The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 160 Third-level Star Lord (please subscribe)

Liang Ji's family members and Yu Henghai's family members were each surrounding and killing a void whale monster. They were both about seventy feet tall, and their combat power was about the same.

The two families finally surrounded and killed their opponents for about the same amount of time. However, it can be seen from the battle that Liang Ji's family has more diverse battles and can adapt to various battlefields and hunt various types of void monsters. .

But Yu Henghai's family members' configuration can be seen to be specially prepared for hunting the Void Whale Demon, from spells, combat skills, to magical weapons, and even a 'Whale Hunting' specially designed to restrain and hunt the Void Whale Demon. Fork' magic weapon, etc., the goal is very clear.

This undoubtedly greatly increases the efficiency and success rate of the opponent's Familia in hunting the Void Whale Monster, but it also limits the diversity of the opponent's Familia's battles, making it difficult to adapt to battles in more different environments. If the Whaleman Familia of Henghai hunts When killing other Void Monsters, the efficiency and success rate will definitely be greatly reduced.

It is not certain who is right or wrong in this choice and difference. Perhaps, this is the difference and gap between the Star Palace and the Academy.

In the future, Star Palace students will need to face the entire Star Alliance, as well as the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance, and may encounter battles in various situations. Therefore, the requirements for the dependents of Star Palace students are higher, and the training direction is often It can adapt to the diversity of various battles, or the breaking method of the 'Jade Line' or the force breaking void of the 'Golden Cauldron Line' can break through various battles in different situations with one blow.

In most cases, the enemies trained by the schools in each star field are almost all the void monsters in the black holes of the star field. Their main tasks are to suppress the black holes and hunt down the void monsters.

In this way, the combat power of the families trained by these academies is naturally more targeted, specifically targeting the various void monsters in the black holes of the star field, in order to suppress the black holes and hunt the voids in them more efficiently and conveniently. Monster clan.

Different training purposes determine different training methods.

This can also be regarded as a way of class stratification.

Liang Ji didn't think about it anymore. The family members had already hunted and killed the surrounding Void Whale Monster. Unfortunately, although this Void Whale Monster was big, it failed to produce a demon pill, which made him feel a little regretful.

But he didn't get too entangled, and immediately commanded the family members to surround and kill another void whale monster not far away.

Yu Henghai's whale people family members were still hunting the void whale monsters on the left and right at first. However, as more and more starlight energy escaped from the extreme north of the 'Black Mercury', various monster clans were attracted. , including the Void Whale Demon, there are more and more of them, and the hunting team of the two families gradually begins to disperse.

Time went by for a few days, and Liang Ji hunted more than a dozen Void Whale Demons. The total number of demon pills he harvested from the second-order Void Whale Demons reached fifteen. In the following days, he harvested only six, which was not as good as the previous ones. Days of hunting results.

This is not because the number of Void Whale Demons in the Far North of Black Mercury has decreased. On the contrary, as more and more starlight energy escapes from the Far North, more and more Void Whale Demons are attracted. more.

However, the situation on the battlefield is becoming more and more complex.

At this moment, in the black water below, Liang Ji's family members were following the tacitly agreed upon tactics and procedures to surround and kill a more than 70-foot-sized void whale monster. The air attack, water control, and ice melting had all been successful, and they had entered. In the close combat stage, he was not far away from killing him, and he might be able to harvest a second-level demon pill.

However, Liang Ji frowned and looked forward.

Not far ahead, he saw a giant turtle in the void that was more than a hundred feet in size. It was chasing a large swath of starlight. Wherever it went, it could stir up the black water in the surrounding waters for dozens of miles and set off thousands of feet of waves. Impacting all directions.

There is no doubt that this is a third-order void monster attracted by the escaped starlight energy. It is not something Liang Ji's family can fight against.

But looking at the direction in which it was chasing and moving, it was about to pass by the battlefield where the Liang Ji family members were hunting the void whale monster.

Liang Ji was helpless. Even if there was only one last attack left before killing the void whale monster, he could only order the family members to retreat immediately, staying far away from the path of the third-order giant turtle.

Otherwise, if they were a little later and were hit by the huge waves set off by the giant turtle, or even caught in the attack range of the third-order giant turtle by the huge waves, Liang Ji's family members would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

As for the Void Whale Monster that was being surrounded and killed, seeing it escape from danger, it was instantly activated from the seriously injured and dying state. It flipped around and stirred up a large wave of black water before escaping.

Before Liang Ji's Familia could pursue him, the third-order turtle demon rushed towards them, causing chaos in the surrounding large area of ​​water. Even the Chaofeng Familia flying in the air did not dare to approach and could only stay away from them. Avoid.

Not to mention chasing the escaped void whale monster.

In the end, Liang Ji lost dozens of second-level warriors in this siege, but gained nothing.

Moreover, it’s not just the third-order Void Demon Clan.

As more and more void energy escapes from the extreme north of Black Mercury, more and more void demon clans are attracted. More and more star masters' families are coming here, including a large number of them. There are second-order Star Lord dependents, and there are also many third-order Star Lord dependents.

They are not only hunting the void demon clan, but also chasing the starlight energy.

Just like the third-order void giant turtle that had just passed through the battlefield of Liang Ji Familia, there was a group of third-order Void Turtles chasing them.

These third-level Familia clans set up 'array diagrams' and formed battle formations, often turning large areas of black water directly into battlefields covered and controlled by their formation diagrams and battle formations, enclosing and occupying land and not allowing other Familia teams to do so. Get involved.

Although Liang Ji's status as a student of the 'Kunlun Star Palace' is quite influential, he is only a second-level star master after all. Those third-level star masters, for the sake of the 'Kunlun Star Palace', will at most not embarrass him.

But it is absolutely impossible to make way for him on this battlefield.

After all, among the Star Alliance, the strong are respected, and Kunlun Star Palace is stronger, but the third-order star master is also stronger than the second-order star master.

In this way, as more and more starlight energy escapes from the extreme north of the 'Black Mercury', attracting more and more third-level and even higher-level Void Monsters and Star Lord Familia teams, this battlefield Fighting and fighting are becoming more and more chaotic and difficult.

The dependents of the second-level star masters are gradually no longer the main force on this battlefield. It is becoming more and more difficult for them to hunt down the void monsters and chase starlight energy.

Shortly afterwards, Liang Ji once again saw the team of whale people family members in Yu Henghai.

But at this time, the opponent is no longer alone. There are more than a dozen starlight projection figures beside him. These people are all students of Yinghai Academy. Their family members gathered together and turned into an army of millions. He occupies an area to hunt down the void monsters and collect the escaped starlight energy.

With the sign of the 'Yinghai Academy' they raised, in this black hole in the Yinghai Star Territory and the base camp of the Yinghai Academy, there are no dependents of the third-order star masters to snatch their territory, prey and starlight energy.

There were even some third-level star master seniors who also belonged to the ‘Yinghai Academy’, who intentionally or unintentionally blocked the impact of the passing third-level void monsters for them, protecting their safety and the hunting battlefield.

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