The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 161 Void Monster Tide (please subscribe)

Yinghai Academy is responsible for suppressing the Yinghai Black Hole. The most indispensable people here are the students and seniors of Yinghai Academy.

Liang Ji saw Yu Henghai, who also saw him. Seeing that he was still alone, he invited him to join the hunting ground.

However, Liang Ji looked at the dozen or so dependents of Yinghai Academy students in the hunting ground, and surrounded and killed the Void Monsters among them. However, they had already formed a tacit understanding of tactics, and each had their own Void Monsters to deal with, which was smooth and concise.

His rash intervention could easily disrupt these people's hunting operations.

Moreover, there are not many void whale monsters in this hunting ground, but among the students of Yinghai Academy, in addition to Yu Henghai, there are two family members who are also whale people. These few void whale monsters are not enough for them. Killed.

Obviously, here at Yinghai Academy, whale people are a popular choice for the family members.

Therefore, Liang Ji only thanked the other party, but did not actually join.

Seeing this, Yu Henghai did not persist.

Although, after his introduction, others already knew that Liang Ji was a student of Kunlun Star Palace, not everyone was willing to rush to show their kindness to an ordinary student of Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Ji led his family members to leave the hunting area where Yu Henghai and others were hunting, and continued to wander around the extreme north of the Black Mercury, looking for prey, and also saw various void demon clans and star master family members. , various fighting methods and tactics.

These are also introduced in the "Basic Courses" on the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, and Liang Ji has also seen them. However, combined with his knowledge of on-site practice at this time, he undoubtedly understands and masters them more clearly.

Moreover, although the battlefield is becoming more and more chaotic, more and more starlight energy is escaping, attracting more and more void monsters, among which the number of void whale monsters has also increased significantly.

In the next few days of hunting, Liang Ji's family still hunted several void whale monsters and harvested three demon pills.

Moreover, he no longer just hunted the void whale monster, but also began to seize the opportunity to collect the escaped starlight energy.

In the Arctic land of 'Black Mercury', more and more starlight energy is escaping. It is not possible to hunt the Void Whale Demon. It is also a good harvest to collect more starlight energy.

Sometimes, Liang Ji's starlight projection body is in mid-air, and he can even see through the unknown depth of black water, and see bright stars bursting out and passing away in the depths of the black water, like Countless amounts of gunpowder exploded in it, and the fire flashed out, like the explosion of a solar flare.

At this time, the starlight energy escaping from the far north will always increase greatly, causing a carnival of competition between monsters and star masters.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood more and more that this 'Black Mercury' had really reached its limit and was not far from being shattered.

"The Void Monster Tide is coming soon. Please leave the monks and dependents on Black Mercury quickly, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"The Void Monster Tide is coming soon. Please leave the monks and dependents on Black Mercury quickly, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"


At this moment, a warning sound came.

Liang Ji looked up and saw in the distance, deep in the black hole field, a group of star warships sailing in, marked with the markings of the Yinghai Black Hole garrison. The warning sound came from the leading warship. .

At the same time, it can be seen that various warships, sky islands, pyramids and other flying objects are sailing from other directions and stopping around the 'Black Mercury'.

First-order talismans, second-order weapons, third-order formations, and fourth-order strong ships and cannons are rampant!

These are at least the dependent teams of fourth-level star masters, and even fifth-level and sixth-level star masters. They have been able to forge various war magic weapons and roam across the star sea.

Similarly, these battleships, sky islands and other war magic weapons are the main force in dealing with the next wave of void monsters.

"Classmate Liang, so you are here."

At this time, Yu Henghai came over and said immediately when he saw him:

"Classmate Liang, the void demon tide is coming. It is no longer something we can deal with. It's time to withdraw."

"However, the imminent destruction of this 'Black Mercury' is a rare sight."

"It just so happens that one of my elders' battleships is also here. Would you like to go aboard, classmate Liang, to see the magnificent scene next?"

Hearing the other party's invitation, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and said with a smile: "Isn't this too much trouble?"

"Haha... No trouble! No trouble." Yu Henghai said with a smile: "We will just watch the void demon tide on the deck and see the destruction of Black Mercury. It will not disturb their battle."

"If so, then I would like to thank my classmates."

Liang Ji responded.

Next, most of his family members took the trophies and returned to their natal stars through the star gate. Only a group of a hundred people were left behind to serve as the positioning of his astral projection body and boarded the 'Black Mercury' with Yu Henghai. 'A nearby empty island.

On this empty island, Liang Ji first followed Yu Henghai to meet his elder, who was an extremely tall woman whom Yu Henghai called his sister-in-law.

The dependents on Fangkong Island are also whale-men and half-demon, but they seem to be more special. They have silver scale skin, double wings on their ribs, and a single horn on their head.

Liang Ji, who came with Yu Henghai, also nodded with a smile to welcome him, and asked a few questions casually. Knowing that he was a student of the "Yu Zi Lineage" of Kunlun Star Palace, he said: "I and Kunlun Star I’m not familiar with the people from Gong’s ‘Yuzi Lineage’, but I am more familiar with several seniors and senior sisters from the ‘Yuanzi Lineage’. When I was exploring the star sea outside the Star Alliance, I had to take care of them a lot.”

"Since you are Xiaohai's friend, you don't have to be polite here..."

While several people were talking, there was a roar in the distance.

"The void demon tide is coming!"

At this time, Yu Henghai looked into the distance and said with some excitement:

"This is the second time I have seen the Void Monster Tide, but it still feels so spectacular!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but look when he heard the words, and saw that at this moment, from the depths of the black hole field, countless void demon clans were crashing towards them like stormy waves.

These Void Monster Clan are all at least a hundred feet tall, and some are even over a thousand feet tall. They are at least fourth-order Void Monster Clan, and there are many fifth-order and sixth-order ones.

Although they are in the void star sea and black hole field, the many void demon clans that attack are often swept by various energy storms. The sea of ​​​​fire is like a volcanic eruption, and the big waves are like flood waves, tsunamis, thunder storms, and golden energy storms. , waves of poisonous mist, frozen ice, etc., it’s like giant beasts sweeping over and coming from natural disasters.

The Void Demon Clan has reached the fourth level and has swallowed up enough starlight energy and star origin. Their physical bodies and origins have undergone qualitative changes.

In fact, for many low-level stars, if these fourth-level and above behemoths break into them, it is really no different from the arrival of a natural disaster that will destroy the world.

At this time, the demonic wave of the void struck, as did countless natural disasters that gathered and impacted. Even the force fields in the void and black hole fields were shaken wherever they passed, causing ripples and waves.

It seemed as if a doomsday world was sweeping and swallowing us.

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