black water. They tried their best to suppress the Void Whale Demon's attack by stirring up the black water, so that it could not borrow the power of the surrounding black water and could only fight with its physical body.

In this way, the combat power of the Void Whale Demon can be reduced by nearly half, and at the same time, it will be more convenient for the continuous attacks launched by the Wind-Mocking Familia in the air, allowing them to attack more and cause enough damage.

Finally, the Half-Dragon Familia, Baxia Familia, Jiajuan Familia, and Bijuan Familia came out as the absolute main force and the absolute power in close combat. They all used their bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to attack the surrounded second-order void whales. The demon launched the final decisive blow.

The Baxia Familia raised the 'Thousand Mountain Shield' that was thirty to forty feet high, motionless as a mountain, and resisted all the collisions and attacks of the void whale monster.

The Yajuan clan raised the 'Mo Dao' magical weapon that was thirty to forty feet in size, and the spell 'Gengjin Dao Qi' wrapped around it, stimulating its sharpness and power to the extreme. On the already bloody Void Whale Monster, Cutting out bigger and deeper wounds one after another.

Among these wounds, there is also the unique power of metal and sword energy that is constantly at work, continuously tearing the wounds, causing more and more blood to flow out continuously.

The Bi'an Familia clan also held the 'Thunder Halberd' magical weapon that was dozens of feet in size. They swept up a series of thunders and blasted open the large wounds on the Void Whale Monster, pushing the injuries to the peak. There were also waves of thunder power coming from these. The wound was poured into the body of the Void Whale Demon, wreaking havoc inside its body, causing a stiffening effect.

Finally, the half-dragon family members were wearing 'Giant Spirit Armor' and holding high the 'Giant Spirit Hammer'. The hammer was flashing with black and yellow light and the power of breaking magic. They all blasted it down, killing them completely!

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